2,876 research outputs found

    Decentralized Computation Offloading for Multi-User Mobile Edge Computing: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach

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    Mobile edge computing (MEC) emerges recently as a promising solution to relieve resource-limited mobile devices from computation-intensive tasks, which enables devices to offload workloads to nearby MEC servers and improve the quality of computation experience. Nevertheless, by considering a MEC system consisting of multiple mobile users with stochastic task arrivals and wireless channels in this paper, the design of computation offloading policies is challenging to minimize the long-term average computation cost in terms of power consumption and buffering delay. A deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based decentralized dynamic computation offloading strategy is investigated to build a scalable MEC system with limited feedback. Specifically, a continuous action space-based DRL approach named deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) is adopted to learn efficient computation offloading policies independently at each mobile user. Thus, powers of both local execution and task offloading can be adaptively allocated by the learned policies from each user's local observation of the MEC system. Numerical results are illustrated to demonstrate that efficient policies can be learned at each user, and performance of the proposed DDPG based decentralized strategy outperforms the conventional deep Q-network (DQN) based discrete power control strategy and some other greedy strategies with reduced computation cost. Besides, the power-delay tradeoff is also analyzed for both the DDPG based and DQN based strategies

    Applications of Deep Reinforcement Learning in Communications and Networking: A Survey

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    This paper presents a comprehensive literature review on applications of deep reinforcement learning in communications and networking. Modern networks, e.g., Internet of Things (IoT) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) networks, become more decentralized and autonomous. In such networks, network entities need to make decisions locally to maximize the network performance under uncertainty of network environment. Reinforcement learning has been efficiently used to enable the network entities to obtain the optimal policy including, e.g., decisions or actions, given their states when the state and action spaces are small. However, in complex and large-scale networks, the state and action spaces are usually large, and the reinforcement learning may not be able to find the optimal policy in reasonable time. Therefore, deep reinforcement learning, a combination of reinforcement learning with deep learning, has been developed to overcome the shortcomings. In this survey, we first give a tutorial of deep reinforcement learning from fundamental concepts to advanced models. Then, we review deep reinforcement learning approaches proposed to address emerging issues in communications and networking. The issues include dynamic network access, data rate control, wireless caching, data offloading, network security, and connectivity preservation which are all important to next generation networks such as 5G and beyond. Furthermore, we present applications of deep reinforcement learning for traffic routing, resource sharing, and data collection. Finally, we highlight important challenges, open issues, and future research directions of applying deep reinforcement learning.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables, 174 reference paper

    Optimized Computation Offloading Performance in Virtual Edge Computing Systems via Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    To improve the quality of computation experience for mobile devices, mobile-edge computing (MEC) is a promising paradigm by providing computing capabilities in close proximity within a sliced radio access network (RAN), which supports both traditional communication and MEC services. Nevertheless, the design of computation offloading policies for a virtual MEC system remains challenging. Specifically, whether to execute a computation task at the mobile device or to offload it for MEC server execution should adapt to the time-varying network dynamics. In this paper, we consider MEC for a representative mobile user in an ultra-dense sliced RAN, where multiple base stations (BSs) are available to be selected for computation offloading. The problem of solving an optimal computation offloading policy is modelled as a Markov decision process, where our objective is to maximize the long-term utility performance whereby an offloading decision is made based on the task queue state, the energy queue state as well as the channel qualities between MU and BSs. To break the curse of high dimensionality in state space, we first propose a double deep Q-network (DQN) based strategic computation offloading algorithm to learn the optimal policy without knowing a priori knowledge of network dynamics. Then motivated by the additive structure of the utility function, a Q-function decomposition technique is combined with the double DQN, which leads to novel learning algorithm for the solving of stochastic computation offloading. Numerical experiments show that our proposed learning algorithms achieve a significant improvement in computation offloading performance compared with the baseline policies

    Computation Offloading and Activation of Mobile Edge Computing Servers: A Minority Game

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    With the ever-increasing popularity of resource-intensive mobile applications, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), e.g., offloading computationally expensive tasks to the cellular edge, has become a prominent technology for the next generation wireless networks. Despite its great performance in terms of delay and energy, MEC suffers from restricted power allowance and computational capability of the edge nodes. Therefore, it is imperative to develop distributed mechanisms for computation offloading, so that not only the computational servers are utilized at their best capacity, but also the users' latency constraints are fulfilled. In this paper, by using the theory of Minority Games, we develop a novel distributed server activation mechanism for computational offloading. Our scheme guarantees energy-efficient activation of servers as well as satisfaction of users' quality-of-experience (QoE) requirements in terms of latency

    An Incentive-Aware Job Offloading Control Framework for Mobile Edge Computing

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    This paper considers a scenario in which an access point (AP) is equipped with a mobile edge server of finite computing power, and serves multiple resource-hungry mobile users by charging users a price. Pricing provides users with incentives in offloading. However, existing works on pricing are based on abstract concave utility functions (e.g, the logarithm function), giving no dependence on physical layer parameters. To that end, we first introduce a novel utility function, which measures the cost reduction by offloading as compared with executing jobs locally. Based on this utility function we then formulate two offloading games, with one maximizing individual's interest and the other maximizing the overall system's interest. We analyze the structural property of the games and admit in closed form the Nash Equilibrium and the Social Equilibrium, respectively. The proposed expressions are functions of the user parameters such as the weights of computational time and energy, the distance from the AP, thus constituting an advancement over prior economic works that have considered only abstract functions. Finally, we propose an optimal pricing-based scheme, with which we prove that the interactive decision-making process with self-interested users converges to a Nash Equilibrium point equal to the Social Equilibrium point.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    A Survey on Mobile Edge Networks: Convergence of Computing, Caching and Communications

