2 research outputs found

    Efficient resource management for linear logic proof search

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    A Lazy Splitting System for Forum

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    A number of formalisms based on Linear Logic have been successfully employed for specifying concurrent systems. Nevertheless, there has been a much minor interest in providing an efficient implementation of them. An inconvenience of some of these approaches is the non-determinism generated by the resource management. One of the most expressive Linear Logic based formalisms is Forum, a specification logic providing both abstraction and concurrency into a declarative setting. In this paper, we define a lazy splitting system for Forum providing a nearly deterministic resource assignment. We also propose a new stack-based scope control mechanism, improving other proposals and having both a declarative and an operational reading. Keywords: Linear Logic, Implementation, Backchaining, Lazy Splitting 1 Introduction Linear Logic was introduced by Girard [3] to provide a logical framework for concurrency, where formulas are viewed as (possibly finite) resources and proofs as their consumers. I..