116,917 research outputs found

    Modelling and Simulation of Multi-target Multi-sensor Data Fusion for Trajectory Tracking

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    An implementation of track fusion using various algorthims has been demonstrated . The sensor measurements of these targets are modelled using Kalman filter (KF) and interacting multiple models (IMM) filter. The joint probabilistic data association filter (JPDAF) and neural network fusion (NNF) algorithms were used for tracking multiple man-euvring targets. Track association and fusion algorithm are executed to get the fused track data for various scenarios, two sensors tracking a single target to three sensors tracking three targets, to evaluate the effects of multiple and dispersed sensors for single target, two targets, and multiple targets. The targets chosen were distantly spaced, closely spaced and crossing. Performance of different filters was compared and fused trajectory is found to be closer to the true target trajectory as compared to that for any of the sensor measurements of that target.Defence Science Journal, 2009, 59(3), pp.205-214, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.59.151

    Multi-camera Realtime 3D Tracking of Multiple Flying Animals

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    Automated tracking of animal movement allows analyses that would not otherwise be possible by providing great quantities of data. The additional capability of tracking in realtime - with minimal latency - opens up the experimental possibility of manipulating sensory feedback, thus allowing detailed explorations of the neural basis for control of behavior. Here we describe a new system capable of tracking the position and body orientation of animals such as flies and birds. The system operates with less than 40 msec latency and can track multiple animals simultaneously. To achieve these results, a multi target tracking algorithm was developed based on the Extended Kalman Filter and the Nearest Neighbor Standard Filter data association algorithm. In one implementation, an eleven camera system is capable of tracking three flies simultaneously at 60 frames per second using a gigabit network of nine standard Intel Pentium 4 and Core 2 Duo computers. This manuscript presents the rationale and details of the algorithms employed and shows three implementations of the system. An experiment was performed using the tracking system to measure the effect of visual contrast on the flight speed of Drosophila melanogaster. At low contrasts, speed is more variable and faster on average than at high contrasts. Thus, the system is already a useful tool to study the neurobiology and behavior of freely flying animals. If combined with other techniques, such as `virtual reality'-type computer graphics or genetic manipulation, the tracking system would offer a powerful new way to investigate the biology of flying animals.Comment: pdfTeX using libpoppler 3.141592-1.40.3-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.6), 18 pages with 9 figure

    A Process to Implement an Artificial Neural Network and Association Rules Techniques to Improve Asset Performance and Energy Efficiency

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    In this paper, we address the problem of asset performance monitoring, with the intention of both detecting any potential reliability problem and predicting any loss of energy consumption e ciency. This is an important concern for many industries and utilities with very intensive capitalization in very long-lasting assets. To overcome this problem, in this paper we propose an approach to combine an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with Data Mining (DM) tools, specifically with Association Rule (AR) Mining. The combination of these two techniques can now be done using software which can handle large volumes of data (big data), but the process still needs to ensure that the required amount of data will be available during the assets’ life cycle and that its quality is acceptable. The combination of these two techniques in the proposed sequence di ers from previous works found in the literature, giving researchers new options to face the problem. Practical implementation of the proposed approach may lead to novel predictive maintenance models (emerging predictive analytics) that may detect with unprecedented precision any asset’s lack of performance and help manage assets’ O&M accordingly. The approach is illustrated using specific examples where asset performance monitoring is rather complex under normal operational conditions.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2015-70842-
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