89 research outputs found

    Equational binary decision diagrams

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    We incorporate equations in binary decision diagrams (BDD). The resulting objects are called EQ-BDDs. A straightforward notion of ordered EQ-BDDs (EQ-OBDD) is defined, and it is proved that each EQ-BDD is logically equivalent to an EQ-OBDD. Moreover, on EQ-OBDDs satisfiability and tautology checking can be done in constant time. Several procedures to eliminate equality from BDDs have been reported in the literature. Typical for our approach is that we keep equalities, and as a consequence do not employ the finite domain property. Furthermore, our setting does not strictly require Ackermann's elimination of function symbols. This makes our setting much more amenable to combinations with other techniques in the realm of automatic theorem proving, such as term rewriting. We introduce an algorithm, which for any propositional formula with equations finds an EQ-OBDD that is equivalent to it. The algorithm is proved to be correct and terminating, by means of recursive path ordering. The algorithm has been implemented, and applied to benchmarks known from literature. The performance of a prototype implementation is comparable to existing proposals

    04091 Abstracts Collection -- Data Structures

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    From 22.02. to 27.02.2004, Dagstuhl Seminar "Data Structures" was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general

    On the computational content of the axiom of choice

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    We present a possible computational content of the negative translation of classical analysis with the Axiom of (countable) Choice. Interestingly, this interpretation uses a refinement of the realizability semantics of the absurdity proposition, which is not interpreted as the empty type here. We also show how to compute witnesses from proofs in classical analysis of ∃-statements and how to extract algorithms from proofs of ∀∃-statements. Our interpretation seems computationally more direct than the one based on Gödel's Dialectica interpretatio

    Data structures

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    We discuss data structures and their methods of analysis. In particular, we treat the unweighted and weighted dictionary problem, self-organizing data structures, persistent data structures, the union-find-split problem, priority queues, the nearest common ancestor problem, the selection and merging problem, and dynamization techniques. The methods of analysis are worst, average and amortized case

    Non-linear discrete-time observer design by sliding mode

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    Research into observer design for non-linear discrete-time systems has produced many design methods. There is no general design method however and that provides the motivation to search for a new simple and realizable design method. In this thesis, an observer for non-linear discrete-time systems is designed using the sliding mode technique. The equation of the observer error is split into two parts; the first part being a linearized model of the system and the second part an uncertain vector. The sliding mode technique is introduced to eliminate the uncertainty caused by the uncertain vector in the observer error equation. By choosing the sliding surface and the boundary layer, the observer error is attracted to the sliding surface and stays within the sliding manifold. Therefore, the observer error converges to zero. The proposed technique is applied to two cases of observers for nonlinear discrete-time systems. The second case is chosen to be a particular practical system, namely the non-linear discrete-time ball and beam system. The simulations show that the sliding mode technique guarantees the convergence of the observer error for both systems.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    What\u27s So Special About Kruskal\u27s Theorem and the Ordinal \u3cem\u3eT\u3c/em\u3e\u3csub\u3eo\u3c/sub\u3e? A Survey of Some Results in Proof Theory

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    This paper consists primarily of a survey of results of Harvey Friedman about some proof theoretic aspects of various forms of Krusal\u27s tree theorem, and in particular the connection with the ordinal Ƭo. We also include a fairly extensive treatment of normal functions on the countable ordinals, and we give a glimpse of Veblen Hierarchies, some subsystems of second-order logic, slow-growing and fast-growing hierarchies including Girard\u27s result, and Goodstein sequences. The central theme of this paper is a powerful theorem due to Kruskal, the tree theorem , as well as a finite miniaturization of Kruskal\u27s theorem due to Harvey Friedman. These versions of Kruskal\u27s theorem are remarkable from a proof-theoretic point of view because they are not provable in relatively strong logical systems. They are examples of so-called natural independence phenomena , which are considered by more logicians as more natural than the mathematical incompleteness results first discovered by Gödel. Kruskal\u27s tree theorem also plays a fundamental role in computer science, because it is one of the main tools for showing that certain orderings on trees are well founded. These orderings play a crucial role in proving the termination of systems of rewrite rules and the correctness of Knuth-Bandix completion procedures. There is also a close connection between a certain infinite countable ordinal called Ƭoand Kruskal\u27s theorem. Previous definitions of the function involved in this connection are known to be incorrect, in that, the function is not monotonic. We offer a repaired definition of this function, and explore briefly the consequences of its existence

    A synthetic axiomatization of Map Theory

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    Includes TOC détaillée, index et appendicesInternational audienceThis paper presents a subtantially simplified axiomatization of Map Theory and proves the consistency of this axiomatization in ZFC under the assumption that there exists an inaccessible ordinal. Map Theory axiomatizes lambda calculus plus Hilbert's epsilon operator. All theorems of ZFC set theory including the axiom of foundation are provable in Map Theory, and if one omits Hilbert's epsilon operator from Map Theory then one is left with a computer programming language. Map Theory fulfills Church's original aim of introducing lambda calculus. Map Theory is suited for reasoning about classical mathematics as well ascomputer programs. Furthermore, Map Theory is suited for eliminating thebarrier between classical mathematics and computer science rather than just supporting the two fields side by side. Map Theory axiomatizes a universe of "maps", some of which are "wellfounded". The class of wellfounded maps in Map Theory corresponds to the universe of sets in ZFC. The first version MT0 of Map Theory had axioms which populated the class of wellfounded maps, much like the power set axiom et.al. populates the universe of ZFC. The new axiomatization MT of Map Theory is "synthetic" in the sense that the class of wellfounded maps is defined inside MapTheory rather than being introduced through axioms. In the paper we define the notion of kappa- and kappasigma-expansions and prove that if sigma is the smallest strongly inaccessible cardinal then canonical kappasigma expansions are models of MT (which proves the consistency). Furthermore, in the appendix, we prove that canonical omega-expansions are fully abstract models of the computational part of Map Theory