136,746 research outputs found

    Positioning as Service for 5G IoT Networks

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    Big Data and Artificial Intelligence are new tech- nologies to improve indoor localization. It focuses on the use of machine learning probabilistic algorithms to extract, model and analyse live and historical signal data obtained from several sources. In this respect, the data generated by 5G network and the Internet of Things is quintessential for precise indoor positioning in complex building environments. In this paper, we present a new architecture for assets and personnel location management in 5G network with an emphasis on vertical sectors in smart cities. Moreover, we explain how Big Data and Machine learning can be used to offer positioning as service. Additionally, we implement a new deep learning model for 3D positioning using the proposed architecture. The performance of the proposed model is compared against other Machine Learning algorithms

    Local Motion Planner for Autonomous Navigation in Vineyards with a RGB-D Camera-Based Algorithm and Deep Learning Synergy

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    With the advent of agriculture 3.0 and 4.0, researchers are increasingly focusing on the development of innovative smart farming and precision agriculture technologies by introducing automation and robotics into the agricultural processes. Autonomous agricultural field machines have been gaining significant attention from farmers and industries to reduce costs, human workload, and required resources. Nevertheless, achieving sufficient autonomous navigation capabilities requires the simultaneous cooperation of different processes; localization, mapping, and path planning are just some of the steps that aim at providing to the machine the right set of skills to operate in semi-structured and unstructured environments. In this context, this study presents a low-cost local motion planner for autonomous navigation in vineyards based only on an RGB-D camera, low range hardware, and a dual layer control algorithm. The first algorithm exploits the disparity map and its depth representation to generate a proportional control for the robotic platform. Concurrently, a second back-up algorithm, based on representations learning and resilient to illumination variations, can take control of the machine in case of a momentaneous failure of the first block. Moreover, due to the double nature of the system, after initial training of the deep learning model with an initial dataset, the strict synergy between the two algorithms opens the possibility of exploiting new automatically labeled data, coming from the field, to extend the existing model knowledge. The machine learning algorithm has been trained and tested, using transfer learning, with acquired images during different field surveys in the North region of Italy and then optimized for on-device inference with model pruning and quantization. Finally, the overall system has been validated with a customized robot platform in the relevant environment

    Automated smart home assessment to support pain management: Multiple methods analysis

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    ©Roschelle L Fritz, Marian Wilson, Gordana Dermody, Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe, Diane J Cook. Objective: This study aimed to determine if a smart home can detect pain-related behaviors to perform automated assessment and support intervention for persons with chronic pain.Background: Poorly managed pain can lead to substance use disorders, depression, suicide, worsening health, and increased use of health services. Most pain assessments occur in clinical settings away from patients’ natural environments. Advances in smart home technology may allow observation of pain in the home setting. Smart homes recognizing human behaviors may be useful for quantifying functional pain interference, thereby creating new ways of assessing pain and supporting people living with pain.Methods: A multiple methods, secondary data analysis was conducted using historic ambient sensor data and weekly nursing assessment data from 11 independent older adults reporting pain across 1-2 years of smart home monitoring. A qualitative approach was used to interpret sensor-based data of 27 unique pain events to support clinician-guided training of a machine learning model. A periodogram was used to calculate circadian rhythm strength, and a random forest containing 100 trees was employed to train a machine learning model to recognize pain-related behaviors. The model extracted 550 behavioral markers for each sensor-based data segment. These were treated as both a binary classification problem (event, control) and a regression problem.Results: We found 13 clinically relevant behaviors, revealing 6 pain-related behavioral qualitative themes. Quantitative results were classified using a clinician-guided random forest technique that yielded a classification accuracy of 0.70, sensitivity of 0.72, specificity of 0.69, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.756, and area under the precision-recall curve of 0.777 in comparison to using standard anomaly detection techniques without clinician guidance (0.16 accuracy achieved; P \u3c .001). The regression formulation achieved moderate correlation, with r=0.42.Conclusions: Findings of this secondary data analysis reveal that a pain-assessing smart home may recognize pain-related behaviors. Utilizing clinicians’ real-world knowledge when developing pain-assessing machine learning models improves the model’s performance. A larger study focusing on pain-related behaviors is warranted to improve and test model performance

    Internet of things (IoT) based adaptive energy management system for smart homes

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    PhD ThesisInternet of things enhances the flexibility of measurements under different environments, the development of advanced wireless sensors and communication networks on the smart grid infrastructure would be essential for energy efficiency systems. It makes deployment of a smart home concept easy and realistic. The smart home concept allows residents to control, monitor and manage their energy consumption with minimal wastage. The scheduling of energy usage enables forecasting techniques to be essential for smart homes. This thesis presents a self-learning home management system based on machine learning techniques and energy management system for smart homes. Home energy management system, demand side management system, supply side management system, and power notification system are the major components of the proposed self-learning home management system. The proposed system has various functions including price forecasting, price clustering, power forecasting alert, power consumption alert, and smart energy theft system to enhance the capabilities of the self-learning home management system. These functions were developed and implemented through the use of computational and machine learning technologies. In order to validate the proposed system, real-time power consumption data were collected from a Singapore smart home and a realistic experimental case study was carried out. The case study had proven that the developed system performing well and increased energy awareness to the residents. This proposed system also showcases its customizable ability according to different types of environments as compared to traditional smart home models. Forecasting systems for the electricity market generation have become one of the foremost research topics in the power industry. It is essential to have a forecasting system that can accurately predict electricity generation for planning and operation in the electricity market. This thesis also proposed a novel system called multi prediction system and it is developed based on long short term memory and gated recurrent unit models. This proposed system is able to predict the electricity market generation with high accuracy. Multi Prediction System is based on four stages which include a data collecting and pre-processing module, a multi-input feature model, multi forecast model and mean absolute percentage error. The data collecting and pre-processing module preprocess the real-time data using a window method. Multi-input feature model uses single input feeding method, double input feeding method and multiple feeding method for features input to the multi forecast model. Multi forecast model integrates long short term memory and gated recurrent unit variations such as regression model, regression with time steps model, memory between batches model and stacked model to predict the future generation of electricity. The mean absolute percentage error calculation was utilized to evaluate the accuracy of the prediction. The proposed system achieved high accuracy results to demonstrate its performance