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    As the explosive growth of smart devices and the advent of many new applications, traffic volume has been growing exponentially. The traditional centralized network architecture cannot accommodate such user demands due to heavy burden on the backhaul links and long latency. Therefore, new architectures which bring network functions and contents to the network edge are proposed, i.e., mobile edge computing and caching. Mobile edge networks provide cloud computing and caching capabilities at the edge of cellular networks. In this survey, we make an exhaustive review on the state-of-the-art research efforts on mobile edge networks. We first give an overview of mobile edge networks including definition, architecture and advantages. Next, a comprehensive survey of issues on computing, caching and communication techniques at the network edge is presented respectively. The applications and use cases of mobile edge networks are discussed. Subsequently, the key enablers of mobile edge networks such as cloud technology, SDN/NFV and smart devices are discussed. Finally, open research challenges and future directions are presented as well

    Context-Aware Wireless Connectivity and Processing Unit Optimization for IoT Networks

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    A novel approach is presented in this work for context-aware connectivity and processing optimization of Internet of things (IoT) networks. Different from the state-of-the-art approaches, the proposed approach simultaneously selects the best connectivity and processing unit (e.g., device, fog, and cloud) along with the percentage of data to be offloaded by jointly optimizing energy consumption, response-time, security, and monetary cost. The proposed scheme employs a reinforcement learning algorithm, and manages to achieve significant gains compared to deterministic solutions. In particular, the requirements of IoT devices in terms of response-time and security are taken as inputs along with the remaining battery level of the devices, and the developed algorithm returns an optimized policy. The results obtained show that only our method is able to meet the holistic multi-objective optimisation criteria, albeit, the benchmark approaches may achieve better results on a particular metric at the cost of failing to reach the other targets. Thus, the proposed approach is a device-centric and context-aware solution that accounts for the monetary and battery constraints

    Multi-Armed Bandit for Energy-Efficient and Delay-Sensitive Edge Computing in Dynamic Networks with Uncertainty

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    In the edge computing paradigm, mobile devices offload the computational tasks to an edge server by routing the required data over the wireless network. The full potential of edge computing becomes realized only if a smart device selects the most appropriate server in terms of the latency and energy consumption, among many available ones. The server selection problem is challenging due to the randomness of the environment and lack of prior information about the environment. Therefore, a smart device, which sequentially chooses a server under uncertainty, aims to improve its decision based on the historical time and energy consumption. The problem becomes more complicated in a dynamic environment, where key variables might undergo abrupt changes. To deal with the aforementioned problem, we first analyze the required time and energy to data transmission and processing. We then use the analysis to cast the problem as a budget-limited multi-armed bandit problem, where each arm is associated with a reward and cost, with time-variant statistical characteristics. We propose a policy to solve the formulated problem and prove a regret bound. The numerical results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method compared to a number of existing solutions.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure

    Edge Intelligence: The Confluence of Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence

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    Along with the rapid developments in communication technologies and the surge in the use of mobile devices, a brand-new computation paradigm, Edge Computing, is surging in popularity. Meanwhile, Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are thriving with the breakthroughs in deep learning and the many improvements in hardware architectures. Billions of data bytes, generated at the network edge, put massive demands on data processing and structural optimization. Thus, there exists a strong demand to integrate Edge Computing and AI, which gives birth to Edge Intelligence. In this paper, we divide Edge Intelligence into AI for edge (Intelligence-enabled Edge Computing) and AI on edge (Artificial Intelligence on Edge). The former focuses on providing more optimal solutions to key problems in Edge Computing with the help of popular and effective AI technologies while the latter studies how to carry out the entire process of building AI models, i.e., model training and inference, on the edge. This paper provides insights into this new inter-disciplinary field from a broader perspective. It discusses the core concepts and the research road-map, which should provide the necessary background for potential future research initiatives in Edge Intelligence.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Exploiting Non-Causal CPU-State Information for Energy-Efficient Mobile Cooperative Computing

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    Scavenging the idling computation resources at the enormous number of mobile devices can provide a powerful platform for local mobile cloud computing. The vision can be realized by peer-to-peer cooperative computing between edge devices, referred to as co-computing. This paper considers a co-computing system where a user offloads computation of input-data to a helper. The helper controls the offloading process for the objective of minimizing the user's energy consumption based on a predicted helper's CPU-idling profile that specifies the amount of available computation resource for co-computing. Consider the scenario that the user has one-shot input-data arrival and the helper buffers offloaded bits. The problem for energy-efficient co-computing is formulated as two sub-problems: the slave problem corresponding to adaptive offloading and the master one to data partitioning. Given a fixed offloaded data size, the adaptive offloading aims at minimizing the energy consumption for offloading by controlling the offloading rate under the deadline and buffer constraints. By deriving the necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimal solution, we characterize the structure of the optimal policies and propose algorithms for computing the policies. Furthermore, we show that the problem of optimal data partitioning for offloading and local computing at the user is convex, admitting a simple solution using the sub-gradient method. Last, the developed design approach for co-computing is extended to the scenario of bursty data arrivals at the user accounting for data causality constraints. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.Comment: Submitted to possible journa