37,131 research outputs found

    Reinforced Intrusion Detection Using Pursuit Reinforcement Competitive Learning

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    Today, information technology is growing rapidly,all information can be obtainedmuch easier. It raises some new problems; one of them is unauthorized access to the system. We need a reliable network security system that is resistant to a variety of attacks against the system. Therefore, Intrusion Detection System (IDS) required to overcome the problems of intrusions. Many researches have been done on intrusion detection using classification methods. Classification methodshave high precision, but it takes efforts to determine an appropriate classification model to the classification problem. In this paper, we propose a new reinforced approach to detect intrusion with On-line Clustering using Reinforcement Learning. Reinforcement Learning is a new paradigm in machine learning which involves interaction with the environment.It works with reward and punishment mechanism to achieve solution. We apply the Reinforcement Learning to the intrusion detection problem with considering competitive learning using Pursuit Reinforcement Competitive Learning (PRCL). Based on the experimental result, PRCL can detect intrusions in real time with high accuracy (99.816% for DoS, 95.015% for Probe, 94.731% for R2L and 99.373% for U2R) and high speed (44 ms).The proposed approach can help network administrators to detect intrusion, so the computer network security systembecome reliable.Keywords: Intrusion Detection System, On-Line Clustering, Reinforcement Learning, Unsupervised Learning

    Botnet Detection Using On-line Clustering with Pursuit Reinforcement Competitive Learning (PRCL)

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    Botnet is a malicious software that often occurs at this time, and can perform malicious activities, such as DDoS, spamming, phishing, keylogging, clickfraud, steal personal information and important data. Botnets can replicate themselves without user consent. Several systems of botnet detection has been done by using classification methods. Classification methods have high precision, but it needs more effort to determine appropiate classification model. In this paper, we propose reinforced  approach to detect botnet with On-line Clustering using Reinforcement Learning. Reinforcement Learning involving interaction with the environment and became new paradigm in machine learning. The reinforcement learning will be implemented with some rule detection, because botnet ISCX dataset is categorized as unbalanced dataset which have high range of each number of class. Therefore we implemented Reinforcement Learning to Detect Botnet using Pursuit Reinforcement Competitive Learning (PRCL) with additional rule detection which has reward and punisment rules to achieve the solution. Based on the experimental result, PRCL can detect botnet in real time with high  accuracy (100% for Neris, 99.9% for Rbot, 78% for SMTP_Spam, 80.9% for Nsis, 80.7% for Virut, and 96.0% for Zeus) and fast processing time up to 176 ms. Meanwhile the step of CPU and memory usage which are 78 % and 4.3 GB  for pre-processing, 34% and 3.18 GB for online clustering with PRCL, and  23% and 3.11 GB evaluation. The proposed method is one solution for network administrators to detect botnet which has unpredictable behavior in network traffic

    Efficient Model Learning for Human-Robot Collaborative Tasks

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    We present a framework for learning human user models from joint-action demonstrations that enables the robot to compute a robust policy for a collaborative task with a human. The learning takes place completely automatically, without any human intervention. First, we describe the clustering of demonstrated action sequences into different human types using an unsupervised learning algorithm. These demonstrated sequences are also used by the robot to learn a reward function that is representative for each type, through the employment of an inverse reinforcement learning algorithm. The learned model is then used as part of a Mixed Observability Markov Decision Process formulation, wherein the human type is a partially observable variable. With this framework, we can infer, either offline or online, the human type of a new user that was not included in the training set, and can compute a policy for the robot that will be aligned to the preference of this new user and will be robust to deviations of the human actions from prior demonstrations. Finally we validate the approach using data collected in human subject experiments, and conduct proof-of-concept demonstrations in which a person performs a collaborative task with a small industrial robot
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