1 research outputs found

    A Model for Incremental Construction of Command Trees

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    this paper we first present Command Trees, a richer representation of command histories that offers better support for undo/redo mechanisms and programming by demonstration. We then introduce a new model to support incremental construction of command trees and an objectoriented application framework that implements this model. An important property of this model is that it is independent of the interaction modality, thus extending its purpose. Keywords: Application histories, command trees, command parser, undo/redo facilities, demonstrational interfaces. 1 Visiting from LIAP-5 -- Université René Descartes 2 Philippe P. Piernot & Marc P. Yvon 1 Introduction When interacting with the computer, users often reuse previous activities either to consult them, to recover from an error or to reduce repetitive tasks (Greenberg, 1993). The system usually supports such reuse by recording user commands in a history lis