16,049 research outputs found

    Stochastic Channel Modeling for Diffusive Mobile Molecular Communication Systems

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    In this paper, we develop a mathematical framework for modeling the time-variant stochastic channels of diffusive mobile MC systems. In particular, we consider a diffusive mobile MC system consisting of a pair of transmitter and receiver nano-machines suspended in a fluid medium with a uniform bulk flow, where we assume that either the transmitter, or the receiver, or both are mobile and we model the mobility by Brownian motion. The transmitter and receiver nano-machines exchange information via diffusive signaling molecules. Due to the random movements of the transmitter and receiver nano-machines, the statistics of the channel impulse response (CIR) change over time. We derive closed-form expressions for the mean, the autocorrelation function (ACF), the cumulative distribution function (CDF), and the probability density function (PDF) of the time-variant CIR. Exploiting the ACF, we define the coherence time of the time-variant MC channel as a metric for characterization of the variations of the CIR. The derived CDF is employed for calculation of the outage probability of the system. We also show that under certain conditions, the PDF of the CIR can be accurately approximated by a Log-normal distribution. Based on this approximation, we derive a simple model for outdated channel state information (CSI). Moreover, we derive an analytical expression for evaluation of the expected error probability of a simple detector for the considered MC system. In order to investigate the impact of CIR decorrelation over time, we compare the performances of a detector with perfect CSI knowledge and a detector with outdated CSI knowledge. The accuracy of the proposed analytical expressions is verified via particle-based simulation of the Brownian motion.Comment: 17 pages (double column), 2 tables, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM). (Author's comment: Manuscript submitted Sep. 15, 2017; revised Feb. 26, 2018 and May 14, 2018; accepted Jun. 27, 2018. This article is the extended version of the conference paper arXiv:1704.06298

    On Flow-Induced Diffusive Mobile Molecular Communication: First Hitting Time and Performance Analysis

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    This work considers the problem of flow-induced diffusive molecular communication under various mobility conditions such as (i) both transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) nanomachines are mobile, (ii) TX is mobile and RX is fixed, and (iii) TX is fixed and RX is mobile. Closed-form expressions for the probability density function (PDF) of the first hitting time under the aforementioned mobile scenarios are derived, by characterizing the movement of the nanomachines and information molecules using Brownian motion with positive drift. The derived PDF expressions are validated through particle-based simulations. Based on these results, the performance of molecular communication with on-off keying (OOK) modulation in flow-induced diffusive channels is investigated. In particular, closed-form expressions for the probabilities of detection and false alarm with optimal Likelihood ratio test (LRT) based decision rule, probability of error, and the capacity in the presence of inter-symbol interference, counting errors, and noise from the other sources are derived. Simulation results are presented to verify the theoretical results and to yield insights into the system performance for different mobility conditions.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communication

    A Physical Channel Model for Wired Nano-Communication Networks

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    In this paper, we propose a new end-to-end system for wired nano-communication networks using a self-assembled polymer. The self-assembly of a polymer creates a channel between the transmitter and the receiver in the form of a conductive nanowire that uses electrons as carriers of information. We derive the channel's analytical model and its master equation to study the dynamic process of the polymer self-assembly. We validate the analytical model with numerical and Monte-Carlo simulations. Then, we approximate the master equation by a one-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation and we solve this equation analytically and numerically. We formulate the expressions of the polymer elongation rate, its diffusion coefficient and the nullcline to study the distribution and the stability of the self-assembled nanowire. This study shows promising results for realizing stable polymer-based wired nanonetworks that can achieve high throughput

    Diffusive Molecular Communication with Nanomachine Mobility

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    This work presents a performance analysis for diffusive molecular communication with mobile transmit and receive nanomachines. To begin with, the optimal test is obtained for symbol detection at the receiver nanomachine. Subsequently, closed-form expressions are derived for the probabilities of detection and false alarm, probability of error, and capacity considering also aberrations such as multi-source interference, inter-symbol interference, and counting errors. Simulation results are presented to corroborate the theoretical results derived and also, to yield various insights into the performance of the system. Interestingly, it is shown that the performance of the mobile diffusive molecular communication can be significantly enhanced by allocating large fraction of total available molecules for transmission as the slot interval increases.Comment: To be submitted in 52th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS

    Communication Through Breath: Aerosol Transmission

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    Exhaled breath can be used in retrieving information and creating innovative communication systems. It contains several volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and biological entities that can act as health biomarkers. For instance, the breath of infected human contains a nonnegligible amount of pathogenic aerosol that can spread or remain suspended in the atmosphere. Therefore, the exhaled breath can be exploited as a source's message in a communication setup to remotely scan the bio-information via an aerosol transmission channel. An overview of the basic configuration is presented along with a description of system components with a particular emphasis on channel modeling. Furthermore, the challenges that arise in theoretical analysis and system development are highlighted. Finally, several open issues are discussed to concretize the proposed communication concept

