1,548 research outputs found

    Job Scheduling with Genetic Algorithm

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    In this paper, we have used a Genetic Algorithm (GA) approach for providing a solution to the Job Scheduling Problem (JSP) of placing 5000 jobs on 806 machines. The GA starts off with a randomly generated population of 100 chromosomes, each of which represents a random placement of jobs on machines. The population then goes through the process of reproduction, crossover and mutation to create a new population for the next generation until a predefined number of generations are reached. Since the performance of a GA depends on the parameters like population size, crossover rate and mutation rate, a series of experiments were conducted in order to identify the best parameter combination to achieve good solutions to the JSP by balancing makespan with the running time. We found that a crossover rate of 0.3, a mutation rate of 0.15 and a population size of 100 yield the best results

    Weapon Release Scheduling from Multiple-Bay Aircraft using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

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    The United States Air Force has put an increased emphasis on the timely delivery of precision weapons. Part of this effort has been to us multiple bay aircraft such the B-1B Lancer and B-52 Stratofortress to provide Close Air Support and responsive strikes using 1760 weapons. In order to provide greater flexibility, the aircraft carry heterogeneous payloads which can require deconfliction in order to drop multiple different types of weapons. Current methods of deconfliction and weapon selection are highly crew dependent and work intensive. This research effort investigates the optimization of an algorithm for weapon release which allows the aircraft to perform deconfliction automatically. This reduces crew load and response time in order to deal with time-sensitive targets. The overall problem maps to the Job-Shop Scheduling problem. Optimization of the algorithm is done through the General Multiobjective Parallel Genetic Algorithm (GENMOP). We examine the results from pedagogical experiments and real-world test scenarios in the light of improving decision making. The results are encouraging in that the program proves capable of finding acceptable release schedules, however the solution space is such that applying the program to real world situations is unnecessary. We present visualizations of the schedules which demonstrate these conclusions

    Flexible flow shop scheduling with stochastic processing times: A decomposition-based approach

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    Flexible flow shop scheduling problems are NP-hard and tend to become more complex when stochastic uncertainties are taken into consideration. Although some methods have been developed to address such problems, they remain inherently difficult to solve by any single approach. This paper presents a novel decomposition-based approach (DBA), which combines both the shortest processing time (SPT) and the genetic algorithm (GA), to minimizing the makespan of a flexible flow shop (FFS) with stochastic processing times. In the proposed DBA, a neighbouring K-means clustering algorithm is developed to firstly group the machines of an FFS into an appropriate number of machine clusters, based on their stochastic nature. Two optimal back propagation networks (BPN), corresponding to the scenarios of simultaneous and non-simultaneous job arrivals, are then selectively adopted to assign either SPT or GA to each machine cluster for sub-schedule generation. Finally, an overall schedule is generated by integrating the sub-schedules of machine clusters. Computation results show that the DBA outperforms SPT and GA alone for FFS scheduling with stochastic processing times. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.postprin

    Genetic Algorithm Approach for Implementation of Job Scheduling Problem

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    A job scheduling maps and schedules the virtual machine (VM) resources to physical machines (VM) for getting the finest mapping result to achieve the proper system load balance. Job scheduling system tries to find the best suitable schedule in a system for VMs and PMs, by considering various on time restrictions into concern. The ultimate goal of job scheduling is to schedule adaptable virtual machines to physical machines, getting a suitable order in order to enhance resource utility. This research paper proposes an approach in order to discuss a Job Scheduling problem to progress resource utility with the help of Genetic Algorithm (GA). DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15067

    An Integrated Solution Approach for Flow Shop Scheduling

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    This study seeks to integrate Random Key Genetic Algorithm (RKGA) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to compute makespan and solve the Flow Shop Scheduling Problem (FSSP). FSSP is considered as a Multi Criteria Decision Making Problem (MCDM) by setting machines as criteria and jobs as alternatives. RKGA is employed to determine the best weights for the criteria that directly affect the robustness of the solution. The proposed methodology is presented with illustrative example and applied to benchmark problems. The solutions are compared to well-known construction heuristics. The proposed methodology provides the best or reasonable solutions in acceptable computational times

    Immunology as a metaphor for computational information processing : fact or fiction?

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    The biological immune system exhibits powerful information processing capabilities, and therefore is of great interest to the computer scientist. A rapidly expanding research area has attempted to model many of the features inherent in the natural immune system in order to solve complex computational problems. This thesis examines the metaphor in detail, in an effort to understand and capitalise on those features of the metaphor which distinguish it from other existing methodologies. Two problem domains are considered — those of scheduling and data-clustering. It is argued that these domains exhibit similar characteristics to the environment in which the biological immune system operates and therefore that they are suitable candidates for application of the metaphor. For each problem domain, two distinct models are developed, incor-porating a variety of immunological principles. The models are tested on a number of artifical benchmark datasets. The success of the models on the problems considered confirms the utility of the metaphor

    An agent-based genetic algorithm for hybrid flowshops with sequence dependent setup times to minimise makespan

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    This paper deals with a variant of flowshop scheduling, namely, the hybrid or flexible flowshop with sequence dependent setup times. This type of flowshop is frequently used in the batch production industry and helps reduce the gap between research and operational use. This scheduling problem is NP-hard and solutions for large problems are based on non-exact methods. An improved genetic algorithm (GA) based on software agent design to minimise the makespan is presented. The paper proposes using an inherent characteristic of software agents to create a new perspective in GA design. To verify the developed metaheuristic, computational experiments are conducted on a well-known benchmark problem dataset. The experimental results show that the proposed metaheuristic outperforms some of the well-known methods and the state-of-art algorithms on the same benchmark problem dataset.The translation of this paper was funded by Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain.Gómez Gasquet, P.; Andrés Romano, C.; Lario Esteban, FC. (2012). An agent-based genetic algorithm for hybrid flowshops with sequence dependent setup times to minimise makespan. Expert Systems with Applications. 39(9):8095-8107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2012.01.158S8095810739

    Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for Flexible Flow Line Scheduling

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    Previous research on scheduling flexible flow lines (FFL) to minimize makespan has utilized approaches such as branch and bound, integer programming, or heuristics. Metaheuristic methods have attracted increasing interest for solving scheduling problems in the past few years. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based metaheuristic method which finds a solution based on the analogy of sharing useful information among individuals. In the previous literature different PSO algorithms have been introduced for various applications. In this research we study some of the PSO algorithms, continuous and discrete, to identify a strong PSO algorithm in scheduling flexible flow line to minimize the makespan. Then the effectiveness of this PSO algorithm in FFL scheduling is compared to genetic algorithms. Experimental results suggest that discrete particle swarm performs better in scheduling of flexible flow line with makespan criteria compared to continuous particle swarm. Moreover, combining discrete particle swarm with a local search improves the performance of the algorithm significantly and makes it competitive with the genetic algorithm (GA)