2 research outputs found

    A geografia da indústria de software em Santa Catarina: concentração e dispersão espaciais

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, Florianópolis, 2015.Neste trabalho, objetiva-se analisar a geografia da indústria de software em Santa Catarina desde sua gênese, no final da década de 1960, até o ano de 2014. Tal análise se faz pela perspectiva da corporação empresarial como importante ator geográfico, tendo como base para reflexão, dentre outros, os conceitos de configuração geográfica e descrição. A configuração geográfica abarca tanto a dimensão material da referida indústria como as relações sociais que a envolvem, isto é, fixos e fluxos. Ademais, o modo como os fixos e os fluxos se combinam espacialmente variam ao longo do tempo. Assim, para compreender a configuração geográfica da indústria de software de Santa Catarina foi construída uma periodização. Para tanto, foi utilizado como recurso metodológico a elaboração de mapas temáticos. Os procedimentos de coleta de dados envolveram a realização de 29 entrevistas com empresários e representantes do setor e consultas a dados históricos oficiais sobre o setor. A elaboração da periodização enfocou as condições políticas, econômicas, tecnológicas e sociais subjacentes a configuração geográfica indústria de software catarinense. Foi possível delimitar três períodos distintos na história da indústria de software de Santa Catarina. O período seminal iniciou no final da década de 1960 e se estendeu até 1992. No começo do período as atividades de processamento de dados eram realizadas por grandes empresas especializadas e distribuídas em poucos municípios catarinenses. Ao final do primeiro período, começaram a surgir as primeiras empresas desenvolvedoras de software para microcomputadores. O segundo período começou em 1993 e foi até 2004 e apresentou como principal característica a difusão da indústria de software por vários municípios catarinenses além de elevado grau de profissionalização e especialização da atividade. O último período identificado foi de 2005 até 2014 e mostrou profundas alterações espaciais em comparação ao período antecessor, destacando-se a intensificação de fluxos internacionais, a ascensão de grandes empresas e a diversificação produtiva. Identificou-se ainda que, o modo como as condições políticas, econômicas, sociais e tecnológicas atuam no sentido de moldar a geografia da indústria de software de Santa Catarina não é homogêneo no tempo e no espaço, sendo apreendidos de modo particular nos municípios. Por fim, foi possível constatar que o significado dos fixos e dos fluxos que compõem a indústria de software catarinense variou ao longo do tempo, engendrando um complexo conjunto de forças que impuseram e vêm impondo novos desafios para essa indústria.Abstract : This work aimed to analyze the geography of the software industry in Santa Catarina since its genesis, in the late 1960s, through the year 2014. This analysis is made from the perspective of the business corporation as an important geographic actor, having, as basis for reflection, among others, the concepts of geographic description and setting. The geographic setting includes both the material dimension of such industry and the social relations that surround it, i.e. fixed and flux systems. Moreover, the ways in which fixed and flux systems combine spatially vary over time. Thus, to understand the geographic setting of Santa Catarina?s software industry, a periodization was built. This way, as a methodological resource, it was used the creation of thematic maps. Data collection procedures involved conducting 29 interviews with entrepreneurs and industry representatives and consulting historical official data of the sector. The preparation of periodization focused on the political, economic, technological and social conditions underlying the geographic setting of Santa Catarina?s software industry. It was possible to identify three distinct periods in the history of Santa Catarina?s software industry. The seminal period began in the late 1960s and continued until 1992. In the beginning of that period, the data processing activities were carried out by large specialized companies and distributed in a few municipalities of Santa Catarina. At the end of the first period, the first firms, aimed at developing software for microcomputers, began to emerge. The second period began in 1993 and went on until 2004, presenting, as its main feature, the spread of the software industry for several municipalities of Santa Catarina as well as a high degree of professionalism and specialization in that activity. The last identified period, from 2005 to 2014, showed deep space changes compared to the predecessor period, highlighting the intensification of international flows, the rising of big businesses and a productive diversification. It was also identified that the way in which the political, economic, social and technological conditions act to shape the geography of Santa Catarina?s software industry is not homogeneous in time and space, being particularly seized in the municipalities. Finally, it was found that the meaning of fixed and flux systems belonging to Santa Catarina?s software industry varied over time, generating a complex set of forces that imposed and have been imposing new challenges for the industry

    Situationsgerechte Methodenweiterentwicklung auf Basis von MetaMe am Beispiel der Server-System-Entwicklung

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    Die Einführung domänenspezifischer Entwicklungsmethoden in Unternehmen birgt Risiken. Der Aufwand, der aus einer kompletten Ersetzungeiner bestehenden Entwicklungsmethode hervorgeht, kann sehr umfangreich sein und dadurch sind die Investitionskosten schlecht planbar. Darüber hinaus sind die erwarteten Vorteile mit Unsicherheiten behaftet, denn jedes Unternehmen besitzt schlecht änderbare, individuelle Eigenschaften, die so genannten Situationsfaktoren. Sie beschreiben den Methodenkontext, in dem die Entwicklungsmethode angewendet wird. Passt die domänenspezifische Entwicklungsmethode nicht zu dem gegebenen Methodenkontext, ist eine erfolgreiche Einführung gefährdet. Zur Reduzierung der genannten Risiken erweitert diese Arbeit den bestehenden Ansatz MetaMe, eine Meta-Methode zur Entwicklung von individuellen Softwareentwicklungsmethoden, um die Eigenschaften der situationsgerechten Methodenweiterentwicklung. Eine zusätzliche Ist-Analyse identifiziert die vorhandene Entwicklungsmethode, die mittels einer neuen Sprache modellbasiert dokumentiert wird. Eine Verbesserungs-Analyse ermittelt darauf aufbauend die Optimierungspotenziale und Situationsfaktoren, aus denen geeigneteMethodenanforderungen erstellt werden. Mit Hilfe der Methodenanforderungen werden iterative Projekte zur Methodenweiterentwicklung definiert. Das ermöglicht die von Unternehmengewünschte schrittweise Änderung der Entwicklungsmethoden. Weiterhin wird gezeigt, wie die Methode mittels Methodenanforderungen an den Methodenkontextangepasst werden kann. Das in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Vorgehen wird exemplarisch auf zwei industrielle Anwendungsbeispiele aus dem Bereich der Server-System-Entwicklung angewendet. Für jedes Beispiel wird eine individuell entwickelte Entwicklungsmethode vorgestellt.It is risky to introduce domain-specific engineering methods to different companies. The effort to replace an existing engineering method can be extensive so that investment costs are hard to judge. Beside that, the expected advantages have uncertainties because each company has poorly changeable, individual properties, so called situational factors. They describe the method context in that the engineering method will be applied. If the engineering method does not fit to the method context, a successful introduction is jeopardized.To reduce the mentioned risks, this thesis enhances the known approach, MetaMe, a meta-method to develop individual software engineering methods, regarding the characteristics of situational method enhancements. It adds the analysis of the current state to identify the existing engineering method. The engineering method will be described in a model-based manner with a newly introduced language. A demand analysis identifies single improvements and situational factors. Upon that information method requirements are created. Based on the method requirements iterative method enhancement projects are defined. With that it is possible to do a step wise change of engineering methods, which is the desired approach of the companies. Furthermore, it will be shown how to adjust the engineering method according to the method context based on the method requirements.The new method engineering approach is substantiated by two industrial case studies in the area of server-systems-engineering. For each example an individually developed engineering method will be presented.vorgelegt von Michael SpijkermanTag der Verteidigung: 24.03.2015Paderborn, Univ., Diss., 201