4 research outputs found

    CSI-Free Geometric Symbol Detection via Semi-supervised Learning and Ensemble Learning

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    Symbol detection (SD) plays an important role in a digital communication system. However, most SD algorithms require channel state information (CSI), which is often difficult to estimate accurately. As a consequence, it is challenging for these SD algorithms to approach the performance of the maximum likelihood detection (MLD) algorithm. To address this issue, we employ both semi-supervised learning and ensemble learning to design a flexible parallelizable approach in this paper. First, we prove theoretically that the proposed algorithms can arbitrarily approach the performance of the MLD algorithm with perfect CSI. Second, to enable parallel implementation and also enhance design flexibility, we further propose a parallelizable approach for multi-output systems. Finally, comprehensive simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the designed algorithms. In particular, the proposed algorithms approach the performance of the MLD algorithm with perfect CSI, and outperform it when the CSI is imperfect. Interestingly, a detector constructed with received signals from only two receiving antennas (less than the size of the whole receiving antenna array) can also provide good detection performance