2 research outputs found

    Vulnerable Path Determination in mobile ad-hoc networks using Markov Model

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    Security threats are of major concern in information sensitive ad-hoc networks like emergency military communication networks. We propose a Proactive Information Security Management System (PISMS) framework with vulnerable path determination module (VPDM) for such mobile ad-hoc networks. The chief security officer can use it to identify the most vulnerable paths, so that they can be patched using suitable security technologies before the hackers actually attack and compromise them. Our PISMS computes (i) the probability of transitioning from each node to its adjacent neighbors, using two key indicators (angle and distance); (ii) number of steps required to reach a pre-determined destination from different sources using Markov model. The path that requires minimum number of steps to reach a destination is the most vulnerable path. This mechanism of identifying vulnerable path is incorporated as an integral part of the Information systems acquisition, development and maintenance (ISADM) module of ISMS framework ISO27001

    A Heuristic Technique for Solving Dual-Homing Assignment Problem of 2.5G Cellular Networks

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