147 research outputs found

    Link Quality Control Mechanism for Selective and Opportunistic AF Relaying in Cooperative ARQs: A MLSD Perspective

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    Incorporating relaying techniques into Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) mechanisms gives a general impression of diversity and throughput enhancements. Allowing overhearing among multiple relays is also a known approach to increase the number of participating relays in ARQs. However, when opportunistic amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying is applied to cooperative ARQs, the system design becomes nontrivial and even involved. Based on outage analysis, the spatial and temporal diversities are first found sensitive to the received signal qualities of relays, and a link quality control mechanism is then developed to prescreen candidate relays in order to explore the diversity of cooperative ARQs with a selective and opportunistic AF (SOAF) relaying method. According to the analysis, the temporal and spatial diversities can be fully exploited if proper thresholds are set for each hop along the relaying routes. The SOAF relaying method is further examined from a packet delivery viewpoint. By the principle of the maximum likelihood sequence detection (MLSD), sufficient conditions on the link quality are established for the proposed SOAF-relaying-based ARQ scheme to attain its potential diversity order in the packet error rates (PERs) of MLSD. The conditions depend on the minimum codeword distance and the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Furthermore, from a heuristic viewpoint, we also develop a threshold searching algorithm for the proposed SOAF relaying and link quality method to exploit both the diversity and the SNR gains in PER. The effectiveness of the proposed thresholding mechanism is verified via simulations with trellis codes.Comment: This paper has been withdrawn by the authors due to an improper proof for Theorem 2. To avoid a misleading understanding, we thus decide to withdraw this pape

    Energy efficiency of some non-cooperative, cooperative and hybrid communication schemes in multi-relay WSNs

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    In this paper we analyze the energy efficiency of single-hop, multi-hop, cooperative selective decode-and-forward, cooperative incremental decode-and-forward, and even the combination of cooperative and non-cooperative schemes, in wireless sensor networks composed of several nodes. We assume that, as the sensor nodes can experience either non line-of-sight or some line-of-sight conditions, the Nakagami-m fading distribution is used to model the wireless environment. The energy efficiency analysis is constrained by a target outage probability and an end-to-end throughput. Our results show that in most scenarios cooperative incremental schemes are more energy efficient than the other methods

    On the optimization of distributed compression in multirelay cooperative networks

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    In this paper, we consider multirelay cooperative networks for the Rayleigh fading channel, where each relay, upon receiving its own channel observation, independently compresses it and forwards the compressed information to the destination. Although the compression at each relay is distributed using Wyner-Ziv coding, there exists an opportunity for jointly optimizing compression at multiple relays to maximize the achievable rate. Considering Gaussian signaling, a primal optimization problem is formulated accordingly. We prove that the primal problem can be solved by resorting to its Lagrangian dual problem, and an iterative optimization algorithm is proposed. The analysis is further extended to a hybrid scheme, where the employed forwarding scheme depends on the decoding status of each relay. The relays that are capable of successful decoding perform a decode-and-forward (DF) scheme, and the rest conduct distributed compression. The hybrid scheme allows the cooperative network to adapt to the changes of the channel conditions and benefit from an enhanced level of flexibility. Numerical results from both spectrum and energy efficiency perspectives show that the joint optimization improves efficiency of compression and identify the scenarios where the proposed schemes outperform the conventional forwarding schemes. The findings provide important insights into the optimal deployment of relays in a realistic cellular network

    Truncated-ARQ aided adaptive network coding for cooperative two-way relaying networks: cross-layer design and analysis

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    Network Coding (NC) constitutes a promising technique of improving the throughput of relay-aided networks. In this context, we propose a cross-layer design for both amplifyand- forward (AF-) and decode-and-forward two-way relaying (DF-TWR) based on the NC technique invoked for improving the achievable throughput under specific Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, such as the maximum affordable delay and error rate.We intrinsically amalgamate adaptive Analog Network Coding (ANC) and Network Coded Modulation (NCM) with truncated Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) operating at the different OSI layers. At the data-link layer, we design a pair of improved NC-based ARQ strategies based on the Stop-andwait and the Selective-repeat ARQ protocols. At the physical layer, adaptive ANC/NCM are invoked based on our approximate packet error ratio (PER). We demonstrate that the adaptive ANC design can be readily amalgamated with the proposed protocols. However, adaptive NC-QAM suffers from an SNR-loss, when the transmit rates of the pair of downlink (DL) channels spanning from the relay to the pair of destinations are different. Therefore we develop a novel transmission strategy for jointly selecting the optimal constellation sizes for both of the relay-to-destination links that have to be adapted to both pair of channel conditions. Finally, we analyze the attainable throughput, demonstrating that our truncated ARQ-aided adaptive ANC/NCM schemes attain considerable throughput gains over the schemes dispensing with ARQ, whilst our proposed scheme is capable of supporting bidirectional NC scenarios

    Optimisation of relay placement in wireless butterfly networks

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    As a typical model of multicast network, wireless butterfly networks (WBNs) have been studied for modelling the scenario when two source nodes wish to convey data to two destination nodes via an intermediary node namely relay node. In the context of wireless communications, when receiving two data packets from the two source nodes, the relay node can employ either physical-layer network coding or analogue network coding on the combined packet prior to forwarding to the two destination nodes. Evaluating the energy efficiency of these combination approaches, energy-delay trade-off (EDT) is worth to be investigated and the relay placement should be taken into account in the practical network design. This chapter will first investigate the EDT of network coding in the WBNs. Based on the derived EDT, algorithms that optimize the relay position will be developed to either minimize the transmission delay or minimize the energy consumption subject to constraints on power allocation and location of nodes. Furthermore, considering an extended model of the WBN, the relay placement will be studied for a general wireless multicast network with multiple source, relay and destination nodes

    On the Energy Efficiency of Hybrid Relaying Schemes in the Two-Way Relay Channel

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    In this paper, hybrid relaying schemes are investigated in the two-way relay channel, where the relay node is able to adaptively switch between different forwarding schemes based on the current channel state and its decoding status and thus provides more flexibility as well as improved performance. The analysis is conducted from the energy efficiency perspective for two transmission protocols distinguished by whether exploiting the direct link between two main communicating nodes (the source and destination nodes, and vice versa since it is two way communication) or not. A realistic power model taking circuitry power consumption of all involved nodes into account is employed. The energy efficiency is optimized in terms of consumed energy per bit subject to the Quality of Service (QoS) constraint. Numerical results show that the hybrid schemes are able to achieve the highest energy efficiency due to its capability of adapting to the channel variations and the protocol where the direct link is exploited is more energy efficient

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modiļ¬ed our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the ļ¬eld of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks

    Cooperative Communications: Network Design and Incremental Relaying

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