3 research outputs found

    FlexiXML : a portable user interface rendering engine for UsiXML

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    A considerable amount of effort in software development is dedicated to the user interaction layer.Given the complexity inherent to the development of this layer, it is important to be able to analyse the concepts and ideas being used in the development of a given user interface. This analysis should be performed as early as possible. Model- based user interface development provides a solution to this problem by providing developers with tools that enable both modeling, and reasoning about, user interfaces at different levels of abstraction. Of particular interest here, is the possibility of animating the models to generate actual user interfaces. This paper describes FlexiXML, a tool that performs the rendering and animation of user interfaces described in the UsiXML modeling language

    A model-based approach for developing vectorial user interfaces

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    This paper presents a model-based approach for developing vectorial user interfaces to an interactive applications, whether it is a web or a stand-alone applications. A vectorial user interface exhibits the capability of being rescaled in any dimension without any loss of information, while taking advantage of the screen real estate offered by the computing platform on which the interactive application is running. A model describes the vectorial user interface in order to capture its presentation and behavior in a way that is independent of any context of use. Implemented as a browser plug-in, a rendering engine parses this model at run-time so as to render the user interface bounded with the domain, thus producing together a running application. This facilitates platform adaptation, since the interface scales up or down depending on the screen resolution and user adaptation since the model can change from one session to another. The interface is then re-rendered with adaptation for the benefit of the end user. Both platform and user adaptations contribute to making the web application accessible in a ubiquitous way.Anglai

    A Model-Based Approach for Developing Vectorial User Interfaces

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