5 research outputs found

    A Machine Learning Approach For Identifying Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Using Diffusion MRI Modeling

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    While diffusion MRI has been extremely promising in the study of MTBI, identifying patients with recent MTBI remains a challenge. The literature is mixed with regard to localizing injury in these patients, however, gray matter such as the thalamus and white matter including the corpus callosum and frontal deep white matter have been repeatedly implicated as areas at high risk for injury. The purpose of this study is to develop a machine learning framework to classify MTBI patients and controls using features derived from multi-shell diffusion MRI in the thalamus, frontal white matter and corpus callosum

    Identifying Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients From MR Images Using Bag of Visual Words

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    Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is a growing public health problem with an estimated incidence of one million people annually in US. Neurocognitive tests are used to both assess the patient condition and to monitor the patient progress. This work aims to directly use MR images taken shortly after injury to detect whether a patient suffers from mTBI, by incorporating machine learning and computer vision techniques to learn features suitable discriminating between mTBI and normal patients. We focus on 3 regions in brain, and extract multiple patches from them, and use bag-of-visual-word technique to represent each subject as a histogram of representative patterns derived from patches from all training subjects. After extracting the features, we use greedy forward feature selection, to choose a subset of features which achieves highest accuracy. We show through experimental studies that BoW features perform better than the simple mean value features which were used previously

    A Deep Unsupervised Learning Approach Toward MTBI Identification Using Diffusion MRI

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    Mild traumatic brain injury is a growing public health problem with an estimated incidence of over 1.7 million people annually in US. Diagnosis is based on clinical history and symptoms, and accurate, concrete measures of injury are lacking. This work aims to directly use diffusion MR images obtained within one month of trauma to detect injury, by incorporating deep learning techniques. To overcome the challenge due to limited training data, we describe each brain region using the bag of word representation, which specifies the distribution of representative patch patterns. We apply a convolutional auto-encoder to learn the patch-level features, from overlapping image patches extracted from the MR images, to learn features from diffusion MR images of brain using an unsupervised approach. Our experimental results show that the bag of word representation using patch level features learnt by the auto encoder provides similar performance as that using the raw patch patterns, both significantly outperform earlier work relying on the mean values of MR metrics in selected brain regions.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1710.0682

    MTBI Identification From Diffusion MR Images Using Bag of Adversarial Visual Features

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    In this work, we propose bag of adversarial features (BAF) for identifying mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) patients from their diffusion magnetic resonance images (MRI) (obtained within one month of injury) by incorporating unsupervised feature learning techniques. MTBI is a growing public health problem with an estimated incidence of over 1.7 million people annually in US. Diagnosis is based on clinical history and symptoms, and accurate, concrete measures of injury are lacking. Unlike most of previous works, which use hand-crafted features extracted from different parts of brain for MTBI classification, we employ feature learning algorithms to learn more discriminative representation for this task. A major challenge in this field thus far is the relatively small number of subjects available for training. This makes it difficult to use an end-to-end convolutional neural network to directly classify a subject from MR images. To overcome this challenge, we first apply an adversarial auto-encoder (with convolutional structure) to learn patch-level features, from overlapping image patches extracted from different brain regions. We then aggregate these features through a bag-of-word approach. We perform an extensive experimental study on a dataset of 227 subjects (including 109 MTBI patients, and 118 age and sex matched healthy controls), and compare the bag-of-deep-features with several previous approaches. Our experimental results show that the BAF significantly outperforms earlier works relying on the mean values of MR metrics in selected brain regions.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Medical Imagin

    Image Segmentation Using Subspace Representation and Sparse Decomposition

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    Image foreground extraction is a classical problem in image processing and vision, with a large range of applications. In this dissertation, we focus on the extraction of text and graphics in mixed-content images, and design novel approaches for various aspects of this problem. We first propose a sparse decomposition framework, which models the background by a subspace containing smooth basis vectors, and foreground as a sparse and connected component. We then formulate an optimization framework to solve this problem, by adding suitable regularizations to the cost function to promote the desired characteristics of each component. We present two techniques to solve the proposed optimization problem, one based on alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), and the other one based on robust regression. Promising results are obtained for screen content image segmentation using the proposed algorithm. We then propose a robust subspace learning algorithm for the representation of the background component using training images that could contain both background and foreground components, as well as noise. With the learnt subspace for the background, we can further improve the segmentation results, compared to using a fixed subspace. Lastly, we investigate a different class of signal/image decomposition problem, where only one signal component is active at each signal element. In this case, besides estimating each component, we need to find their supports, which can be specified by a binary mask. We propose a mixed-integer programming problem, that jointly estimates the two components and their supports through an alternating optimization scheme. We show the application of this algorithm on various problems, including image segmentation, video motion segmentation, and also separation of text from textured images.Comment: PhD Dissertation, NYU, 201