1 research outputs found

    A new chain-based data gathering protocol for wireless sensor transportation monitoring network

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    Data gathering is one of the most important processes in wireless sensor networks (WSN). The sensor nodes gather information and send it to a base station, which consumes significant amounts of power. Due to the limited battery life, energy efficiency is becoming a major challenging problem in WSN. Some energy- efficient data gathering protocols are proposed for WSN such as LEACH, PEGASIS, and PEDAP. But these protocols still have some disadvantages and are not fit for our application, wireless sensor transportation monitoring network (WSTMN). So we present a new chain-based data gathering protocol, CBDGP. The minimum total energy algorithm (MTEA) is used to construct the chain. Moreover, the layered minimum total energy chain construction algorithm with delay reducing is presented for CBDGP. The results show that CBDGP works for WSTMN better than LEACH and PEGASIS. It prolongs the lifetime and reduces the delay of WSTMN