631 research outputs found

    Simple parallel and distributed algorithms for spectral graph sparsification

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    We describe a simple algorithm for spectral graph sparsification, based on iterative computations of weighted spanners and uniform sampling. Leveraging the algorithms of Baswana and Sen for computing spanners, we obtain the first distributed spectral sparsification algorithm. We also obtain a parallel algorithm with improved work and time guarantees. Combining this algorithm with the parallel framework of Peng and Spielman for solving symmetric diagonally dominant linear systems, we get a parallel solver which is much closer to being practical and significantly more efficient in terms of the total work.Comment: replaces "A simple parallel and distributed algorithm for spectral sparsification". Minor change

    A nearly-mlogn time solver for SDD linear systems

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    We present an improved algorithm for solving symmetrically diagonally dominant linear systems. On input of an n×nn\times n symmetric diagonally dominant matrix AA with mm non-zero entries and a vector bb such that Axˉ=bA\bar{x} = b for some (unknown) vector xˉ\bar{x}, our algorithm computes a vector xx such that xxˉA<ϵxˉA||{x}-\bar{x}||_A < \epsilon ||\bar{x}||_A {A||\cdot||_A denotes the A-norm} in time O~(mlognlog(1/ϵ)).{\tilde O}(m\log n \log (1/\epsilon)). The solver utilizes in a standard way a `preconditioning' chain of progressively sparser graphs. To claim the faster running time we make a two-fold improvement in the algorithm for constructing the chain. The new chain exploits previously unknown properties of the graph sparsification algorithm given in [Koutis,Miller,Peng, FOCS 2010], allowing for stronger preconditioning properties. We also present an algorithm of independent interest that constructs nearly-tight low-stretch spanning trees in time O~(mlogn)\tilde{O}(m\log{n}), a factor of O(logn)O(\log{n}) faster than the algorithm in [Abraham,Bartal,Neiman, FOCS 2008]. This speedup directly reflects on the construction time of the preconditioning chain.Comment: to appear in FOCS1

    An Efficient Parallel Solver for SDD Linear Systems

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    We present the first parallel algorithm for solving systems of linear equations in symmetric, diagonally dominant (SDD) matrices that runs in polylogarithmic time and nearly-linear work. The heart of our algorithm is a construction of a sparse approximate inverse chain for the input matrix: a sequence of sparse matrices whose product approximates its inverse. Whereas other fast algorithms for solving systems of equations in SDD matrices exploit low-stretch spanning trees, our algorithm only requires spectral graph sparsifiers

    Matrix Scaling and Balancing via Box Constrained Newton's Method and Interior Point Methods

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    In this paper, we study matrix scaling and balancing, which are fundamental problems in scientific computing, with a long line of work on them that dates back to the 1960s. We provide algorithms for both these problems that, ignoring logarithmic factors involving the dimension of the input matrix and the size of its entries, both run in time O~(mlogκlog2(1/ϵ))\widetilde{O}\left(m\log \kappa \log^2 (1/\epsilon)\right) where ϵ\epsilon is the amount of error we are willing to tolerate. Here, κ\kappa represents the ratio between the largest and the smallest entries of the optimal scalings. This implies that our algorithms run in nearly-linear time whenever κ\kappa is quasi-polynomial, which includes, in particular, the case of strictly positive matrices. We complement our results by providing a separate algorithm that uses an interior-point method and runs in time O~(m3/2log(1/ϵ))\widetilde{O}(m^{3/2} \log (1/\epsilon)). In order to establish these results, we develop a new second-order optimization framework that enables us to treat both problems in a unified and principled manner. This framework identifies a certain generalization of linear system solving that we can use to efficiently minimize a broad class of functions, which we call second-order robust. We then show that in the context of the specific functions capturing matrix scaling and balancing, we can leverage and generalize the work on Laplacian system solving to make the algorithms obtained via this framework very efficient.Comment: To appear in FOCS 201