1,666 research outputs found

    A Framework and Compact Constructions for Non-monotonic Attribute-Based Encryption

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    In this paper, we propose new non-monotonic attribute-based encryption schemes with compact parameters. The first three schemes are key-policy attribute-based encryption (KP-ABE) and the fourth scheme is ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) scheme. \begin{itemize} \item Our first scheme has very compact ciphertexts. The ciphertext overhead only consists of two group elements and this is the shortest in the literature. Compared to the scheme by Attrapadung et al. (PKC2011), which is the best scheme in terms of the ciphertext overhead, our scheme shortens ciphertext overhead by 33%33\%. The scheme also reduces the size of the master public key to about half. \item Our second scheme is proven secure under the decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption, which is one of the most standard assumptions in bilinear groups. Compared to the non-monotonic KP-ABE scheme from the same assumption by Ostrovsky et al. (ACM-CCS\u2707), our scheme achieves more compact parameters. The master public key and the ciphertext size is about the half that of their scheme. \item Our third scheme is the first non-monotonic KP-ABE scheme that can deal with unbounded size of set and access policies. That is, there is no restriction on the size of attribute sets and the number of allowed repetition of the same attributes which appear in an access policy. The master public key of our scheme is very compact: it consists of only constant number of group elements. \item Our fourth scheme is the first non-monotonic CP-ABE scheme that can deal with unbounded size of set and access policies. The master public key of the scheme consists of only constant number of group elements. \end{itemize} We construct our KP-ABE schemes in a modular manner. We first introduce special type of predicate encryption that we call two-mode identity based broadcast encryption (TIBBE). Then, we show that any TIBBE scheme that satisfies certain condition can be generically converted into non-monotonic KP-ABE scheme. Finally, we construct efficient TIBBE schemes and apply this conversion to obtain the above new non-monotonic KP-ABE schemes

    Expressive CP-ABE Scheme Satisfying Constant-Size Keys and Ciphertexts

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    Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is a desirable scheme to use in cloud-based applications, especially on IoT devices. As most of these devices are battery-limited and memory-limited, leading to a constraint in designing a robust and straightforward mechanism involving less computation and less memory. But none of the systems are secure and based on conventional cryptosystems. Here we propose a constant-size secret key and constant-size ciphertext scheme based on RSA cryptosystem, which performs encryption and decryption in O(1) time complexity. We also prove that the scheme is secure and compare it with already existing schemes

    Private Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-based Encryption Schemes With Constant-Size Ciphertext Supporting CNF Access Policy

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    Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is an extension of traditional public key encryption in which the encryption and decryption phases are based on user\u27s attributes. More precisely, we focus on cipher-text-policy ABE (CP-ABE) where the secret-key is associated to a set of attributes and the ciphertext is generated with an access policy. It then becomes feasible to decrypt a ciphertext only if one\u27s attributes satisfy the used access policy. In this paper, we give the first private CP-ABE constructions with a constant-size ciphertext, supporting CNF (Conjunctive Normal Form) access policy, with the simple restriction that each attribute can only appear kmaxk_{max} times in the access formula. Our two constructions are based on the BGW scheme at Crypto\u2705. The first scheme is basic selective secure (in the standard model) while our second one reaches the selective CCA security (in the random oracle model)

    Attribute-Based Conditional Proxy Re-Encryption in the Standard Model under LWE

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    Attribute-based conditional proxy re-encryption (AB-CPRE) allows delegators to carry out attribute-based control on the delegation of decryption by setting policies and attribute vectors. The fine-grained control of AB-CPRE makes it suitable for a variety of applications, such as cloud storage and distributed file systems. However, all existing AB-CPRE schemes are constructed under classical number-theoretic assumptions, which are vulnerable to quantum cryptoanalysis. Therefore, we propose the first AB-CPRE scheme based on the learning with errors (LWE) assumption. Constructed from fully key-homomorphic encryption (FKHE) and key-switching techniques, our scheme is unidirectional, single-hop, and enables a polynomial-deep boolean circuit as its policy. Furthermore, we split the ciphertext into two independent parts to avoid two-level or multi-level encryption/decryption mechanisms. Taking advantage of it, we then extend our single-hop AB-CPRE into an efficient and concise multi-hop one. No matter how many transformations are performed, the re-encrypted ciphertext is in constant size, and only one encryption/decryption algorithm is needed. Both of our schemes are proved to be selective secure against chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) in the standard model

    Cross-Domain Attribute-Based Access Control Encryption

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    Logic access control enforces who can read and write data; the enforcement is typically performed by a fully trusted entity. At TCC 2016, Damg\aa rd et al. proposed Access Control Encryption (ACE) schemes where a predicate function decides whether or not users can read (decrypt) and write (encrypt) data, while the message secrecy and the users\u27 anonymity are preserved against malicious parties. Subsequently, several ACE constructions with an arbitrary identity-based access policy have been proposed, but they have huge ciphertext and key sizes and/or rely on indistinguishability obfuscation. At IEEE S&P 2021, Wang and Chow proposed a Cross-Domain ACE scheme with constant-size ciphertext and arbitrary identity-based policy; the key generators are separated into two distinct parties, called Sender Authority and Receiver Authority. In this paper, we improve over their work with a novel construction that provides a more expressive access control policy based on attributes rather than on identities, the security of which relies on standard assumptions. Our generic construction combines Structure-Preserving Signatures, Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge proofs, and Re-randomizable Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption schemes. Moreover, we propose an efficient scheme in which the sizes of ciphertexts and encryption and decryption keys are constant and thus independent of the number of receivers and their attributes. Our experiments demonstrate that not only is our system more flexible, but it also is more efficient and results in shorter decryption keys (reduced from about 100 to 47 bytes) and ciphertexts (reduced from about 1400 to 1047 bytes)

    Attribute-Based Encryption with Fast Decryption

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    Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a vision of public key encryption that allows users to encrypt and decrypt messages based on user attributes. This functionality comes at a cost. In a typical implementation, the size of the ciphertext is proportional to the number of attributes associated with it and the decryption time is proportional to the number of attributes used during decryption. Specifically, many practical ABE implementations require one pairing operation per attribute used during decryption. This work focuses on designing ABE schemes with fast decryption algorithms. We restrict our attention to expressive systems without system-wide bounds or limitations, such as placing a limit on the number of attributes used in a ciphertext or a private key. In this setting, we present the first key-policy ABE system where ciphertexts can be decrypted with a constant number of pairings. We show that GPSW ciphertexts can be decrypted with only 2 pairings by increasing the private key size by a factor of X, where X is the set of distinct attributes that appear in the private key. We then present a generalized construction that allows each system user to independently tune various efficiency tradeoffs to their liking on a spectrum where the extremes are GPSW on one end and our very fast scheme on the other. This tuning requires no changes to the public parameters or the encryption algorithm. Strategies for choosing an individualized user optimization plan are discussed. Finally, we discuss how these ideas can be translated into the ciphertext-policy ABE setting at a higher cost
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