3 research outputs found

    A Novel Sample Selection Strategy for Imbalanced Data of Biomedical Event Extraction with Joint Scoring Mechanism

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    Biomedical event extraction is an important and difficult task in bioinformatics. With the rapid growth of biomedical literature, the extraction of complex events from unstructured text has attracted more attention. However, the annotated biomedical corpus is highly imbalanced, which affects the performance of the classification algorithms. In this study, a sample selection algorithm based on sequential pattern is proposed to filter negative samples in the training phase. Considering the joint information between the trigger and argument of multiargument events, we extract triplets of multiargument events directly using a support vector machine classifier. A joint scoring mechanism, which is based on sentence similarity and importance of trigger in the training data, is used to correct the predicted results. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method can extract events efficiently

    Knowledge-Driven Event Extraction in Russian: Corpus-Based Linguistic Resources

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    Automatic event extraction form text is an important step in knowledge acquisition and knowledge base population. Manual work in development of extraction system is indispensable either in corpus annotation or in vocabularies and pattern creation for a knowledge-based system. Recent works have been focused on adaptation of existing system (for extraction from English texts) to new domains. Event extraction in other languages was not studied due to the lack of resources and algorithms necessary for natural language processing. In this paper we define a set of linguistic resources that are necessary in development of a knowledge-based event extraction system in Russian: a vocabulary of subordination models, a vocabulary of event triggers, and a vocabulary of Frame Elements that are basic building blocks for semantic patterns. We propose a set of methods for creation of such vocabularies in Russian and other languages using Google Books NGram Corpus. The methods are evaluated in development of event extraction system for Russian