6 research outputs found


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    Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  melakukan  perancangan  sisten  kriptografi  kurva  eliptik  pada  data  audio  digital terkompresi  sehingga  diperoleh  sebuah  sistem  kriptografi  yang  dapat  melakukan  proses  enkripsi  dan dekripsi  berkas  audio  digital  terkompresi.  Data  audio  digital  yang asli  wav  dan  data  audio  terkompresi .mp3  akan  dienkripsi  menghasilkan  berkas  audio  terenkripsi.  Pengujian  sistem  dilakukan  dengan memproses berkas pesan audio dalam sistem menggunakan parameter kurva eliptik. Parameter dan nilai field  p  akan  diubah-ubah  untuk    mengetahui  pengaruh  sistem  kriptografi  kurva  eliptik  terhadap  berkas audio  terkompresi.  Panjang  berkas  audio  pun  akan  dibuat  bervariasi,  untuk  melihat  waktu  yang dibutuhkan  sistem  untuk  mengenkripsi  berkas  dengan  panjang  berkas  yang  berbeda-beda.  Pengujian akan dilakukan terhadap 5 buah berkas terkompresi .mp3 yang berasal dari berkas .wav. Masing-masing berkas akan dienkripsi untuk melihat perubahan yang terjadi pada berkas ketika dienkripsi dalam sistem. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini aalah sebuah system yang mampu melakukan proses enkripsi dan dekripsi audio menggunakan proses kriptorafi kurva eliptik


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    Technology not only allows information submitted in the form of text, but also in the form of images, audio or video.  However,  the  use  of  digital  audio  data  is  not  necessarily  improves  the  security  of  the  message. Various  attack  techniques  emerged  so  others  can  know  the  confidential  information  contained  in  digital audio  messages.  One  attempt  to  provide  information  that  can  be  done  is  a  cryptographic  system  or cryptosystem. In the elliptic curve equation are the values that can be used as a private key and public key to  encrypt  the  data  in  this  form  of  audio.  Audio  data  will  be  processed  on  the  secure  encryption  and decryption  using  elliptic curve cryptography  with  Diffie-Hellman  key  exchange. Parameters  and  variables contained in the curve equation would be calculated to determine the shared secret key to be used in both encryption and decryption process audio. The conditions before the encrypted audio data are audible. The result of encrypting the audio data to produce a new audio is not clear. Decryption process causes the data back to the original audio data so that the second audio data can be heard clearly. Attack man in the middle of this process can’t decrypt the encrypted audio file. File decryption results may not be tuned so that the audio file will be secure and can only be heard by the user encryption and decryption that really has the right combination of keys that user actual encryption and decryption

    A Study on Security Mechanism of Civil Air Defense and Disaster Warning Control System based on CDMA Wireless Access

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    Due to the use of wireless transmission and open networks, mobile communications are faced with enormous security threats. This study focuses on security mechanisms of the civil air defense and disaster warning control system based on CDMA wireless access. The working principle and process of authentication and data encryption are presented in detail. Further we propose and develop a novel hybrid cryptosystem combining AES and ECC for this control system in order to achieve the convenience of a public-key cryptosystem and the efficiency of a symmetric-key cryptosystem. Providing high security and encryption efficiency as well as simple management of keys, the proposed cryptographic approach can meet the requirements for security and real-time-ness of data transmission in the wireless access control system

    Efficient utilization of scalable multipliers in parallel to compute GF(p) elliptic curve cryptographic operations

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of an elliptic curve cryptographic core to realize point scalar multiplication operations used for the GF(p) elliptic curve encryption/decryption and the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA). The design makes use of projective coordinates together with scalable Montgomery multipliers for data size of up to 256-bits. We propose using four multiplier cores together with the ordinary projective coordinates which outperform implementations with Jacobean coordinates typically believed to perform better. The proposed architecture is particularly attractive for elliptic curve cryptosystems when hardware area optimization is the key concern