5 research outputs found

    A Gross-Zagier formula for quaternion algebras over totally real fields

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    We prove a higher dimensional generalization of Gross and Zagier's theorem on the factorization of differences of singular moduli. Their result is proved by giving a counting formula for the number of isomorphisms between elliptic curves with complex multiplication by two different imaginary quadratic fields KK and K′K^\prime, when the curves are reduced modulo a supersingular prime and its powers. Equivalently, the Gross-Zagier formula counts optimal embeddings of the ring of integers of an imaginary quadratic field into particular maximal orders in Bp,∞B_{p, \infty}, the definite quaternion algebra over \QQ ramified only at pp and infinity. Our work gives an analogous counting formula for the number of simultaneous embeddings of the rings of integers of primitive CM fields into superspecial orders in definite quaternion algebras over totally real fields of strict class number 1. Our results can also be viewed as a counting formula for the number of isomorphisms modulo p∣p\frak{p} | p between abelian varieties with CM by different fields. Our counting formula can also be used to determine which superspecial primes appear in the factorizations of differences of values of Siegel modular functions at CM points associated to two different CM fields, and to give a bound on those supersingular primes which can appear. In the special case of Jacobians of genus 2 curves, this provides information about the factorizations of numerators of Igusa invariants, and so is also relevant to the problem of constructing genus 2 curves for use in cryptography.Comment: 32 page

    On singular moduli for arbitrary discriminants

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    Let d1 and d2 be discriminants of distinct quadratic imaginary orders O_d1 and O_d2 and let J(d1,d2) denote the product of differences of CM j-invariants with discriminants d1 and d2. In 1985, Gross and Zagier gave an elegant formula for the factorization of the integer J(d1,d2) in the case that d1 and d2 are relatively prime and discriminants of maximal orders. To compute this formula, they first reduce the problem to counting the number of simultaneous embeddings of O_d1 and O_d2 into endomorphism rings of supersingular curves, and then solve this counting problem. Interestingly, this counting problem also appears when computing class polynomials for invariants of genus 2 curves. However, in this application, one must consider orders O_d1 and O_d2 that are non-maximal. Motivated by the application to genus 2 curves, we generalize the methods of Gross and Zagier and give a computable formula for v_p(J(d1,d2)) for any distinct pair of discriminants d1,d2 and any prime p>2. In the case that d1 is squarefree and d2 is the discriminant of any quadratic imaginary order, our formula can be stated in a simple closed form. We also give a conjectural closed formula when the conductors of d1 and d2 are relatively prime.Comment: 33 pages. Changed the abstract and made small changes to the introduction. Reorganized section 3.2, 4, and proof of Proposition 8.1. Some remarks added to section

    Moduli of CM False Elliptic Curves

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    Thesis advisor: Benjamin HowardWe study two moduli problems involving false elliptic curves with complex multiplication (CM), generalizing theorems about the arithmetic degree of certain moduli spaces of CM elliptic curves. The first moduli problem generalizes a space considered by Howard and Yang, and the formula for its arithmetic degree can be seen as a calculation of the intersection multiplicity of two CM divisors on a Shimura curve. This formula is an extension of the Gross-Zagier theorem on singular moduli to certain Shimura curves. The second moduli problem we consider deals with special endomorphisms of false elliptic curves. The formula for its arithmetic degree generalizes a theorem of Kudla, Rapoport, and Yang.Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2015.Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.Discipline: Mathematics