3 research outputs found

    Estudo da metodologia de processo aplicado ao desenvolvimento de projetos do produto

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    O presente estudo foi desenvolvido na empresa Leica – aparelhos óticos de precisão (LCP), que é produtora de componentes óticos, mecânicos e eletrónicos com finalidade a produtos como câmaras, objetivas, binóculos, miras, etc. Incorporando o departamento de investigação e desenvolvimento, departamento este com grande proximidade à produção e montagem, foram reunidos assim os requisitos favoráveis ao desenvolvimento de produtos com potenciais benefícios para a produção e cliente. Este estudo surge da necessidade de criar um processo de industrialização de Special Series, proveniente da uma função antes executada em LCW. Para isso, foram analisadas novas metodologias de projetos dos produtos, estudada a importância de padronização e normalização de um projeto, aplicada a engenharia concorrente e analisadas algumas metodologias para aplicação de processos, como os fluxogramas, IDEF0 e BPMN. Inicialmente foi desenvolvido um fluxograma do processo atual e posteriormente feita uma nova proposta do processo de industrialização do produto SS. A metodologia selecionada foi o BMPN, pois fornece uma notação científica de fácil compreensão para todos os utilizadores, é flexível, de fácil expansão, possui uma simbologia comum e é um processo simples e que facilita a comunicação entre departamentos. Este novo processo tornou-se uma mais valia para a empresa, pois permitiu reduzir os tempos de industrialização de um produto, reduzir falhas durante a realização do produto, redução nos problemas na qualidade, maior clareza e estabilidade no processo e principalmente ter um processo parametrizado e conhecido em toda a empresa.The present study was developed at Leica - optical precision devices (LCP), which is a producer of optical, mechanical, and electronic components for products such as cameras, lenses, binoculars, sights, etc. Incorporating the research and development department, which is very close to production and assembly, the requirements for the development of products with potential benefits for production and customers were thus met. This study arises from the need to create a Special Series industrialization process, originating from a function previously performed in LCW. To this end, new product design methodologies were analyzed, the importance of standardization and standardization of a project was studied, concurrent engineering was applied and some methodologies for process application, such as flowcharts, IDEF0 and BPMN, were analyzed. Initially a flowchart of the current process was developed and then a new proposal of the process of industrialization of the SS product was made. The methodology selected was BMPN, as it provides a scientific notation that is easy to understand for all users, is flexible, easy to expand, has a common symbology and is a simple process that facilitates communication between departments. This new process has become an added value for the company, as it has reduced the industrialisation times of a product, reduced failures during product realisation, reduced quality problems, greater clarity and stability in the process and, above all, has a parameterised process known throughout the company

    Capturing and modeling complex manufacturing systems: extending and embedding BPMN in DES

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    Business process models are developed for the purpose of understanding the system behaviour and identifying the possible areas for performance improvement. Among existing process modelling languages, Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) was selected to be assessed and extended, as it is the leading standard for business process modelling. The BPMN is currently gaining great attention in various business practices; it is an easy and flexible way to construct business process models, and thus it was hard to be overlooked by authors who are concerned with improving manufacturing processes. The introduction of BPMN to the manufacturing domain potentially allows all stakeholders to take advantage of the simplicity of this language in gaining full understandings for manufacturing processes through simple representations of the process models. Only limited work can be found addressing the use of BMPN in the modelling of manufacturing systems, and it is still not clear how powerful BPMN is in realizing performance improvements. This work proposes Manufacturing Process Model and Notation (MPMN) as an extension to BPMN; it offers a set of new and adapted notations that represent manufacturing processes. In order to add the ability to optimise or improve the system under study, MPMN is further extended and integrated with a full discrete-event simulation package to be able to easily build and simulate models of manufacturing systems. MPMN simulator is created to be a generic and reusable tool. It has a drag and drop library for non- simulation experts, to model and simulate MPMN models in the ExtendSim environment. This integration is considered a substitution to BPSim, the Business Process Simulation Standard that integrates BPMN and Simulation to model and execute business processes. The MPMN simulator combines both, models that are understood by all stakeholders and a simulation tool that is expressive enough to handle the varying levels of complexity in the manufacturing domain. This will strengthen the analysis and the evaluation of the current and future status of a system under study. The effectiveness of the developed system is demonstrated by application to two case studies covering different industry sectors