1 research outputs found

    A Machine Learning Workbench in a DOOD Framework

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    . In this paper we present a machine learning workbench, which we have developed by making use of deductive object-oriented database (DOOD) technology. It provides a comfortable environment for performing a large variety of machine learning tasks. By deriving full benefit of the available powerful logic and object-oriented programming language, we have implemented an easily extendable representative collection of machine learning algorithms. As realistic case study for the feasibility of the workbench we applied it to the automatic acquisition of linguistic knowledge within a natural language database interface. 1 Introduction Despite the long tradition of machine learning, only recently its integration with database technology has become a focus of attention. This is mainly due to the emergence of the new area of knowledge and data discovery (KDD), which confronts database research with new challenges [5]. However, so far most current KDD systems offer only isolated discove..