765 research outputs found

    A Robust Logical and Computational Characterisation of Peer-to-Peer Database Systems

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    In this paper we give a robust logical and computational characterisation of peer-to-peer (p2p) database systems. We first define a precise model-theoretic semantics of a p2p system, which allows for local inconsistency handling. We then characterise the general computational properties for the problem of answering queries to such a p2p system. Finally, we devise tight complexity bounds and distributed procedures for the problem of answering queries in few relevant special cases

    A Modular Logic Approach for Expressing Web Services in XML Applying Dynamic Rules in XML

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    RuleML is considered to be a markup language for the semantic web. It allows the enrichment of web ontologies by adding definitions of derived concepts and it enhances interoperability among different systems and tools by publishing rules in an XML format. Moreover the in-creasing demand for interfaces that enhance information sharing has given rise to XML doc-uments that include embedded calls to web services. In this paper we propose a variation of RuleML that is based on modular logic programming. Our approach is based in a two level architecture. In the first level a modular logic language, called M-log, is presented. This lan-guage encompasses several mechanisms for invoking web services. In the second level we ex-ploit the semantics of M-log to present a variation of RuleML with rich modeling capabilities. Formal foundations for this variation are given through direct translation to M-log semantics.Knowledge Management, XML, Modular Logic Programming, E-Services

    Query Processing in a P2P Network of Taxonomy-based Information Sources

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    In this study we address the problem of answering queries over a peer-to-peer system of taxonomy-based sources. A taxonomy states subsumption relationships between negation-free DNF formulas on terms and negation-free conjunctions of terms. To the end of laying the foundations of our study, we first consider the centralized case, deriving the complexity of the decision problem and of query evaluation. We conclude by presenting an algorithm that is efficient in data complexity and is based on hypergraphs. We then move to the distributed case, and introduce a logical model of a network of taxonomy-based sources. On such network, a distributed version of the centralized algorithm is then presented, based on a message passing paradigm, and its correctness is proved. We finally discuss optimization issues, and relate our work to the literature

    Nonmonotonic Trust Management for P2P Applications

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    Community decisions about access control in virtual communities are non-monotonic in nature. This means that they cannot be expressed in current, monotonic trust management languages such as the family of Role Based Trust Management languages (RT). To solve this problem we propose RT-, which adds a restricted form of negation to the standard RT language, thus admitting a controlled form of non-monotonicity. The semantics of RT- is discussed and presented in terms of the well-founded semantics for Logic Programs. Finally we discuss how chain discovery can be accomplished for RT-.Comment: This paper appears in the proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM 2005). To appear in ENTC
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