618 research outputs found

    On the Complexity of an Unregulated Traffic Crossing

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    The steady development of motor vehicle technology will enable cars of the near future to assume an ever increasing role in the decision making and control of the vehicle itself. In the foreseeable future, cars will have the ability to communicate with one another in order to better coordinate their motion. This motivates a number of interesting algorithmic problems. One of the most challenging aspects of traffic coordination involves traffic intersections. In this paper we consider two formulations of a simple and fundamental geometric optimization problem involving coordinating the motion of vehicles through an intersection. We are given a set of nn vehicles in the plane, each modeled as a unit length line segment that moves monotonically, either horizontally or vertically, subject to a maximum speed limit. Each vehicle is described by a start and goal position and a start time and deadline. The question is whether, subject to the speed limit, there exists a collision-free motion plan so that each vehicle travels from its start position to its goal position prior to its deadline. We present three results. We begin by showing that this problem is NP-complete with a reduction from 3-SAT. Second, we consider a constrained version in which cars traveling horizontally can alter their speeds while cars traveling vertically cannot. We present a simple algorithm that solves this problem in O(nlogn)O(n \log n) time. Finally, we provide a solution to the discrete version of the problem and prove its asymptotic optimality in terms of the maximum delay of a vehicle

    An agent solution to flexible planning and scheduling of passenger trips

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    In a highly competitive market, BT1 faces tough challenges as a service provider for telecommunication solutions. A proactive approach to the management of its resources is absolutely mandatory for its success. In this paper, an AI-based planning system for the management of parts of BT’s field force is presented. FieldPlan provides resource managers with full visibility of supply and demand, offers extensive what-if analysis capabilities and thus supports an effective decision making process.IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Industrial Applications of AIRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The Merits of Sharing a Ride

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    The culture of sharing instead of ownership is sharply increasing in individuals behaviors. Particularly in transportation, concepts of sharing a ride in either carpooling or ridesharing have been recently adopted. An efficient optimization approach to match passengers in real-time is the core of any ridesharing system. In this paper, we model ridesharing as an online matching problem on general graphs such that passengers do not drive private cars and use shared taxis. We propose an optimization algorithm to solve it. The outlined algorithm calculates the optimal waiting time when a passenger arrives. This leads to a matching with minimal overall overheads while maximizing the number of partnerships. To evaluate the behavior of our algorithm, we used NYC taxi real-life data set. Results represent a substantial reduction in overall overheads

    Decentralised Coordination in RoboCup Rescue

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    Emergency responders are faced with a number of significant challenges when managing major disasters. First, the number of rescue tasks posed is usually larger than the number of responders (or agents) and the resources available to them. Second, each task is likely to require a different level of effort in order to be completed by its deadline. Third, new tasks may continually appear or disappear from the environment, thus requiring the responders to quickly recompute their allocation of resources. Fourth, forming teams or coalitions of multiple agents from different agencies is vital since no single agency will have all the resources needed to save victims, unblock roads, and extinguish the ?res which might erupt in the disaster space. Given this, coalitions have to be efficiently selected and scheduled to work across the disaster space so as to maximise the number of lives and the portion of the infrastructure saved. In particular, it is important that the selection of such coalitions should be performed in a decentralised fashion in order to avoid a single point of failure in the system. Moreover, it is critical that responders communicate only locally given they are likely to have limited battery power or minimal access to long range communication devices. Against this background, we provide a novel decentralised solution to the coalition formation process that pervades disaster management. More specifically, we model the emergency management scenario defined in the RoboCup Rescue disaster simulation platform as a Coalition Formation with Spatial and Temporal constraints (CFST) problem where agents form coalitions in order to complete tasks, each with different demands. In order to design a decentralised algorithm for CFST we formulate it as a Distributed Constraint Optimisation problem and show how to solve it using the state-of-the-art Max-Sum algorithm that provides a completely decentralised message-passing solution. We then provide a novel algorithm (F-Max-Sum) that avoids sending redundant messages and efficiently adapts to changes in the environment. In empirical evaluations, our algorithm is shown to generate better solutions than other decentralised algorithms used for this problem