141 research outputs found

    A Survey Paper on Palm Prints Based Biometric Authentication System

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    In this paper we are providing an approach for authentication using palm prints. Reliability in computer aided personal authentication is becoming increasingly important in the information-based world, for effective security system. Biometrics is physiological characteristics of human beings, unique for every individual that are usually time invariant and easy to acquire. Palm print is one of the relatively new physiological biometrics due to its stable and unique characteristics. The rich information of palm print offers one of the powerful means in personal recognition

    3D Vascular Pattern Extraction from Grayscale Volumetric Ultrasound Images for Biometric Recognition Purposes

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    Recognition systems based on palm veins are gaining increasing attention as they are highly distinctive and very hard to counterfeit. Most popular systems are based on infrared radiation; they have the merit to be contactless but can provide only 2D patterns. Conversely, 3D patterns can be achieved with Doppler or photoacoustic methods, but these approaches require too long of an acquisition time. In this work, a method for extracting 3D vascular patterns from conventional grayscale volumetric images of the human hand, which can be collected in a short time, is proposed for the first time. It is based on the detection of low-brightness areas in B-mode images. Centroids of these areas in successive B-mode images are then linked through a minimum distance criterion. Preliminary verification and identification results, carried out on a database previously established for extracting 3D palmprint features, demonstrated good recognition performances: EER = 2%, ROC AUC = 99.92%, and an identification rate of 100%. As further merit, 3D vein pattern features can be fused to 3D palmprint features to implement a costless multimodal recognition system

    The fundamentals of unimodal palmprint authentication based on a biometric system: A review

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    Biometric system can be defined as the automated method of identifying or authenticating the identity of a living person based on physiological or behavioral traits. Palmprint biometric-based authentication has gained considerable attention in recent years. Globally, enterprises have been exploring biometric authorization for some time, for the purpose of security, payment processing, law enforcement CCTV systems, and even access to offices, buildings, and gyms via the entry doors. Palmprint biometric system can be divided into unimodal and multimodal. This paper will investigate the biometric system and provide a detailed overview of the palmprint technology with existing recognition approaches. Finally, we introduce a review of previous works based on a unimodal palmprint system using different databases

    Using biometrics authentication via fingerprint recognition in e-Exams in e-Learning environment

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    E-learning is a great opportunity for modern life. Notably, however, the tool needs to be coupled with efficient and reliable security mechanisms to ensure the medium can be established as a dependable one. Authentication of e-exam takers is of prime importance so that exams are given by fair means. A new approach shall be proposed so as to ensure that no unauthorised individuals are permitted to give the exams

    Comprehensive Survey: Biometric User Authentication Application, Evaluation, and Discussion

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    This paper conducts an extensive review of biometric user authentication literature, addressing three primary research questions: (1) commonly used biometric traits and their suitability for specific applications, (2) performance factors such as security, convenience, and robustness, and potential countermeasures against cyberattacks, and (3) factors affecting biometric system accuracy and po-tential improvements. Our analysis delves into physiological and behavioral traits, exploring their pros and cons. We discuss factors influencing biometric system effectiveness and highlight areas for enhancement. Our study differs from previous surveys by extensively examining biometric traits, exploring various application domains, and analyzing measures to mitigate cyberattacks. This paper aims to inform researchers and practitioners about the biometric authentication landscape and guide future advancements

    Two-Factor Biometric Identity Verification System for the Human-Machine System Integrated Deep Learning Model

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    The Human-Machine Identity Verification System based on Deep Learning offers a robust and automated approach to identity verification, leveraging the power of deep learning algorithms to enhance accuracy and security. This paper focused on the biometric-based authentical scheme with Biometric Recognition for the Huma-Machinary Identification System. The proposed model is stated as the Two-Factor Biometric Authentication Deep Learning (TBAuthDL). The proposed TBAuthDL model uses the iris and fingerprint biometric data for authentication. TBAuthDL uses the Weighted Hashing Cryptographic (WHC) model for the data security. The TBAuthDL model computes the hashing factors and biometric details of the person with WHC and updates to the TBAuthDL. Upon the verification of the details of the assessment is verified in the Human-Machinary identity. The simulation analysis of TBAuthDL model achieves a higher accuracy of 99% with a minimal error rate of 1% which is significantly higher than the existing techniques. The performance also minimizes the computation and processing time with reduced complexity

    State of the Art in Biometric Key Binding and Key Generation Schemes

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    Direct storage of biometric templates in databases exposes the authentication system and legitimate users to numerous security and privacy challenges. Biometric cryptosystems or template protection schemes are used to overcome the security and privacy challenges associated with the use of biometrics as a means of authentication. This paper presents a review of previous works in biometric key binding and key generation schemes. The review focuses on key binding techniques such as biometric encryption, fuzzy commitment scheme, fuzzy vault and shielding function. Two categories of key generation schemes considered are private template and quantization schemes. The paper also discusses the modes of operations, strengths and weaknesses of various kinds of key-based template protection schemes. The goal is to provide the reader with a clear understanding of the current and emerging trends in key-based biometric cryptosystems