    A Comprehensive Survey of Recent Advancements in Molecular Communication

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    With much advancement in the field of nanotechnology, bioengineering and synthetic biology over the past decade, microscales and nanoscales devices are becoming a reality. Yet the problem of engineering a reliable communication system between tiny devices is still an open problem. At the same time, despite the prevalence of radio communication, there are still areas where traditional electromagnetic waves find it difficult or expensive to reach. Points of interest in industry, cities, and medical applications often lie in embedded and entrenched areas, accessible only by ventricles at scales too small for conventional radio waves and microwaves, or they are located in such a way that directional high frequency systems are ineffective. Inspired by nature, one solution to these problems is molecular communication (MC), where chemical signals are used to transfer information. Although biologists have studied MC for decades, it has only been researched for roughly 10 year from a communication engineering lens. Significant number of papers have been published to date, but owing to the need for interdisciplinary work, much of the results are preliminary. In this paper, the recent advancements in the field of MC engineering are highlighted. First, the biological, chemical, and physical processes used by an MC system are discussed. This includes different components of the MC transmitter and receiver, as well as the propagation and transport mechanisms. Then, a comprehensive survey of some of the recent works on MC through a communication engineering lens is provided. The paper ends with a technology readiness analysis of MC and future research directions.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial

    Simulation of Molecular Signaling in Blood Vessels: Software Design and Application to Atherogenesis

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    This paper presents a software platform, named BiNS2, able to simulate diffusion-based molecular communications with drift inside blood vessels. The contribution of the paper is twofold. First a detailed description of the simulator is given, under the software engineering point of view, by highlighting the innovations and optimizations introduced. Their introduction into the previous version of the BiNS simulator was needed to provide to functions for simulating molecular signaling and communication potentials inside bounded spaces. The second contribution consists of the analysis, carried out by using BiNS2, of a specific communication process happening inside blood vessels, the atherogenesis, which is the initial phase of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, due to the abnormal signaling between platelets and endothelium. From a communication point of view, platelets act as mobile transmitters, endothelial cells are fixed receivers, sticky to the vessel walls, and the transmitted signal is made of bursts of molecules emitted by platelets. The simulator allows evaluating the channel latency and the footprint on the vessel wall of the transmitted signal as a function of the transmitter distance from the vessels wall, the signal strength, and the receiver sensitivity.Comment: Submitted for publication to Nano Communication Networks, Elsevie

    Social Behavior in Bacterial Nanonetworks: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Molecular communication promises to enable communication between nanomachines with a view to increasing their functionalities and open up new possible applications. Due to some of the biological properties, bacteria have been proposed as a possible information carrier for molecular communication, and the corresponding communication networks are known as \textit{bacterial nanonetworks}. The biological properties include the ability for bacteria to mobilize between locations and carry the information encoded in Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) molecules. However, similar to most organisms, bacteria have complex social properties that govern their colony. These social characteristics enable the bacteria to evolve through various fluctuating environmental conditions by utilizing cooperative and non-cooperative behaviors. This article provides an overview of the different types of cooperative and non-cooperative social behavior of bacteria. The challenges (due to non-cooperation) and the opportunities (due to cooperation) these behaviors can bring to the reliability of communication in bacterial nanonetworks are also discussed. Finally, simulation results on the impact of bacterial cooperative social behavior on the end-to-end reliability of a single-link bacterial nanonetwork are presented. The article concludes with highlighting the potential future research opportunities in this emerging field.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Network Magazine as an open call articl

    Channel and Noise Models for Nonlinear Molecular Communication Systems

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    Recently, a tabletop molecular communication platform has been developed for transmitting short text messages across a room. The end-to-end system impulse response for this platform does not follow previously published theoretical works because of imperfect receiver, transmitter, and turbulent flows. Moreover, it is observed that this platform resembles a nonlinear system, which makes the rich body of theoretical work that has been developed by communication engineers not applicable to this platform. In this work, we first introduce corrections to the previous theoretical models of the end-to-end system impulse response based on the observed data from experimentation. Using the corrected impulse response models, we then formulate the nonlinearity of the system as noise and show that through simplifying assumptions it can be represented as Gaussian noise. Through formulating the system's nonlinearity as the output a linear system corrupted by noise, the rich toolbox of mathematical models of communication systems, most of which are based on linearity assumption, can be applied to this platform.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    On the role of the plasmodial cytoskeleton in facilitating intelligent behaviour in slime mould Physarum polycephalum

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    The plasmodium of slime mould Physarum polycephalum behaves as an amorphous reaction-diffusion computing substrate and is capable of apparently intelligent behaviour. But how does intelligence emerge in an acellular organism? Through a range of laboratory experiments, we visualise the plasmodial cytoskeleton, a ubiquitous cellular protein scaffold whose functions are manifold and essential to life, and discuss its putative role as a network for transducing, transmitting and structuring data streams within the plasmodium. Through a range of computer modelling techniques, we demonstrate how emergent behaviour, and hence computational intelligence, may occur in cytoskeletal communications networks. Specifically, we model the topology of both the actin and tubulin cytoskeletal networks and discuss how computation may occur therein. Furthermore, we present bespoke cellular automata and particle swarm models for the computational process within the cytoskeleton and observe the incidence of emergent patterns in both. Our work grants unique insight into the origins of natural intelligence; the results presented here are therefore readily transferable to the fields of natural computation, cell biology and biomedical science. We conclude by discussing how our results may alter our biological, computational and philosophical understanding of intelligence and consciousness.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure
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