1,694 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable hardware for color space conversion

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    Color space conversion (CSC) is an important application in image and video processing systems. CSC has been implemented in software and various kinds of hardware. Hardware implementations can achieve a higher performance compared to software-only solutions. Application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are efficient and have good performance. However, they lack the programmability of devices such as field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This thesis studies the performance vs. flexibility tradeoffs in the migration of an existing CSC design from an ASIC to an FPGA. The existing ASIC is used within a commercial color-printing pipeline. Performance is critical in this application. However, the flexibility of FPGAs is desirable for faster time to market and also the ability to reuse one physical device across multiple functions. This thesis investigates whether the reprogrammability of FPGAs can be used to reallocate idle resources and studies the suitability of FPGAs for image processing applications. In the ASIC design, two major conversion units that are never used at the same time are identified. The FPGA-based implementation instantiates only one of these two units at a time, thus saving area. Reconfiguring the FPGA switches which of the two units is instantiated. The goal is to configure the device and process an entire page within one second. The FPGA implementation is approximately a factor of three slower than the ASIC design, but fast enough to process one page per second. In the current setup, the configuration time is very high. It exceeds the total time allotted for both configuration and processing. However, other methods of configuration seem promising to reduce the time. Evaluation of the performance of the implementation and the reconfiguration time is presented. Methods to improve the performance and reduce the time and area for reconfiguration are discussed

    High-speed Opto-electronic Pre-processing of Polar Mellin Transform for Shift, Scale and Rotation Invariant Image Recognition at Record-Breaking Speeds

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    Space situational awareness demands efficient monitoring of terrestrial sites and celestial bodies, necessitating advanced target recognition systems. Current target recognition systems exhibit limited operational speed due to challenges in handling substantial image data. While machine learning has improved this scenario, highresolution images remain a concern. Optical correlators, relying on analog processes, provide a potential alternative but are hindered by material limitations. Recent advancements in hybrid opto-electronic correlators (HOC) have addressed such limitations, additionally achieving shift, scale, and rotation invariant (SSRI) target recognition through use of the polar Mellin transform (PMT). However, there are currently no techniques for obtaining the PMT at speeds fast enough to take advantage of the inherent speed of the HOC. To that end, we demonstrate an optoelectronic PMT pre-processor that can operate at record-breaking millisecond frame rates using commercially available components for use in an automated SSRI HOC image recognition system for space situational awareness.Comment: Conferenc

    A VHDL design for hardware assistance of fractal image compression

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    Fractal image compression schemes have several unusual and useful attributes, including resolution independence, high compression ratios, good image quality, and rapid decompression. Despite this, one major difficulty has prevented their widespread adoption: the extremely high computational complexity of compression. Fractal image compression algorithms represent an image as a series of contractive transformations, each of which maps a large domain block to a smaller range block. Given only this set of transformations, it is possible to reconstruct an approximation of the original image by iteratively applying the transformations to an arbitrary image. Compression consists of partitioning the image into range blocks and finding a suitable transformation of a domain block to represent each one. This search for transformations must generally be done using a brute force approach, comparing successive domain blocks until a suitable match is found. Some algorithmic improvements have been found, but none are adequate to reduce the required compression time to something reasonable for many uses. This thesis presents a new ASIC design which performs a large number of the required comparisons in parallel, yielding a substantial speedup over a program on a general-purpose computer system. This ASIC is designed in VHDL, which may be synthesized to many different target architectures. The design has considerable flexibility which makes it applicable to different images and applications. The design is based around a pipeline of units that each compare one range block with a series of domain blocks which are fed through the pipeline. Comparisons are made to minimize the mean square error (MSE) of a transform given a linear mapping of the intensity values. This is, by far, the most common minimization strategy used in the literature. The speedup provided by this design is estimated to be about 1,000 times for 256 x 256 images divided into 8x8 blocks over a sequential processor given similar implementation technologies

    Watermarking on Compressed Image: A New Perspective

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    Hardware accelerated real-time Linux video anonymizer

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresOs Sistemas Embebidos estão presentes atualmente numa variada gama de equipamentos do quotidiano do ser humano. Desde TV-boxes, televisões, routers até ao indispensável telemóvel. O Sistema Operativo Linux, com a sua filosofia de distribuição ”one-size-fits-all” tornou-se uma alternativa viável, fornecendo um vasto suporte de hardware, técnicas de depuração, suporte dos protocolos de comunicação de rede, entre outros serviços, que se tornaram no conjunto standard de requisitos na maioria dos sistemas embebidos atuais. Este sistema operativo torna-se apelativo pela sua filosofia open-source que disponibiliza ao utilizador um vasto conjunto de bibliotecas de software que possibilitam o desenvolvimento num determinado domínio com maior celeridade e facilidade de integração de software complexo. Os algoritmos deMachine Learning são desenvolvidos para a automização de tarefas e estão presentes nas mais variadas tecnologias, desde o sistema de foco de imagem nosmartphone até ao sistema de deteção dos limites de faixa de rodagem de um sistema de condução autónoma. Estes são algoritmos que quando compilados para as plataformas de sistemas embebidos, resultam num esforço de processamento e de consumo de recursos, como o footprint de memória, que na maior parte dos casos supera em larga escala o conjunto de recursos disponíveis para a aplicação do sistema, sendo necessária a implementação de componentes que requerem maior poder de processamento através de elementos de hardware para garantir que as métricas tem porais sejam satisfeitas. Esta dissertação propõe-se, por isso, à criação de um sistema de anonimização de vídeo que adquire, processa e manipula as frames, com o intuito de garantir o anonimato, mesmo na transmissão. A sua implementação inclui técnicas de Deteção de Objectos, fazendo uso da combinação das tecnologias de aceleração por hardware: paralelização e execução em hardware especial izado. É proposta então uma implementação restringida tanto temporalmente como no consumo de recursos ao nível do hardware e software.Embedded Systems are currently present in a wide range of everyday equipment. From TV-boxes, televisions and routers to the indispensable smartphone. Linux Operating System, with its ”one-size-fits-all” distribution philosophy, has become a viable alternative, providing extensive support for hardware, debugging techniques, network com munication protocols, among other functionalities, which have become the standard set of re quirements in most modern embedded systems. This operating system is appealing due to its open-source philosophy, which provides the user with a vast set of software libraries that enable development in a given domain with greater speed and ease the integration of complex software. Machine Learning algorithms are developed to execute tasks autonomously, i.e., without human supervision, and are present in the most varied technologies, from the image focus system on the smartphone to the detection system of the lane limits of an autonomous driving system. These are algorithms that, when compiled for embedded systems platforms, require an ef fort to process and consume resources, such as the memory footprint, which in most cases far outweighs the set of resources available for the application of the system, requiring the imple mentation of components that need greater processing power through elements of hardware to ensure that the time metrics are satisfied. This dissertation proposes the creation of a video anonymization system that acquires, pro cesses, and manipulates the frames, in order to guarantee anonymity, even during the transmis sion. Its implementation includes Object Detection techniques, making use of the combination of hardware acceleration technologies: parallelization and execution in specialized hardware. An implementation is then proposed, restricted both in time and in resource consumption at hardware and software levels