8 research outputs found

    The Effects of Randomness on the Stability of Node Embeddings

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    We systematically evaluate the (in-)stability of state-of-the-art node embedding algorithms due to randomness, i.e., the random variation of their outcomes given identical algorithms and graphs. We apply five node embeddings algorithms---HOPE, LINE, node2vec, SDNE, and GraphSAGE---to synthetic and empirical graphs and assess their stability under randomness with respect to (i) the geometry of embedding spaces as well as (ii) their performance in downstream tasks. We find significant instabilities in the geometry of embedding spaces independent of the centrality of a node. In the evaluation of downstream tasks, we find that the accuracy of node classification seems to be unaffected by random seeding while the actual classification of nodes can vary significantly. This suggests that instability effects need to be taken into account when working with node embeddings. Our work is relevant for researchers and engineers interested in the effectiveness, reliability, and reproducibility of node embedding approaches

    Parallel Computation of Graph Embeddings

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    Graph embedding aims at learning a vector-based representation of vertices that incorporates the structure of the graph. This representation then enables inference of graph properties. Existing graph embedding techniques, however, do not scale well to large graphs. We therefore propose a framework for parallel computation of a graph embedding using a cluster of compute nodes with resource constraints. We show how to distribute any existing embedding technique by first splitting a graph for any given set of constrained compute nodes and then reconciling the embedding spaces derived for these subgraphs. We also propose a new way to evaluate the quality of graph embeddings that is independent of a specific inference task. Based thereon, we give a formal bound on the difference between the embeddings derived by centralised and parallel computation. Experimental results illustrate that our approach for parallel computation scales well, while largely maintaining the embedding quality

    Graph Convolutional Networks for Graphs Containing Missing Features

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    Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) has experienced great success in graph analysis tasks. It works by smoothing the node features across the graph. The current GCN models overwhelmingly assume that the node feature information is complete. However, real-world graph data are often incomplete and containing missing features. Traditionally, people have to estimate and fill in the unknown features based on imputation techniques and then apply GCN. However, the process of feature filling and graph learning are separated, resulting in degraded and unstable performance. This problem becomes more serious when a large number of features are missing. We propose an approach that adapts GCN to graphs containing missing features. In contrast to traditional strategy, our approach integrates the processing of missing features and graph learning within the same neural network architecture. Our idea is to represent the missing data by Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and calculate the expected activation of neurons in the first hidden layer of GCN, while keeping the other layers of the network unchanged. This enables us to learn the GMM parameters and network weight parameters in an end-to-end manner. Notably, our approach does not increase the computational complexity of GCN and it is consistent with GCN when the features are complete. We demonstrate through extensive experiments that our approach significantly outperforms the imputation-based methods in node classification and link prediction tasks. We show that the performance of our approach for the case with a low level of missing features is even superior to GCN for the case with complete features

    A Survey on Dynamic Network Embedding

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    Real-world networks are composed of diverse interacting and evolving entities, while most of existing researches simply characterize them as particular static networks, without consideration of the evolution trend in dynamic networks. Recently, significant progresses in tracking the properties of dynamic networks have been made, which exploit changes of entities and links in the network to devise network embedding techniques. Compared to widely proposed static network embedding methods, dynamic network embedding endeavors to encode nodes as low-dimensional dense representations that effectively preserve the network structures and the temporal dynamics, which is beneficial to multifarious downstream machine learning tasks. In this paper, we conduct a systematical survey on dynamic network embedding. In specific, basic concepts of dynamic network embedding are described, notably, we propose a novel taxonomy of existing dynamic network embedding techniques for the first time, including matrix factorization based, Skip-Gram based, autoencoder based, neural networks based and other embedding methods. Additionally, we carefully summarize the commonly used datasets and a wide variety of subsequent tasks that dynamic network embedding can benefit. Afterwards and primarily, we suggest several challenges that the existing algorithms faced and outline possible directions to facilitate the future research, such as dynamic embedding models, large-scale dynamic networks, heterogeneous dynamic networks, dynamic attributed networks, task-oriented dynamic network embedding and more embedding spaces.Comment: 25 page

    Multiplex Bipartite Network Embedding using Dual Hypergraph Convolutional Networks

