3 research outputs found

    The C++0x "Concepts" Effort

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    C++0x is the working title for the revision of the ISO standard of the C++ programming language that was originally planned for release in 2009 but that was delayed to 2011. The largest language extension in C++0x was "concepts", that is, a collection of features for constraining template parameters. In September of 2008, the C++ standards committee voted the concepts extension into C++0x, but then in July of 2009, the committee voted the concepts extension back out of C++0x. This article is my account of the technical challenges and debates within the "concepts" effort in the years 2003 to 2009. To provide some background, the article also describes the design space for constrained parametric polymorphism, or what is colloquially know as constrained generics. While this article is meant to be generally accessible, the writing is aimed toward readers with background in functional programming and programming language theory. This article grew out of a lecture at the Spring School on Generic and Indexed Programming at the University of Oxford, March 2010

    Structures adaptatives en fonction de la lumière : DARMIN comme outil de génération d'ambiances architecturales dynamiques

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    Cette recherche propose un milieu virtuel comme un dispositif de représentation morphologique des ambiances lumineuses générées par une structure adaptative et dynamique, mettant en relation le rapport entre l’extérieur et l’intérieur à l’étape de conception architecturale. L’outil développé appelé DARMIN, « Daylight Adaptive aRchitecture Modeling INterface », devient l’inducteur exploratoire de la démarche de création, grâce à son système interactif. Le concepteur, en situation d’exploration typologique formelle, exploite les potentialités et les qualités de l’espace architectural que l’ambiance lumineuse recèle. De cette façon, la recherche proposée offre la possibilité de l'émergence de nouvelles réponses morphologiques complexes soutenant la démarche du design. Elle permet en outre aux concepteurs d’expérimenter un large éventail de solutions possibles dans un laboratoire virtuel, un environnement de conception contrôlée qui renforce la créativité de l’architecte. Ainsi, la recherche présentée s’intéresse particulièrement à montrer le potentiel d’une structure architecturale adaptative qui bonifie quantitativement et qualitativement l’expérience de l’espace interne et externe, à travers la nature dynamique de l’ambiance lumineuse.This research proposes a virtual environment as a device for morphological representation of luminous ambiances generated by an adaptive and dynamic structure, linking the relationship between the outside and inside at the stage of architectural conception. This developed tool called DARMIN « Daylight Adaptive aRchitecture Modeling INterface », becomes an exploratory inductor within the creative process through its interactive system. The designer, in typologically formal exploration phase, exploits the potential and qualities of architectural space that luminous ambiances harbors. In this way, the proposed research offers the possibility of the emergence of new complex morphological responses supporting the process of design. It also allows designers to experiment with a wide range of possible solutions in a virtual laboratory, controlled design environment that enhances the creativity of the architect. Thus, the presented research is particularly interested in showing the potential of adaptive architectural structure that quantitatively and qualitatively improves the experience of internal and external space through the dynamic nature of the luminous ambiances