7,020 research outputs found

    Understanding the Demand Side of the Low-Wage Labor Market

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    Presents findings from a survey of employers on their less-skilled labor needs: who hires whom and how; with what requirements, wages, benefits, results, and factors for promotion; and what policies would help job seekers without a college education

    Ready and Able: Addressing Labor Market Needs and Building Productive Careers for People with Disabilities through Collaborative Approaches

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    The report describes market-driven practices that increase hiring, retention, promotion and accommodation of people with disabilities through partnerships with employers.Approaches profiled in the research include: collaborations between major national employers and public sector agencies; models that focus on an industry or occupational sector; private and "alternative" staffing services that place people with disabilities; partnerships that expand opportunities for college students and graduates with disabilities; and local and regional hubs that connect people with disabilities and employers. The research also profiles two organizations where lead disability and employment partnerships act as catalysts

    The economics and business models of prescription in the Internet

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    L'Ă©conomie de l'Internet a contribuĂ© Ă  une ouverture du jeu concurrentiel en dissociant les fonctions physique et informationnelle des activitĂ©s de distribution. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, elle a ouvert la voie Ă  de nouvelles structures de marchĂ© en mettant en avant une fonction de prescription clairement distincte des fonctions d'offre d'une part, des fonctions logistiques et de mise Ă  disposition des biens d'autre part. Nous nous attachons ici Ă  montrer que l'analyse des fonctions et modalitĂ©s de prescription permet de mieux comprendre les modĂšles d'affaires et les structures concurrentielles Ă  l'Ɠuvre dans l'Ă©conomie de l'Internet organisĂ©es autour de l'articulationde trois marchĂ©s : biens primaires, rĂ©fĂ©rencement, prescription. Cette modĂ©lisation de marchĂ©s Ă  prescription contribue Ă  enrichir la comprĂ©hension des chaĂźnes de valeur et des relations d'affaires repĂ©rables dans l'Internet.prescription;internet

    Providing the Missing Link: A Model for a Neighborhood-Focused Employment Program

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    Outlines a strategy for bridging the gap between low-income neighborhoods and regional workforce development programs. Describes nine implementation steps of a model for increasing career opportunities, and evaluates the feasibility of the program

    Land Transfers: Process and Processors

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    Business models to support content commons

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    The application of conventional, 'scarce resource' economics to content has been mistaken and harmful. More appropriate forms of economic analysis highlight the critical role that accessibility to information plays in the process of innovation. Meanwhile, down at the micro-economic level, there is an all-too-common perception that open content approaches are unsustainable and bad for business, and reflect naĂŻve idealism on the part of their proponents. This paper identifies a range of suitable business models, and thereby demonstrates that the content commons is sustainable and appropriate for profit-oriented business enterprises

    The wage effects from the use of personal contacts as hiring channels

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    It has been argued that the use of personal networks in the hiring process has a positive influence on the wages of referred individuals. However, the value of recommendations to the employer varies according to the type of vacancy to be filled and the provider of information on job applicants. Using data from a manufacturing firm, which combine wages from the personnel files and job-histories from interviews with the workers, it is shown that new recruits receive a higher starting wage when recommended to the job by an individual who has direct experience of their productivity. On the contrary, the use of referrals from friends and relatives has no effect on the starting wage and may even be negatively related to wages of workers in unskilled jobs.recruitment; networks; employee referrals; Egypt

    Selling Through Referrals

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    A seller has an object for sale and can reach buyers only through intermediaries, who also have privileged information about buyers’ valuations. Intermediaries can either mediate the transaction by buying the object and reselling it–the merchant model–or refer buyers to the seller and release information for a fee–the agency model. The merchant model suïŹ€ers from double marginalization. The agency model suïŹ€ers from adverse selection: Intermediaries would like to refer low-value buyers, but retain high-value ones and make proïŹts from resale. We show that, in equilibrium, intermediaries specialize in agency. Seller’s and intermediaries’ joint proïŹts equal the seller’s proïŹts when he has access to all buyers and all intermediaries’ information. ProïŹts’ division depends on seller’s and intermediaries’ relative bargaining power. Our results rationalize the prevalence of the agency model in online markets

    The State of Private Sector Electronic Labour Exchange Services in Canada

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    This report has two aims. The first is to provide a descriptive overview of the services offered by private sector electronic labour exchanges (ELEs) in Canada. The second is to assess those services in terms of their likely effects on labour market matching, their accessibility, and the degree to which they satisfy the needs of all Canadian jobseekers and employers. The report finds that there is a robust private sector in ELE services in Canada. The private sector provides a broader range of services than the main public sector alternative, Job Bank. However, there are key areas in which the private sector does not deliver adequate services. The public sector, through Job bank, can take the lead in providing specialized job-search services tailored toward groups with unique labour market needs.labour market matching, electronic labour exchange services, private sector, public sector

    Evaluation of Disability Employment Policy Demonstration Programs

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    [Excerpt] Having characterized the intermediary approach from published literature, as well as impressions of those who are using this approach in their demonstration projects, and reviewed ODEP’s requirements regarding implementation of the intermediary approach, Westat determined that the intermediary approaches required in the SGAs for the State Intermediary and Faith-based Mentoring demonstration programs have much in common with other ODEP demonstration programs. Other ODEP programs require demonstration projects to partner and collaborate with businesses and business organizations, government, transportation systems, and health and other service providers. They also have goals for ensuring quality and impact and promoting policies to sustain effective practices. The difference, however, is that the State Intermediary and Faith-based mentoring SGAs specifically identified the intermediary approach as the strategy to use. The State Intermediary SGA went even further by delineating specific steps as part of the intermediary process (resource mapping and development of a state plan). Our literature review uncovered a wide variety of examples in which the intermediary approach has achieved useful outcomes on behalf of youth with disabilities. However, all literature we found was descriptive and did not address questions on effectiveness or the most appropriate strategies. Therefore, it is not known whether the intermediary approach is the most fruitful approach for achieving systems change, whether there are some intermediary approaches that are better than others, or whether those approaches would be repeatable and adaptable to other environments. Nevertheless, at our three site visits, we were able to uncover a variety of examples of activities that are consistent with intermediary strategic and operational functions identified in the literature and appear to bode well for success in achieving systems change. Further review of Quarterly Reports and findings from site visits also revealed some systems change already taking place in the systems change focus areas of capacity-building, coordination, consumer choice and employer support, and evaluation of new practices. Subsequent site visits in Phase IV of the independent evaluation are likely to uncover additional examples of intermediary processes, outputs, and outcomes, as well as those practices that appear to be most successful in achieving systems change
