1,063 research outputs found

    Volumetric Super-Resolution of Multispectral Data

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    Most multispectral remote sensors (e.g. QuickBird, IKONOS, and Landsat 7 ETM+) provide low-spatial high-spectral resolution multispectral (MS) or high-spatial low-spectral resolution panchromatic (PAN) images, separately. In order to reconstruct a high-spatial/high-spectral resolution multispectral image volume, either the information in MS and PAN images are fused (i.e. pansharpening) or super-resolution reconstruction (SRR) is used with only MS images captured on different dates. Existing methods do not utilize temporal information of MS and high spatial resolution of PAN images together to improve the resolution. In this paper, we propose a multiframe SRR algorithm using pansharpened MS images, taking advantage of both temporal and spatial information available in multispectral imagery, in order to exceed spatial resolution of given PAN images. We first apply pansharpening to a set of multispectral images and their corresponding PAN images captured on different dates. Then, we use the pansharpened multispectral images as input to the proposed wavelet-based multiframe SRR method to yield full volumetric SRR. The proposed SRR method is obtained by deriving the subband relations between multitemporal MS volumes. We demonstrate the results on Landsat 7 ETM+ images comparing our method to conventional techniques.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1705.0125

    Restoration of Atmospheric Turbulence-distorted Images via RPCA and Quasiconformal Maps

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    We address the problem of restoring a high-quality image from an observed image sequence strongly distorted by atmospheric turbulence. A novel algorithm is proposed in this paper to reduce geometric distortion as well as space-and-time-varying blur due to strong turbulence. By considering a suitable energy functional, our algorithm first obtains a sharp reference image and a subsampled image sequence containing sharp and mildly distorted image frames with respect to the reference image. The subsampled image sequence is then stabilized by applying the Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) on the deformation fields between image frames and warping the image frames by a quasiconformal map associated with the low-rank part of the deformation matrix. After image frames are registered to the reference image, the low-rank part of them are deblurred via a blind deconvolution, and the deblurred frames are then fused with the enhanced sparse part. Experiments have been carried out on both synthetic and real turbulence-distorted video. Results demonstrate that our method is effective in alleviating distortions and blur, restoring image details and enhancing visual quality.Comment: 21 pages, 24 figure

    Distortion-driven Turbulence Effect Removal using Variational Model

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    It remains a challenge to simultaneously remove geometric distortion and space-time-varying blur in frames captured through a turbulent atmospheric medium. To solve, or at least reduce these effects, we propose a new scheme to recover a latent image from observed frames by integrating a new variational model and distortion-driven spatial-temporal kernel regression. The proposed scheme first constructs a high-quality reference image from the observed frames using low-rank decomposition. Then, to generate an improved registered sequence, the reference image is iteratively optimized using a variational model containing a new spatial-temporal regularization. The proposed fast algorithm efficiently solves this model without the use of partial differential equations (PDEs). Next, to reduce blur variation, distortion-driven spatial-temporal kernel regression is carried out to fuse the registered sequence into one image by introducing the concept of the near-stationary patch. Applying a blind deconvolution algorithm to the fused image produces the final output. Extensive experimental testing shows, both qualitatively and quantitatively, that the proposed method can effectively alleviate distortion and blur and recover details of the original scene compared to state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figure

    Variational models for joint subsampling and reconstruction of turbulence-degraded images

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    Turbulence-degraded image frames are distorted by both turbulent deformations and space-time-varying blurs. To suppress these effects, we propose a multi-frame reconstruction scheme to recover a latent image from the observed image sequence. Recent approaches are commonly based on registering each frame to a reference image, by which geometric turbulent deformations can be estimated and a sharp image can be restored. A major challenge is that a fine reference image is usually unavailable, as every turbulence-degraded frame is distorted. A high-quality reference image is crucial for the accurate estimation of geometric deformations and fusion of frames. Besides, it is unlikely that all frames from the image sequence are useful, and thus frame selection is necessary and highly beneficial. In this work, we propose a variational model for joint subsampling of frames and extraction of a clear image. A fine image and a suitable choice of subsample are simultaneously obtained by iteratively reducing an energy functional. The energy consists of a fidelity term measuring the discrepancy between the extracted image and the subsampled frames, as well as regularization terms on the extracted image and the subsample. Different choices of fidelity and regularization terms are explored. By carefully selecting suitable frames and extracting the image, the quality of the reconstructed image can be significantly improved. Extensive experiments have been carried out, which demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed model. In addition, the extracted subsamples and images can be put in existing algorithms to produce improved results.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1704.0314

    Decomposition into Low-rank plus Additive Matrices for Background/Foreground Separation: A Review for a Comparative Evaluation with a Large-Scale Dataset

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    Recent research on problem formulations based on decomposition into low-rank plus sparse matrices shows a suitable framework to separate moving objects from the background. The most representative problem formulation is the Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) solved via Principal Component Pursuit (PCP) which decomposes a data matrix in a low-rank matrix and a sparse matrix. However, similar robust implicit or explicit decompositions can be made in the following problem formulations: Robust Non-negative Matrix Factorization (RNMF), Robust Matrix Completion (RMC), Robust Subspace Recovery (RSR), Robust Subspace Tracking (RST) and Robust Low-Rank Minimization (RLRM). The main goal of these similar problem formulations is to obtain explicitly or implicitly a decomposition into low-rank matrix plus additive matrices. In this context, this work aims to initiate a rigorous and comprehensive review of the similar problem formulations in robust subspace learning and tracking based on decomposition into low-rank plus additive matrices for testing and ranking existing algorithms for background/foreground separation. For this, we first provide a preliminary review of the recent developments in the different problem formulations which allows us to define a unified view that we called Decomposition into Low-rank plus Additive Matrices (DLAM). Then, we examine carefully each method in each robust subspace learning/tracking frameworks with their decomposition, their loss functions, their optimization problem and their solvers. Furthermore, we investigate if incremental algorithms and real-time implementations can be achieved for background/foreground separation. Finally, experimental results on a large-scale dataset called Background Models Challenge (BMC 2012) show the comparative performance of 32 different robust subspace learning/tracking methods.Comment: 121 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Computer Science Review. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1312.7167, arXiv:1109.6297, arXiv:1207.3438, arXiv:1105.2126, arXiv:1404.7592, arXiv:1210.0805, arXiv:1403.8067 by other authors, Computer Science Review, November 201