    Smart Building Data Collection and Ventilation System Energy Prediction

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    Data has the potential to transform our environments for the better if utilized to its full potential. A highly interesting use case of data is in relation to Smart Buildings, where IoT technology presents new possibilities. With appropriate collection and structuring of the available data, many new opportunities present themselves. In this thesis, a data gathering system is proposed for sensors in Arkivenes Hus. To illustrate the potential in the data, one specific problem is researched, namely that of indoor climate optimization and its effects on energy usage. The problem description and the development of the data system comprises identifying governing system equations using sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics, control strategy using model predictive control and various machine learning methods to predict energy usage. For a one day simulation, the proposed optimization strategy yields a 174.86% increase in energy usage. The conducted work indicates that the proposed model identification technique is unsuitable for the underlying data utilized in this work. The proposed model predictive control strategy and machine learning methods contain promising results

    Smart Building Data Collection and Ventilation System Energy Prediction

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    Data has the potential to transform our environments for the better if utilized to its full potential. A highly interesting use case of data is in relation to Smart Buildings, where IoT technology presents new possibilities. With appropriate collection and structuring of the available data, many new opportunities present themselves. In this thesis, a data gathering system is proposed for sensors in Arkivenes Hus. To illustrate the potential in the data, one specific problem is researched, namely that of indoor climate optimization and its effects on energy usage. The problem description and the development of the data system comprises identifying governing system equations using sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics, control strategy using model predictive control and various machine learning methods to predict energy usage. For a one day simulation, the proposed optimization strategy yields a 174.86% increase in energy usage. The conducted work indicates that the proposed model identification technique is unsuitable for the underlying data utilized in this work. The proposed model predictive control strategy and machine learning methods contain promising results

    Neural Networks based Smart e-Health Application for the Prediction of Tuberculosis using Serverless Computing.

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    The convergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) with e-health records is creating a new era of advancements in the diagnosis and treatment of disease, which is reshaping the modern landscape of healthcare. In this paper, we propose a neural networks-based smart e-health application for the prediction of Tuberculosis (TB) using serverless computing. The performance of various Convolution Neural Network (CNN) architectures using transfer learning is evaluated to prove that this technique holds promise for enhancing the capabilities of IoT and e-health systems in the future for predicting the manifestation of TB in the lungs. The work involves training, validating, and comparing Densenet-201, VGG-19, and Mobilenet-V3-Small architectures based on performance metrics such as test binary accuracy, test loss, intersection over union, precision, recall, and F1 score. The findings hint at the potential of integrating these advanced Machine Learning (ML) models within IoT and e-health frameworks, thereby paving the way for more comprehensive and data-driven approaches to enable smart healthcare. The best-performing model, VGG-19, is selected for different deployment strategies using server and serless-based environments. We used JMeter to measure the performance of the deployed model, including the average response rate, throughput, and error rate. This study provides valuable insights into the selection and deployment of ML models in healthcare, highlighting the advantages and challenges of different deployment options. Furthermore, it also allows future studies to integrate such models into IoT and e-health systems, which could enhance healthcare outcomes through more informed and timely treatments

    Mobile Sensing, Simulation and Machine-learning Techniques: Improving Observations in Public Health

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    Entering an era where mobile phones equipped with numerous sensors have become an integral part of our lives and wearable devices such as activity trackers are very popular, studying and analyzing the data collected by these devices can give insights to the researchers and policy makers about the ongoing illnesses, outbreaks and public health in general. In this regard, new machine learning techniques can be utilized for population screening, informing centers of disease control and prevention of potential threats and outbreaks. Big data streams if not present, will limit investigating the feasibility of such new techniques in this domain. To overcome this shortcoming, simulation models even if grounded by small-size data can represent a simple platform of the more complicated systems and then be utilized as safe and still precise environments for generating synthetic ground truth big data. The objective of this thesis is to use an agent-based model (ABM) which depicts a city consisting of restaurants, consumers, and an inspector, to investigate the practicability of using smartphones data in the machine-learning component of Hidden Markov Model trained by synthetic ground-truth data generated by the ABM model to detect food-borne related outbreaks and inform the inspector about them. To this end, we also compared the results of such arrangement with traditional outbreak detection methods. We examine this method in different formations and scenarios. As another contribution, we analyzed smart phone data collected through a real world experiment where the participants were using an application Ethica Data on their phones named. This application as the first platform turning smartphones into micro research labs allows passive sensor monitoring and sending over context-dependent surveys. The collected data was later analyzed to get insights into the participants' food consumption patterns. Our results indicate that Hidden Markov Models supplied with smart phone data provide accurate systems for foodborne outbreak detection. The results also support the applicability of smart phone data to obtain information about foodborne diseases. The results also suggest that there are some limitations in using Hidden Markov Models to detect the exact source of outbreaks
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