16,607 research outputs found

    Data-Side Efficiencies for Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks

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    We examine how the choice of data-side attributes for two important visual tasks of image classification and object detection can aid in the choice or design of lightweight convolutional neural networks. We show by experimentation how four data attributes - number of classes, object color, image resolution, and object scale affect neural network model size and efficiency. Intra- and inter-class similarity metrics, based on metric learning, are defined to guide the evaluation of these attributes toward achieving lightweight models. Evaluations made using these metrics are shown to require 30x less computation than running full inference tests. We provide, as an example, applying the metrics and methods to choose a lightweight model for a robot path planning application and achieve computation reduction of 66% and accuracy gain of 3.5% over the pre-method model.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 6 table

    LightCLIP: Learning Multi-Level Interaction for Lightweight Vision-Language Models

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    Vision-language pre-training like CLIP has shown promising performance on various downstream tasks such as zero-shot image classification and image-text retrieval. Most of the existing CLIP-alike works usually adopt relatively large image encoders like ResNet50 and ViT, while the lightweight counterparts are rarely discussed. In this paper, we propose a multi-level interaction paradigm for training lightweight CLIP models. Firstly, to mitigate the problem that some image-text pairs are not strictly one-to-one correspondence, we improve the conventional global instance-level alignment objective by softening the label of negative samples progressively. Secondly, a relaxed bipartite matching based token-level alignment objective is introduced for finer-grained alignment between image patches and textual words. Moreover, based on the observation that the accuracy of CLIP model does not increase correspondingly as the parameters of text encoder increase, an extra objective of masked language modeling (MLM) is leveraged for maximizing the potential of the shortened text encoder. In practice, an auxiliary fusion module injecting unmasked image embedding into masked text embedding at different network stages is proposed for enhancing the MLM. Extensive experiments show that without introducing additional computational cost during inference, the proposed method achieves a higher performance on multiple downstream tasks

    Lightweight Probabilistic Deep Networks

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    Even though probabilistic treatments of neural networks have a long history, they have not found widespread use in practice. Sampling approaches are often too slow already for simple networks. The size of the inputs and the depth of typical CNN architectures in computer vision only compound this problem. Uncertainty in neural networks has thus been largely ignored in practice, despite the fact that it may provide important information about the reliability of predictions and the inner workings of the network. In this paper, we introduce two lightweight approaches to making supervised learning with probabilistic deep networks practical: First, we suggest probabilistic output layers for classification and regression that require only minimal changes to existing networks. Second, we employ assumed density filtering and show that activation uncertainties can be propagated in a practical fashion through the entire network, again with minor changes. Both probabilistic networks retain the predictive power of the deterministic counterpart, but yield uncertainties that correlate well with the empirical error induced by their predictions. Moreover, the robustness to adversarial examples is significantly increased.Comment: To appear at CVPR 201
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