2 research outputs found

    Cooperation and Sustainability in Last-Mile Logistics Sector: Behavioural Aspects of Courier Express Parcel Service Providers

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    The decisions of company managers are often not guided by the regulations governing the environment but by subjective factors that exert their effects in a hidden way in the decision-making manager's behavior. Market behavior is objectively controlled by regulators, but subjective factors lead to poor decision-making in some cases. On the one hand, the principal-agent problem is revealed behind the subjective factors, and on the other, cognitive biases affect the decision-making leader as a person. Cooperation with competitors from the same sector and sustainability issues are two similar areas where there is an opportunity to examine these concerns and where the nature of companies' decision-making shows similar or identical patterns on the basis of which decision-making behavior can be explored, characterized, and understood. This thesis examines the attitude of the managers of two existing Courier, Express, and Parcel market players regarding possible market cooperation. In-depth interviews and the completion of a unique questionnaire that revealed the presence of cognitive bias were the basis for the research. During the investigation, the cognitive bias influencing the decision of the two company managers was identified, and it was also examined whether the parent company or the owner's opinion affected their decision. The two case studies demonstrate how managers' decisions to develop collaborations are influenced by their prior experiences and prejudices

    Modelo de aceptación tecnológica en los canales digitales para la adquisición de productos agrícolas frescos

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    Purpose: This study aimed to determine the factors influencing the use of digital channels for purchasing fresh agricultural products. Design/Methodology: A structural equation model was developed, employing confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate the seven constructs of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, price value, and habit). This assessment was conducted on a sample of 175 consumers of agricultural products. Findings: All variables, except for facilitating conditions, were found to significantly influence consumers’ intention to use digital channels for purchasing fresh agricultural products. Additionally, habit and behavioral intention were identified as key determinants of use behavior. Conclusions: The research concludes that prior experience, gender, and age have a positive impact on consumers’ intention to use digital channels for purchasing fresh agricultural products. It is recommended that digital marketing strategies in the agricultural sector take these factors into account to enhance the adoption of digital channels. Originality: This study is the first to apply the UTAUT2 model to investigate consumers’ online purchase of fresh agricultural products. Notably, it addresses a research gap by incorporating consumer variables and focusing on an underexplored niche.Objetivo: determinar los factores asociados al uso de canales digitales para la adquisición de bienes agrícolas frescos. Diseño/metodología: se realizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales a partir de un análisis factorial confirmatorio que permitió evaluar los siete constructos de la Teoría Unificada de Aceptación y Uso de Tecnología 2 - UTAUT2- (expectativa de desempeño, expectativa de esfuerzo, influencia social, condiciones facilitadoras, motivación hedónica, valor del precio y hábito) en una muestra de 175 consumidores de productos agrícolas. Resultados: se halló que todas las variables, excepto las condiciones facilitadoras, influyen significativamente en la intención de los consumidores de usar canales digitales para adquirir productos agrícolas frescos. Además, el hábito y la intención conductual se identificaron como antecedentes clave del comportamiento de uso. Conclusiones: la investigación concluye que la experiencia, el género y la edad tienen un impacto positivo en la intención de utilizar canales digitales para la compra de bienes agrícolas frescos. Se sugiere que las estrategias de marketing digital en el sector agropecuario deben considerar estos factores para optimizar la adopción de canales digitales. Originalidad: este estudio es el primero en aplicar el modelo UTAUT2 a la compra digital de productos agrícolas frescos, llenando un vacío en la investigación al incorporar variables de consumo y enfocarse en un nicho poco explorado