3 research outputs found

    Efficient cube construction for smart city data

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    To deliver powerful smart city environments, there is a requirement to analyse web produced data streams in close to real time so that city planners can employ up to date predictive models in both short and long term planning. Data cubes, fused from multiple sources provide a popular input to predictive models. A key component in this infrastructure is an efficient mechanism for transforming web data (XML or JSON) into multi-dimensional cubes. In our research, we have developed a framework for efficient transformation of XML data from multiple smart city services into DWARF cubes using a NoSQL storage engine. Our evaluation shows a high level of performance when compared to other approaches and thus, provides a platform for predictive models in a smart city environment

    Taxonomy Development for Complex Emerging Technologies - The Case of Business Intelligence and Analytics on the Cloud

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    Taxonomies are essential in science. By classifying objects or phenomena, they facilitate understanding and decision making. In this paper, we focus on the development of taxonomies for complex emerging technologies. This development raises specific challenges. More specifically, complex emerging technologies are often at the intersection of several areas, and the conceptual body of knowledge about them is often just emerging, hence the key role of empirical sources of information in taxonomy building. One particular issue is deciding when enough sources have been examined. In this paper, we use Nickerson et al’s methodology for taxonomy development. Based on the identified limitations of this method, we extend it for the development of taxonomies for complex emerging technologies. We identify three types of information sources for taxonomies, and present a set of guidelines for selecting the sources, drawing on systematic literature review. The taxonomy development process iteratively examines sources, performing operations on taxonomies (e.g. addition of a dimension, splitting of a dimension…) as required to take new information into account. We characterize operations on taxonomies. We use this characterization, along with the typology of sources, to help decide when the process of source examination may be stopped. We illustrate our extension of Nickerson et al’s method to the development of a taxonomy for business intelligence and analytics on the cloud