13 research outputs found

    Development of Comprehensive Devnagari Numeral and Character Database for Offline Handwritten Character Recognition

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    In handwritten character recognition, benchmark database plays an important role in evaluating the performance of various algorithms and the results obtained by various researchers. In Devnagari script, there is lack of such official benchmark. This paper focuses on the generation of offline benchmark database for Devnagari handwritten numerals and characters. The present work generated 5137 and 20305 isolated samples for numeral and character database, respectively, from 750 writers of all ages, sex, education, and profession. The offline sample images are stored in TIFF image format as it occupies less memory. Also, the data is presented in binary level so that memory requirement is further reduced. It will facilitate research on handwriting recognition of Devnagari script through free access to the researchers.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, journal pape

    Probabilistic Neural Network based Approach for Handwritten Character Recognition

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    In this paper, recognition system for totally unconstrained handwritten characters for south Indian language of Kannada is proposed. The proposed feature extraction technique is based on Fourier Transform and well known Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The system trains the appropriate frequency band images followed by PCA feature extraction scheme. For subsequent classification technique, Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) is used. The proposed system is tested on large database containing Kannada characters and also tested on standard COIL-20 object database and the results were found to be better compared to standard techniques

    Diagonal Based Feature Extraction for Handwritten Alphabets Recognition System using Neural Network

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    An off-line handwritten alphabetical character recognition system using multilayer feed forward neural network is described in the paper. A new method, called, diagonal based feature extraction is introduced for extracting the features of the handwritten alphabets. Fifty data sets, each containing 26 alphabets written by various people, are used for training the neural network and 570 different handwritten alphabetical characters are used for testing. The proposed recognition system performs quite well yielding higher levels of recognition accuracy compared to the systems employing the conventional horizontal and vertical methods of feature extraction. This system will be suitable for converting handwritten documents into structural text form and recognizing handwritten names

    Handwritten Character Recognition of a Vernacular Language: The Odia Script

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    Optical Character Recognition, i.e., OCR taking into account the principle of applying electronic or mechanical translation of images from printed, manually written or typewritten sources to editable version. As of late, OCR technology has been utilized in most of the industries for better management of various documents. OCR helps to edit the text, allow us to search for a word or phrase, and store it more compactly in the computer memory for future use and moreover, it can be processed by other applications. In India, a couple of organizations have designed OCR for some mainstream Indic dialects, for example, Devanagari, Hindi, Bangla and to some extent Telugu, Tamil, Gurmukhi, Odia, etc. However, it has been observed that the progress for Odia script recognition is quite less when contrasted with different dialects. Any recognition process works on some nearby standard databases. Till now, no such standard database available in the literature for Odia script. Apart from the existing standard databases for other Indic languages, in this thesis, we have designed databases on handwritten Odia Digit, and character for the simulation of the proposed schemes. In this thesis, four schemes have been suggested, one for the recognition of Odia digit and other three for atomic Odia character. Various issues of handwritten character recognition have been examined including feature extraction, the grouping of samples based on some characteristics, and designing classifiers. Also, different features such as statistical as well as structural of a character have been studied. It is not necessary that the character written by a person next time would always be of same shape and stroke. Hence, variability in the personal writing of different individual makes the character recognition quite challenging. Standard classifiers have been utilized for the recognition of Odia character set. An array of Gabor filters has been employed for recognition of Odia digits. In this regard, each image is divided into four blocks of equal size. Gabor filters with various scales and orientations have been applied to these sub-images keeping other filter parameters constant. The average energy is computed for each transformed image to obtain a feature vector for each digit. Further, a Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) has been employed to classify the samples taking the feature vector as input. In addition, the proposed scheme has also been tested on standard digit databases like MNIST and USPS. Toward the end of this part, an application has been intended to evaluate simple arithmetic equation. viii A multi-resolution scheme has been suggested to extract features from Odia atomic character and recognize them using the back propagation neural network. It has been observed that few Odia characters have a vertical line present toward the end. It helps in dividing the whole dataset into two subgroups, in particular, Group I and Group II such that all characters in Group I have a vertical line and rest are in Group II. The two class classification problem has been tackled by a single layer perceptron. Besides, the two-dimensional Discrete Orthogonal S-Transform (DOST) coefficients are extracted from images of each group, subsequently, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has been applied to find significant features. For each group, a separate BPNN classifier is utilized to recognize the character set

    Design of an Offline Handwriting Recognition System Tested on the Bangla and Korean Scripts

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    This dissertation presents a flexible and robust offline handwriting recognition system which is tested on the Bangla and Korean scripts. Offline handwriting recognition is one of the most challenging and yet to be solved problems in machine learning. While a few popular scripts (like Latin) have received a lot of attention, many other widely used scripts (like Bangla) have seen very little progress. Features such as connectedness and vowels structured as diacritics make it a challenging script to recognize. A simple and robust design for offline recognition is presented which not only works reliably, but also can be used for almost any alphabetic writing system. The framework has been rigorously tested for Bangla and demonstrated how it can be transformed to apply to other scripts through experiments on the Korean script whose two-dimensional arrangement of characters makes it a challenge to recognize. The base of this design is a character spotting network which detects the location of different script elements (such as characters, diacritics) from an unsegmented word image. A transcript is formed from the detected classes based on their corresponding location information. This is the first reported lexicon-free offline recognition system for Bangla and achieves a Character Recognition Accuracy (CRA) of 94.8%. This is also one of the most flexible architectures ever presented. Recognition of Korean was achieved with a 91.2% CRA. Also, a powerful technique of autonomous tagging was developed which can drastically reduce the effort of preparing a dataset for any script. The combination of the character spotting method and the autonomous tagging brings the entire offline recognition problem very close to a singular solution. Additionally, a database named the Boise State Bangla Handwriting Dataset was developed. This is one of the richest offline datasets currently available for Bangla and this has been made publicly accessible to accelerate the research progress. Many other tools were developed and experiments were conducted to more rigorously validate this framework by evaluating the method against external datasets (CMATERdb 1.1.1, Indic Word Dataset and REID2019: Early Indian Printed Documents). Offline handwriting recognition is an extremely promising technology and the outcome of this research moves the field significantly ahead