139,313 research outputs found

    Feasibility Study of Graphics Rendering in Cloud

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    A locally rendered graphics is restricted by the local CPU and GPU capability. However, distributing rendering process across multiple CPUs will reduce rendering time. Map Reduce framework is originally developed by Google for the ease of web search applications on a large numbers of CPUs. With the application of cloud project, a MapReduce framework, graphics rendering is distributed across multiple CPU. In this research, the author studies the feasibility of using MapReduce framework on multiple CPUs to render graphics. The author even developed an interface to facilitate the display of graphics rendering in multiple frames

    Feasibility Study of Graphics Rendering in Cloud

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    A locally rendered graphics is restricted by the local CPU and GPU capability. However, distributing rendering process across multiple CPUs will reduce rendering time. Map Reduce framework is originally developed by Google for the ease of web search applications on a large numbers of CPUs. With the application of cloud project, a MapReduce framework, graphics rendering is distributed across multiple CPU. In this research, the author studies the feasibility of using MapReduce framework on multiple CPUs to render graphics. The author even developed an interface to facilitate the display of graphics rendering in multiple frames

    Using GPI-2 for Distributed Memory Paralleliziation of the Caffe Toolbox to Speed up Deep Neural Network Training

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    Deep Neural Network (DNN) are currently of great inter- est in research and application. The training of these net- works is a compute intensive and time consuming task. To reduce training times to a bearable amount at reasonable cost we extend the popular Caffe toolbox for DNN with an efficient distributed memory communication pattern. To achieve good scalability we emphasize the overlap of computation and communication and prefer fine granu- lar synchronization patterns over global barriers. To im- plement these communication patterns we rely on the the Global address space Programming Interface version 2 (GPI-2) communication library. This interface provides a light-weight set of asynchronous one-sided communica- tion primitives supplemented by non-blocking fine gran- ular data synchronization mechanisms. Therefore, Caf- feGPI is the name of our parallel version of Caffe. First benchmarks demonstrate better scaling behavior com- pared with other extensions, e.g., the Intel TM Caffe. Even within a single symmetric multiprocessing machine with four graphics processing units, the CaffeGPI scales bet- ter than the standard Caffe toolbox. These first results demonstrate that the use of standard High Performance Computing (HPC) hardware is a valid cost saving ap- proach to train large DDNs. I/O is an other bottleneck to work with DDNs in a standard parallel HPC setting, which we will consider in more detail in a forthcoming paper

    Ratcave: A 3D graphics python package for cognitive psychology experiments

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    We present here a free, open source Python 3D graphics library called Ratcave that extends existing Python psychology stimulus software by allowing scientists to load, display, and transform 3D stimuli created in 3D modeling software. This library makes 3D programming intuitive to new users by providing 3D graphics engine concepts (Mesh, Scene, Light, and Camera classes) that can be manipulated using an interface similar to existing 2D stimulus libraries. In addition, the use of modern OpenGL constructs by Ratcave helps scientists create fast, hardware-accelerated dynamic stimuli using the same intuitive high-level, lightweight interface. Because Ratcave supplements, rather than replaces, existing Python stimulus libraries, scientists can continue to use their preferred libraries by simply adding Ratcave graphics to their existing experiments. We hope this tool will be useful both as a stimulus library and as an example of how tightly-focused libraries can add quality to the existing scientific open-source software ecosystem. Cognitive psychology and neuroscience experiments use software that presents stimuli to a subject, detects subject responses, and logs events for future analysis, all with high temporal accuracy. An ever-expanding list of other features included in this software are compatibility with third-party hardware devices (e.g. button boxes, amplifiers, eye tracking systems), support for custom experimental designs, and online analysis for adaptive stimulus sequences; these tools are available both as self-enclosed software solutions (e.g. Neurobs Presentation, BCI2000, SuperLab, E-Prime) and open-source libraries (e.g. Psychtoolbox by Brainard, 1997; PsychoPy by Peirce, 2007; VisionEgg by Straw, 2008; Expyriment by Krause & Lindemann, 2013; for a review of psychophysics libraries, see Kötter, 2009). However, these popular libraries are missing 3D graphics support, needed for a wide range visual psychophysics experiments, such as 3D mental rotation or object recognition, virtual reality in spatial navigation research, to name a few. While 3D graphics libraries do exist in Python (e.g. Panda3D, PyOgre, Vizard) and other languages (e.g. Unity3D, Unreal Engine), the stimuli, logging, and hardware support of all of these libraries are designed to work with the windows and event loops they supply, making it difficult to integrate 3D graphics functionality into different psychophysics libraries without (sometimes-extensive) modification (e.g. to mix PsychoPy’s DotStim and Expyriment’s video support). In practice, this means that each software suite is relatively self-contained; researchers who require 3D stimuli, for example, have to, thereby, resort to use or develop different experiment control software when employing 3D visual stimuli (essentially, building interface to 3D game engines), losing out on the rich features that exist in the psychophysics software ecosystem developed for the 2D graphics. Extension libraries help reduce these feature-tradeoff decisions; for example, OpenSesame, a Python-powered GUI (Mathôt & Theeuwes, 2012), uses PsychoPy, Expyriment, and PyGame as “backends” to its experiment-building graphical interface, thereby supporting all researchers who rely on those libraries. A similar extension approach could be used for 3D stimuli--not to compete with the existing 3D frameworks on a feature-by-feature basis, but to simply add simple-to-use 3D stimulus presentation and manipulation support to the feature list of existing 2D stimulus libraries in Python. In this paper, we present an open-source, cross-platform Python library called Ratcave that adds 3D stimulus support to all OpenGL-based 2D Python stimulus libraries, including VisionEgg, Psychopy, Pyglet, and PyGame. We review the core features of Ratcave (https://github.com/ratcave/ratcave) and highlight key connections of its interface to underlying graphics programming strategies (a thorough manual, complete with API guide and tutorials for first-time users can be found at https://ratcave.readthedocs.org). This library, which derives its name from our high-speed RatcaveVR experimental setup (Del Grosso, Graboski, Chen, Hernández, & Sirota, 2017), is designed to increase accessibility of 3D graphics programming to the existing ecosystem of psychology software for Python

    Semi-automated creation of converged iTV services: From macromedia director simulations to services ready for broadcast

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    While sound and video may capture viewers’ attention, interaction can captivate them. This has not been available prior to the advent of Digital Television. In fact, what lies at the heart of the Digital Television revolution is this new type of interactive content, offered in the form of interactive Television (iTV) services. On top of that, the new world of converged networks has created a demand for a new type of converged services on a range of mobile terminals (Tablet PCs, PDAs and mobile phones). This paper aims at presenting a new approach to service creation that allows for the semi-automatic translation of simulations and rapid prototypes created in the accessible desktop multimedia authoring package Macromedia Director into services ready for broadcast. This is achieved by a series of tools that de-skill and speed-up the process of creating digital TV user interfaces (UI) and applications for mobile terminals. The benefits of rapid prototyping are essential for the production of these new types of services, and are therefore discussed in the first section of this paper. In the following sections, an overview of the operation of content, service, creation and management sub-systems is presented, which illustrates why these tools compose an important and integral part of a system responsible of creating, delivering and managing converged broadcast and telecommunications services. The next section examines a number of metadata languages candidates for describing the iTV services user interface and the schema language adopted in this project. A detailed description of the operation of the two tools is provided to offer an insight of how they can be used to de-skill and speed-up the process of creating digital TV user interfaces and applications for mobile terminals. Finally, representative broadcast oriented and telecommunication oriented converged service components are also introduced, demonstrating how these tools have been used to generate different types of services
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