27,930 research outputs found

    Maximal Bootstrap Percolation Time on the Hypercube via Generalised Snake-in-the-Box

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    In rr-neighbour bootstrap percolation, vertices (sites) of a graph GG are infected, round-by-round, if they have rr neighbours already infected. Once infected, they remain infected. An initial set of infected sites is said to percolate if every site is eventually infected. We determine the maximal percolation time for rr-neighbour bootstrap percolation on the hypercube for all r3r \geq 3 as the dimension dd goes to infinity up to a logarithmic factor. Surprisingly, it turns out to be 2dd\frac{2^d}{d}, which is in great contrast with the value for r=2r=2, which is quadratic in dd, as established by Przykucki. Furthermore, we discover a link between this problem and a generalisation of the well-known Snake-in-the-Box problem.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, submitte

    A fast Bayesian approach to discrete object detection in astronomical datasets - PowellSnakes I

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    A new fast Bayesian approach is introduced for the detection of discrete objects immersed in a diffuse background. This new method, called PowellSnakes, speeds up traditional Bayesian techniques by: i) replacing the standard form of the likelihood for the parameters characterizing the discrete objects by an alternative exact form that is much quicker to evaluate; ii) using a simultaneous multiple minimization code based on Powell's direction set algorithm to locate rapidly the local maxima in the posterior; and iii) deciding whether each located posterior peak corresponds to a real object by performing a Bayesian model selection using an approximate evidence value based on a local Gaussian approximation to the peak. The construction of this Gaussian approximation also provides the covariance matrix of the uncertainties in the derived parameter values for the object in question. This new approach provides a speed up in performance by a factor of `hundreds' as compared to existing Bayesian source extraction methods that use MCMC to explore the parameter space, such as that presented by Hobson & McLachlan. We illustrate the capabilities of the method by applying to some simplified toy models. Furthermore PowellSnakes has the advantage of consistently defining the threshold for acceptance/rejection based on priors which cannot be said of the frequentist methods. We present here the first implementation of this technique (Version-I). Further improvements to this implementation are currently under investigation and will be published shortly. The application of the method to realistic simulated Planck observations will be presented in a forthcoming publication.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures, revised version with minor changes, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Geometric factors influencing the diet of vertebrate predators in marine and terrestrial environments

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    Predator–prey relationships are vital to ecosystem function and there is a need for greater predictive understanding of these interactions. We develop a geometric foraging model predicting minimum prey size scaling in marine and terrestrial vertebrate predators taking into account habitat dimensionality and biological traits. Our model predicts positive predator–prey size relationships on land but negative relationships in the sea. To test the model, we compiled data on diets of 794 predators (mammals, snakes, sharks and rays). Consistent with predictions, both terrestrial endotherm and ectotherm predators have significantly positive predator–prey size relationships. Marine predators, however, exhibit greater variation. Some of the largest predators specialise on small invertebrates while others are large vertebrate specialists. Prey–predator mass ratios were generally higher for ectothermic than endothermic predators, although dietary patterns were similar. Model-based simulations of predator–prey relationships were consistent with observed relationships, suggestin

    Determination of the Topology of a Directed Network

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    We consider strongly-connected directed networks of identical synchronous, finite-state processors with in- and out-degree uniformly bounded by a network constant. Via a straightforward extension of Ostrovsky and Wilkerson's Backwards Communication Algorithm in [OW], we exhibit a protocol which solves the Global Topology Determination Problem, the problem of having the root processor map the global topology of a network of unknown size and topology, with running time O(ND) where N represents the number of processors and D represents the diameter of the network. A simple counting argument suffices to show that the Global Topology Determination Problem has time-complexity Omega(N logN) which makes the protocol presented asymptotically time-optimal for many large networks.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, accepted to appear in IPDPS 2002 (unable to attend), (journal version to appear in Information Processing Letters

    Condorcet domains of tiling type

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    A Condorcet domain (CD) is a collection of linear orders on a set of candidates satisfying the following property: for any choice of preferences of voters from this collection, a simple majority rule does not yield cycles. We propose a method of constructing "large" CDs by use of rhombus tiling diagrams and explain that this method unifies several constructions of CDs known earlier. Finally, we show that three conjectures on the maximal sizes of those CDs are, in fact, equivalent and provide a counterexample to them.Comment: 16 pages. To appear in Discrete Applied Mathematic