2 research outputs found

    Load-Balanced Sparse MTTKRP on GPUs

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    Sparse matricized tensor times Khatri-Rao product (MTTKRP) is one of the most computationally expensive kernels in sparse tensor computations. This work focuses on optimizing the MTTKRP operation on GPUs, addressing both performance and storage requirements. We begin by identifying the performance bottlenecks in directly extending the state-of-the-art CSF (compressed sparse fiber) format from CPUs to GPUs. A significant challenge with GPUs compared to multicore CPUs is that of utilizing the much greater degree of parallelism in a load-balanced fashion for irregular computations like sparse MTTKRP. To address this issue, we develop a new storage-efficient representation for tensors that enables high-performance, load-balanced execution of MTTKRP on GPUs. A GPU implementation of sparse MTTKRP using the new sparse tensor representation is shown to outperform all currently known parallel sparse CPU and GPU MTTKRP implementations

    On Optimizing Distributed Tucker Decomposition for Sparse Tensors

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    The Tucker decomposition generalizes the notion of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to tensors, the higher dimensional analogues of matrices. We study the problem of constructing the Tucker decomposition of sparse tensors on distributed memory systems via the HOOI procedure, a popular iterative method. The scheme used for distributing the input tensor among the processors (MPI ranks) critically influences the HOOI execution time. Prior work has proposed different distribution schemes: an offline scheme based on sophisticated hypergraph partitioning method and simple, lightweight alternatives that can be used real-time. While the hypergraph based scheme typically results in faster HOOI execution time, being complex, the time taken for determining the distribution is an order of magnitude higher than the execution time of a single HOOI iteration. Our main contribution is a lightweight distribution scheme, which achieves the best of both worlds. We show that the scheme is near-optimal on certain fundamental metrics associated with the HOOI procedure and as a result, near-optimal on the computational load (FLOPs). Though the scheme may incur higher communication volume, the computation time is the dominant factor and as the result, the scheme achieves better performance on the overall HOOI execution time. Our experimental evaluation on large real-life tensors (having up to 4 billion elements) shows that the scheme outperforms the prior schemes on the HOOI execution time by a factor of up to 3x. On the other hand, its distribution time is comparable to the prior lightweight schemes and is typically lesser than the execution time of a single HOOI iteration.Comment: Abridged version of the paper to appear in the proceedings of ICS'1