3,378 research outputs found

    Towards an Autonomous Walking Robot for Planetary Surfaces

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    In this paper, recent progress in the development of the DLR Crawler - a six-legged, actively compliant walking robot prototype - is presented. The robot implements a walking layer with a simple tripod and a more complex biologically inspired gait. Using a variety of proprioceptive sensors, different reflexes for reactively crossing obstacles within the walking height are realised. On top of the walking layer, a navigation layer provides the ability to autonomously navigate to a predefined goal point in unknown rough terrain using a stereo camera. A model of the environment is created, the terrain traversability is estimated and an optimal path is planned. The difficulty of the path can be influenced by behavioral parameters. Motion commands are sent to the walking layer and the gait pattern is switched according to the estimated terrain difficulty. The interaction between walking layer and navigation layer was tested in different experimental setups

    Planning Hybrid Driving-Stepping Locomotion on Multiple Levels of Abstraction

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    Navigating in search and rescue environments is challenging, since a variety of terrains has to be considered. Hybrid driving-stepping locomotion, as provided by our robot Momaro, is a promising approach. Similar to other locomotion methods, it incorporates many degrees of freedom---offering high flexibility but making planning computationally expensive for larger environments. We propose a navigation planning method, which unifies different levels of representation in a single planner. In the vicinity of the robot, it provides plans with a fine resolution and a high robot state dimensionality. With increasing distance from the robot, plans become coarser and the robot state dimensionality decreases. We compensate this loss of information by enriching coarser representations with additional semantics. Experiments show that the proposed planner provides plans for large, challenging scenarios in feasible time.Comment: In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Brisbane, Australia, May 201

    Practical application of pseudospectral optimization to robot path planning

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    To obtain minimum time or minimum energy trajectories for robots it is necessary to employ planning methods which adequately consider the platform’s dynamic properties. A variety of sampling, graph-based or local receding-horizon optimisation methods have previously been proposed. These typically use simpliïŹed kino-dynamic models to avoid the signiïŹcant computational burden of solving this problem in a high dimensional state-space. In this paper we investigate solutions from the class of pseudospectral optimisation methods which have grown in favour amongst the optimal control community in recent years. These methods have high computational efficiency and rapid convergence properties. We present a practical application of such an approach to the robot path planning problem to provide a trajectory considering the robot’s dynamic properties. We extend the existing literature by augmenting the path constraints with sensed obstacles rather than predeïŹned analytical functions to enable real world application
