6 research outputs found

    Strategi Efisiensi Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)

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    Abstrak: Wireless Sensor Network adalah teknologi yang berkembang pesat yang menawarkan potensi luar biasa untuk merevolusi banyak industri dan bidang. Wireless Sensor Network menjadi semakin populer karena keserbagunaannya, biaya yang rendah serta kemudahan dalam penerapannya. Terlepas dari keunggulan tersebut, masih ada beberapa tantangan yang perlu diatasi untuk mencapai kinerja tinggi dalam WSN yang terdistribusi secara total. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menyajikan strategi ataupun solusi kepada user dalam kaitannya mencapai atau meningkatkan kinerja WSN yang berdampak pada keberhasilan pengumpulan data. Studi empiris dari peneliti-peneliti terkait menjadi metode pilihan yang digunakan.. Terdapat dua strategi yang diajukan untuk mencapai dan meningkatkan efisiensi WSN yaitu dengan pengoptimalan topologi jaringan sensor nirkabel dan memanfaatkan mode tidur. Adapun langkahnya dengan merencanakan penerapan node sensor, mengoptimalkan konsumsi energi melalui perutean yang efisien dan teknik agregasi data, mempertimbangkan skalabilitas dan lokalisasi, serta menggabungkan toleransi kesalahan dan ketahanan, jaringan dapat mencapai keseimbangan antara cakupan, konektivitas, efisiensi energi, dan ketahanan. Kata kunci: wireless sensor network, efisiensi, topologi jaringan, mode tidur jaringan.   Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks are a rapidly evolving technology that offers tremendous potential to revolutionize many industries and fields. Wireless sensor networks are becoming increasingly popular because of their versatility, low cost and ease of implementation. Despite these advantages, there are still some challenges that need to be overcome to achieve high performance in a totally distributed WSN. The purpose of this study is to present strategies or solutions to users in relation to achieving or improving WSN performance which has an impact on the success of data collection. Empirical studies from related researchers are the method of choice used. There are two strategies proposed to achieve and improve WSN efficiency, namely by optimizing the wireless sensor network topology and utilizing sleep mode. The steps are by planning the implementation of sensor nodes, optimizing energy consumption through efficient routing and data aggregation techniques, considering scalability and localization, and combining fault tolerance and robustness, the network can achieve a balance between coverage, connectivity, energy efficiency, and resilience. Keywords: wireless sensor network, efficiency, network topology, network sleep mode

    Algorithmic Methods in Wireless Sensor Network

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    A Hybrid Optimized Weighted Minimum Spanning Tree for the Shortest Intrapath Selection in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of sensor nodes that need energy efficient routing techniques as they have limited battery power, computing, and storage resources. WSN routing protocols should enable reliable multihop communication with energy constraints. Clustering is an effective way to reduce overheads and when this is aided by effective resource allocation, it results in reduced energy consumption. In this work, a novel hybrid evolutionary algorithm called Bee Algorithm-Simulated Annealing Weighted Minimal Spanning Tree (BASA-WMST) routing is proposed in which randomly deployed sensor nodes are split into the best possible number of independent clusters with cluster head and optimal route. The former gathers data from sensors belonging to the cluster, forwarding them to the sink. The shortest intrapath selection for the cluster is selected using Weighted Minimum Spanning Tree (WMST). The proposed algorithm computes the distance-based Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of the weighted graph for the multihop network. The weights are dynamically changed based on the energy level of each sensor during route selection and optimized using the proposed bee algorithm simulated annealing algorithm

    Energy and Round Time Estimation Method for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks

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    A Hybrid Energy- and Time-Driven Cluster Head Rotation Strategy for Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Clustering provides an effective way to extend the lifetime and improve the energy efficiency of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). However, the cluster heads will deplete energy faster than cluster members due to the additional tasks of information collection and transmission. The cluster head rotation among sensors is adopted to solve this problem. Cluster head rotation strategies can be generally divided into two categories: time-driven strategy and energy-driven strategy. The time-driven strategy can balance energy consumption better, but it is not suitable for heterogonous WSNs. The energy-driven cluster head rotation strategy has high energy efficiency, especially in heterogonous networks. However, the rotation will become increasingly frequent with the reduction of the nodes residual energy for this strategy, which causes lots of energy waste. In this paper, we propose a hybrid cluster head rotation strategy which combines the advantages of both energy-driven and time-driven cluster head rotation strategies. In our hybrid rotation strategy, the time-driven strategy or energy-driven strategy will be selected according to the residual energy. Simulations show that the hybrid strategy can enhance the energy efficiency and prolong network lifetime in both homogeneous and heterogeneous networks, compared with either single time-driven or energy-driven cluster head rotation method