28,592 research outputs found

    Non-Universality of Density and Disorder in Jammed Sphere Packings

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    We show for the first time that collectively jammed disordered packings of three-dimensional monodisperse frictionless hard spheres can be produced and tuned using a novel numerical protocol with packing density ϕ\phi as low as 0.6. This is well below the value of 0.64 associated with the maximally random jammed state and entirely unrelated to the ill-defined ``random loose packing'' state density. Specifically, collectively jammed packings are generated with a very narrow distribution centered at any density ϕ\phi over a wide density range ϕ[0.6, 0.74048]\phi \in [0.6,~0.74048\ldots] with variable disorder. Our results support the view that there is no universal jamming point that is distinguishable based on the packing density and frequency of occurence. Our jammed packings are mapped onto a density-order-metric plane, which provides a broader characterization of packings than density alone. Other packing characteristics, such as the pair correlation function, average contact number and fraction of rattlers are quantified and discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Non-affine response: jammed packings versus spring networks

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    We compare the elastic response of spring networks whose contact geometry is derived from real packings of frictionless discs, to networks obtained by randomly cutting bonds in a highly connected network derived from a well-compressed packing. We find that the shear response of packing-derived networks, and both the shear and compression response of randomly cut networks, are all similar: the elastic moduli vanish linearly near jamming, and distributions characterizing the local geometry of the response scale with distance to jamming. Compression of packing-derived networks is exceptional: the elastic modulus remains constant and the geometrical distributions do not exhibit simple scaling. We conclude that the compression response of jammed packings is anomalous, rather than the shear response.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ep

    Market partitioning and the geometry of the resource space

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    Operations such as integration or modularization of databases can be considered as operations on database universes. This paper describes some operations on database universes. Formally, a database universe is a special kind of table. It turns out that various operations on tables constitute interesting operations on database universes as well.

    Cavity method for force transmission in jammed disordered packings of hard particles

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    The force distribution of jammed disordered packings has always been considered a central object in the physics of granular materials. However, many of its features are poorly understood. In particular, analytic relations to other key macroscopic properties of jammed matter, such as the contact network and its coordination number, are still lacking. Here we develop a mean-field theory for this problem, based on the consideration of the contact network as a random graph where the force transmission becomes a constraint optimization problem. We can thus use the cavity method developed in the last decades within the statistical physics of spin glasses and hard computer science problems. This method allows us to compute the force distribution P(f)\text P(f) for random packings of hard particles of any shape, with or without friction. We find a new signature of jamming in the small force behavior P(f)fθ\text P(f) \sim f^{\theta}, whose exponent has attracted recent active interest: we find a finite value for P(f=0)\text P(f=0), along with θ=0\theta=0. Furthermore, we relate the force distribution to a lower bound of the average coordination number zˉcmin(μ)\, {\bar z}_{\rm c}^{\rm min}(\mu) of jammed packings of frictional spheres with coefficient μ\mu. This bridges the gap between the two known isostatic limits zˉc(μ=0)=2D\, {\bar z}_{\rm c}(\mu=0)=2D (in dimension DD) and zˉc(μ)=D+1\, {\bar z}_{\rm c}(\mu \to \infty)=D+1 by extending the naive Maxwell's counting argument to frictional spheres. The theoretical framework describes different types of systems, such as non-spherical objects in arbitrary dimensions, providing a common mean-field scenario to investigate force transmission, contact networks and coordination numbers of jammed disordered packings