    An Invariant Model of the Significance of Different Body Parts in Recognizing Different Actions

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    In this paper, we show that different body parts do not play equally important roles in recognizing a human action in video data. We investigate to what extent a body part plays a role in recognition of different actions and hence propose a generic method of assigning weights to different body points. The approach is inspired by the strong evidence in the applied perception community that humans perform recognition in a foveated manner, that is they recognize events or objects by only focusing on visually significant aspects. An important contribution of our method is that the computation of the weights assigned to body parts is invariant to viewing directions and camera parameters in the input data. We have performed extensive experiments to validate the proposed approach and demonstrate its significance. In particular, results show that considerable improvement in performance is gained by taking into account the relative importance of different body parts as defined by our approach.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1705.04641, arXiv:1705.05741, arXiv:1705.0443

    Robust Online Matrix Factorization for Dynamic Background Subtraction

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    We propose an effective online background subtraction method, which can be robustly applied to practical videos that have variations in both foreground and background. Different from previous methods which often model the foreground as Gaussian or Laplacian distributions, we model the foreground for each frame with a specific mixture of Gaussians (MoG) distribution, which is updated online frame by frame. Particularly, our MoG model in each frame is regularized by the learned foreground/background knowledge in previous frames. This makes our online MoG model highly robust, stable and adaptive to practical foreground and background variations. The proposed model can be formulated as a concise probabilistic MAP model, which can be readily solved by EM algorithm. We further embed an affine transformation operator into the proposed model, which can be automatically adjusted to fit a wide range of video background transformations and make the method more robust to camera movements. With using the sub-sampling technique, the proposed method can be accelerated to execute more than 250 frames per second on average, meeting the requirement of real-time background subtraction for practical video processing tasks. The superiority of the proposed method is substantiated by extensive experiments implemented on synthetic and real videos, as compared with state-of-the-art online and offline background subtraction methods.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Making a long story short: A Multi-Importance fast-forwarding egocentric videos with the emphasis on relevant objects

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    The emergence of low-cost high-quality personal wearable cameras combined with the increasing storage capacity of video-sharing websites have evoked a growing interest in first-person videos, since most videos are composed of long-running unedited streams which are usually tedious and unpleasant to watch. State-of-the-art semantic fast-forward methods currently face the challenge of providing an adequate balance between smoothness in visual flow and the emphasis on the relevant parts. In this work, we present the Multi-Importance Fast-Forward (MIFF), a fully automatic methodology to fast-forward egocentric videos facing these challenges. The dilemma of defining what is the semantic information of a video is addressed by a learning process based on the preferences of the user. Results show that the proposed method keeps over 33 times more semantic content than the state-of-the-art fast-forward. Finally, we discuss the need of a particular video stabilization technique for fast-forward egocentric videos.Comment: Accepted to publication in the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCI) 2018. Project website: https://www.verlab.dcc.ufmg.br/semantic-hyperlaps

    A New Low-Rank Tensor Model for Video Completion

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    In this paper, we propose a new low-rank tensor model based on the circulant algebra, namely, twist tensor nuclear norm or t-TNN for short. The twist tensor denotes a 3-way tensor representation to laterally store 2D data slices in order. On one hand, t-TNN convexly relaxes the tensor multi-rank of the twist tensor in the Fourier domain, which allows an efficient computation using FFT. On the other, t-TNN is equal to the nuclear norm of block circulant matricization of the twist tensor in the original domain, which extends the traditional matrix nuclear norm in a block circulant way. We test the t-TNN model on a video completion application that aims to fill missing values and the experiment results validate its effectiveness, especially when dealing with video recorded by a non-stationary panning camera. The block circulant matricization of the twist tensor can be transformed into a circulant block representation with nuclear norm invariance. This representation, after transformation, exploits the horizontal translation relationship between the frames in a video, and endows the t-TNN model with a more powerful ability to reconstruct panning videos than the existing state-of-the-art low-rank models.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, 1 tabl

    Single Image Action Recognition by Predicting Space-Time Saliency

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    We propose a novel approach based on deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to recognize human actions in still images by predicting the future motion, and detecting the shape and location of the salient parts of the image. We make the following major contributions to this important area of research: (i) We use the predicted future motion in the static image (Walker et al., 2015) as a means of compensating for the missing temporal information, while using the saliency map to represent the the spatial information in the form of location and shape of what is predicted as significant. (ii) We cast action classification in static images as a domain adaptation problem by transfer learning. We first map the input static image to a new domain that we refer to as the Predicted Optical Flow-Saliency Map domain (POF-SM), and then fine-tune the layers of a deep CNN model trained on classifying the ImageNet dataset to perform action classification in the POF-SM domain. (iii) We tested our method on the popular Willow dataset. But unlike existing methods, we also tested on a more realistic and challenging dataset of over 2M still images that we collected and labeled by taking random frames from the UCF-101 video dataset. We call our dataset the UCF Still Image dataset or UCFSI-101 in short. Our results outperform the state of the art
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