22,042 research outputs found

    Intelligent Notification Systems: A Survey of the State of the Art and Research Challenges

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    Notifications provide a unique mechanism for increasing the effectiveness of real-time information delivery systems. However, notifications that demand users' attention at inopportune moments are more likely to have adverse effects and might become a cause of potential disruption rather than proving beneficial to users. In order to address these challenges a variety of intelligent notification mechanisms based on monitoring and learning users' behavior have been proposed. The goal of such mechanisms is maximizing users' receptivity to the delivered information by automatically inferring the right time and the right context for sending a certain type of information. This article provides an overview of the current state of the art in the area of intelligent notification mechanisms that relies on the awareness of users' context and preferences. More specifically, we first present a survey of studies focusing on understanding and modeling users' interruptibility and receptivity to notifications from desktops and mobile devices. Then, we discuss the existing challenges and opportunities in developing mechanisms for intelligent notification systems in a variety of application scenarios

    SilentPhone: Inferring User Unavailability based Opportune Moments to Minimize Call Interruptions

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    The increasing popularity of cell phones has made them the most personal and ubiquitous communication devices nowadays. Typically, the ringing notifications of mobile phones are used to inform the users about the incoming calls. However, the notifications of inappropriate incoming calls sometimes cause interruptions not only for the users but also the surrounding people. In this paper, we present a data-driven approach to infer the opportune moments for such phone call interruptions based on user's unavailability, i.e., when a user is unable to answer the incoming phone calls, by analyzing individual's past phone log data, and to discover the corresponding phone silent mode configuring rules for the purpose of minimizing call interruptions in an automated intelligent system. Experiments on the real mobile phone datasets show that our approach is able to identify the opportune moments for call interruptions and generates corresponding silent mode configuring rules by capturing the dominant behavior of individual users' at various times-of-the-day and days-of-the week.Comment: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Mobile Communications and Applications, 201

    Assessment of Social Roles for Interruption Management: A New Concept in the Field of Interruptibility

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    Determining and identifying opportune moments for interruptions is a challenging task in Ubiquitous Computing and Human-Computer-Interaction. The current state-of-the-art approaches do this by identifying breakpoints either in user tasks, activities or by processing social relationships and contents of interruptions. However, from a psychological perspective, not all of these breakpoints represent opportune moments for interruptions. In this paper, we propose a new concept in the field of interruptibility. The concept is based on role theory and psychological interruption research. In particular, we argue that social roles which define sets of norms, expectations, rules and behaviours can provide useful information about the user's current context that can be used to enhance interruption management systems. Based on this concept, we propose a prototype system architecture that uses social roles to detect opportune moments for interruptions.Comment: 6 pages, ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunc

    Research Issues in Mining User Behavioral Rules for Context-Aware Intelligent Mobile Applications

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    Context-awareness in smart mobile applications is a growing area of study, because of it's intelligence in the applications. In order to build context-aware intelligent applications, mining contextual behavioral rules of individual smartphone users utilizing their phone log data is the key. However, to mine these rules, a number of issues, such as the quality of smartphone data, understanding the relevancy of contexts, discretization of continuous contextual data, discovery of useful behavioral rules of individuals and their ordering, knowledge-based interactive post-mining for semantic understanding, and dynamic updating and management of rules according to their present behavior, are investigated. In this paper, we briefly discuss these issues and their potential solution directions for mining individuals' behavioral rules, for the purpose of building various context-aware intelligent mobile applications. We also summarize a number of real-life rule-based applications that intelligently assist individual smartphone users according to their behavioral rules in their daily activities.Comment: 12 page

    Energy and Information Management of Electric Vehicular Network: A Survey

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    The connected vehicle paradigm empowers vehicles with the capability to communicate with neighboring vehicles and infrastructure, shifting the role of vehicles from a transportation tool to an intelligent service platform. Meanwhile, the transportation electrification pushes forward the electric vehicle (EV) commercialization to reduce the greenhouse gas emission by petroleum combustion. The unstoppable trends of connected vehicle and EVs transform the traditional vehicular system to an electric vehicular network (EVN), a clean, mobile, and safe system. However, due to the mobility and heterogeneity of the EVN, improper management of the network could result in charging overload and data congestion. Thus, energy and information management of the EVN should be carefully studied. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey on the deployment and management of EVN considering all three aspects of energy flow, data communication, and computation. We first introduce the management framework of EVN. Then, research works on the EV aggregator (AG) deployment are reviewed to provide energy and information infrastructure for the EVN. Based on the deployed AGs, we present the research work review on EV scheduling that includes both charging and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) scheduling. Moreover, related works on information communication and computing are surveyed under each scenario. Finally, we discuss open research issues in the EVN

    Understanding the Role of Data-Centric Social Context in Personalized Mobile Applications

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    Context-awareness in personalized mobile applications is a growing area of study. Social context is one of the most important sources of information in human-activity based applications. In this paper, we mainly focus on social relational context that represents the interpersonal relationship between individuals, and the role or influence of such context on users' diverse phone call activities in their real world life. Individuals different phone call activities such as making a phone call to a particular person or responding an incoming call may differ from person-to-person based on their interpersonal relationships such as family, friend, or colleague. However, it is very difficult to make the device understandable about such semantic relationships between individuals and the relevant context-aware applications. To address this issue, in this paper, we explore the data-centric social relational context that can play a significant role in building context-aware personalized mobile applications for various purposes in our real world life.Comment: Journal, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Context-aware Systems and Applications, 201

    A Survivability Strategy in Route Optimization Mobile Network by Memetic Algorithm

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    The capability to provide network service even under a significant network system element disruption is the backbone for the survival of route optimize of mobile network Technology in today s world. Keeping this view in mind, the present paper highlights a new method based on memetic algorithm.Comment: IEEE format, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, IJCSIS January 2010, ISSN 1947 5500, http://sites.google.com/site/ijcsis

    GPRS Video Streaming Surveillance System GVSS

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    Future security measures will create comfortable living environments that are embedded with a wide range of intelligent functionalities including home computing, entertainment, health care and security. These place stringent requirements on the home networking architecture which integrates various existing technologies for monitoring and control for future high security needs. This paper discusses the design and implementation of a gvss gprs Video Streaming Surveillance System system, which integrates various existing technologies for providing security for smart home environments. This system provides security for office, home and other buildings where high security is required.This allows the mobile user to track the activities from a particular location. The system will send snapshots of the video and stores them in different formats. It is also possible to display the time with the image when it was captured in the gprs enabled mobiles. This system is implemented using J2me TechnologyComment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Evolution and Innovation in 5G Cellular Communication System and Beyond: A Study

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    Since the last few years there has been a phenomenal growth in the wireless industry. Widespread wireless technologies, increasing variety of user-friendly and multimedia- enabled terminals and wider availability of open source tools for content generation has lead encouraged user-centric networks resulting in a need for efficient network design. The objective of this paper is comprehensive study related to 5G technology of mobile communication. Existing research work in mobile communication is related to 5G technology. The major contribution of this study is the key provisions of 5G (Fifth Generation) technology of mobile communication, which is seen as consumer oriented. In 5G technology, the mobile consumer has given utmost priority compared to others. In this context, the existing and highly demanded technologies for 5G technologies has beed studied extensively. Open challenges are highlighted for researcher for further study of the emerging 5G systems
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