3 research outputs found

    Multiobjective differential evolution based on fuzzy performance feedback: Soft constraint handling and its application in antenna designs

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    The recently emerging Differential Evolution is considered one of the most powerful tools for solving optimization problems. It is a stochastic population-based search approach for optimization over the continuous space. The main advantages of differential evolution are simplicity, robustness and high speed of convergence. Differential evolution is attractive to researchers all over the world as evidenced by recent publications. There are many variants of differential evolution proposed by researchers and differential evolution algorithms are continuously improved in its performance. Performance of differential evolution algorithms depend on the control parameters setting which are problem dependent and time-consuming task. This study proposed a Fuzzy-based Multiobjective Differential Evolution (FMDE) that exploits three performance metrics, specifically hypervolume, spacing, and maximum spread, to measure the state of the evolution process. We apply the fuzzy inference rules to these metrics in order to adaptively adjust the associated control parameters of the chosen mutation strategy used in this algorithm. The proposed FMDE is evaluated on the well known ZDT, DTLZ, and WFG benchmark test suites. The experimental results show that FMDE is competitive with respect to the chosen state-of-the-art multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. The advanced version of FMDE with adaptive crossover rate (AFMDE) is proposed. The proof of concept AFMDE is then applied specifically to the designs of microstrip antenna array. Furthermore, the soft constraint handling technique incorporates with AFMDE is proposed. Soft constraint AFMDE is evaluated on the benchmark constrained problems. AFMDE with soft constraint handling technique is applied to the constrained non-uniform circular antenna array design problem as a case study

    Rotationally invariant techniques for handling parameter interactions in evolutionary multi-objective optimization

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    In traditional optimization approaches the interaction of parameters associated with a problem is not a significant issue, but in the domain of Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization (EMOO) traditional genetic algorithm approaches have difficulties in optimizing problems with parameter interactions. Parameter interactions can be introduced when the search space is rotated. Genetic algorithms are referred to as being not rotationally invariant because their behavior changes depending on the orientation of the search space. Many empirical studies in single and multi-objective evolutionary optimization are done with respect to test problems which do not have parameter interactions. Such studies provide a favorably biased indication of genetic algorithm performance. This motivates the first aspect of our work; the improvement of the testing of EMOO algorithms with respect to the aforementioned difficulties that genetic algorithms experience in the presence of parameter interactions. To this end, we examine how EMOO algorithms can be assessed when problems are subject to an arbitrarily uniform degree of parameter interactions. We establish a theoretical basis for parameter interactions and how they can be measured. Furthermore, we ask the question of what difficulties a multi-objective genetic algorithm experiences on optimization problems exhibiting parameter interactions. We also ask how these difficulties can be overcome in order to efficiently find the Pareto-optimal front on such problems. Existing multi-objective test problems in the literature typically introduce parameter interactions by altering the fitness landscape, which is undesirable. We propose a new suite of test problems that exhibit parameter interactions through a rotation of the decision space, without altering the fitness landscape. In addition, we compare the performance of a number of recombination operators on these test problems. The second aspect of this work is concerned with developing an efficient multi-objective optimization algorithm which works well on problems with parameter interactions. We investigate how an evolutionary algorithm can be made more efficient on multi-objective problems with parameter interactions by developing four novel rotationally invariant differential evolution approaches. We also ask whether the proposed approaches are competitive in comparison with a state-of-the-art EMOO algorithm. We propose several differential evolution approaches incorporating directional information from the multi-objective search space in order to accelerate and direct the search. Experimental results indicate that dramatic improvements in efficiency can be achieved by directing the search towards points which are more dominant and more diverse. We also address the important issue of diversity loss in rotationally invariant vector-wise differential evolution. Being able to generate diverse solutions is critically important in order to avoid stagnation. In order to address this issue, one of the directed approaches that we examine incorporates a novel sampling scheme around better individuals in the search space. This variant is able to perform exceptionally well on the test problems with much less computational cost and scales to very high decision space dimensions even in the presence of parameter interactions