2 research outputs found

    A Methodology for Architecture Synthesis of Cascaded IIR Filters on TLU FPGAs

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    In this paper, we propose an architecture synthe-sis methodolog ‘to realize cascaded Infinite Impulse Response (IIRJfilter in Table Look Up (TLU) Field Progmmmable Gate Amys (FPGA). The synthesis procedure involves a systematic tmnsfomation of the Dependance Graph (DG) corresponding to the cas-caded IIR filter to a Papelined Fized Full Size A+ my (PFFSA). We ofler an implementation of a cas-caded 8th order IIR filters on Xilinz XC3090 FPGA devices.

    A Methodology for Architecture Synthesis of Cascaded IIR Filters on TLU FPGAs

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    In this paper, we propose an architecture synthesis methodology to realize cascaded infinite impulse response (IIR) filter in table look up (TLU) field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). The synthesis procedure involves a systematic transformation of the dependance graph (DG) corresponding to the cascaded IIR filler to a pipelined fixed full size array (PFFSA). We offer an implementation of a cascaded 8th order IIR filters on Xilinx XC3090 FPGA devices