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    A bipartite network is a graph structure where nodes are from two distinct domains and only inter-domain interactions exist as edges. A large number of network embedding methods exist to learn vectorial node representations from general graphs with both homogeneous and heterogeneous node and edge types, including some that can specifically model the distinct properties of bipartite networks. However, these methods are inadequate to model multiplex bipartite networks (e.g., in e-commerce), that have multiple types of interactions (e.g., click, inquiry, and buy) and node attributes. Most real-world multiplex bipartite networks are also sparse and have imbalanced node distributions that are challenging to model. In this paper, we develop an unsupervised Dual HyperGraph Convolutional Network (DualHGCN) model that scalably transforms the multiplex bipartite network into two sets of homogeneous hypergraphs and uses spectral hypergraph convolutional operators, along with intra- and inter-message passing strategies to promote information exchange within and across domains, to learn effective node embedding. We benchmark DualHGCN using four real-world datasets on link prediction and node classification tasks. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that DualHGCN significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods, and is robust to varying sparsity levels and imbalanced node distributions.Comment: The Web Conference (formerly WWW) 202

    Homogeneous Network Embedding for Massive Graphs via Reweighted Personalized PageRank

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    Given an input graph G and a node v in G, homogeneous network embedding (HNE) maps the graph structure in the vicinity of v to a compact, fixed-dimensional feature vector. This paper focuses on HNE for massive graphs, e.g., with billions of edges. On this scale, most existing approaches fail, as they incur either prohibitively high costs, or severely compromised result utility. Our proposed solution, called Node-Reweighted PageRank (NRP), is based on a classic idea of deriving embedding vectors from pairwise personalized PageRank (PPR) values. Our contributions are twofold: first, we design a simple and efficient baseline HNE method based on PPR that is capable of handling billion-edge graphs on commodity hardware; second and more importantly, we identify an inherent drawback of vanilla PPR, and address it in our main proposal NRP. Specifically, PPR was designed for a very different purpose, i.e., ranking nodes in G based on their relative importance from a source node's perspective. In contrast, HNE aims to build node embeddings considering the whole graph. Consequently, node embeddings derived directly from PPR are of suboptimal utility. The proposed NRP approach overcomes the above deficiency through an effective and efficient node reweighting algorithm, which augments PPR values with node degree information, and iteratively adjusts embedding vectors accordingly. Overall, NRP takes O(mlogn) time and O(m) space to compute all node embeddings for a graph with m edges and n nodes. Our extensive experiments that compare NRP against 18 existing solutions over 7 real graphs demonstrate that NRP achieves higher result utility than all the solutions for link prediction, graph reconstruction and node classification, while being up to orders of magnitude faster. In particular, on a billion-edge Twitter graph, NRP terminates within 4 hours, using a single CPU core.Comment: full version of a paper published in PVLDB 2020, Volume 13, Number 5, pages 670-683, https://doi.org/10.14778/3377369.3377376, 17 page

    A Comparative Study for Unsupervised Network Representation Learning

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    There has been appreciable progress in unsupervised network representation learning (UNRL) approaches over graphs recently with flexible random-walk approaches, new optimization objectives and deep architectures. However, there is no common ground for systematic comparison of embeddings to understand their behavior for different graphs and tasks. In this paper we theoretically group different approaches under a unifying framework and empirically investigate the effectiveness of different network representation methods. In particular, we argue that most of the UNRL approaches either explicitly or implicit model and exploit context information of a node. Consequently, we propose a framework that casts a variety of approaches -- random walk based, matrix factorization and deep learning based -- into a unified context-based optimization function. We systematically group the methods based on their similarities and differences. We study the differences among these methods in detail which we later use to explain their performance differences (on downstream tasks). We conduct a large-scale empirical study considering 9 popular and recent UNRL techniques and 11 real-world datasets with varying structural properties and two common tasks -- node classification and link prediction. We find that there is no single method that is a clear winner and that the choice of a suitable method is dictated by certain properties of the embedding methods, task and structural properties of the underlying graph. In addition we also report the common pitfalls in evaluation of UNRL methods and come up with suggestions for experimental design and interpretation of results.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE TKD

    A Survey on Embedding Dynamic Graphs

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    Embedding static graphs in low-dimensional vector spaces plays a key role in network analytics and inference, supporting applications like node classification, link prediction, and graph visualization. However, many real-world networks present dynamic behavior, including topological evolution, feature evolution, and diffusion. Therefore, several methods for embedding dynamic graphs have been proposed to learn network representations over time, facing novel challenges, such as time-domain modeling, temporal features to be captured, and the temporal granularity to be embedded. In this survey, we overview dynamic graph embedding, discussing its fundamentals and the recent advances developed so far. We introduce the formal definition of dynamic graph embedding, focusing on the problem setting and introducing a novel taxonomy for dynamic graph embedding input and output. We further explore different dynamic behaviors that may be encompassed by embeddings, classifying by topological evolution, feature evolution, and processes on networks. Afterward, we describe existing techniques and propose a taxonomy for dynamic graph embedding techniques based on algorithmic approaches, from matrix and tensor factorization to deep learning, random walks, and temporal point processes. We also elucidate main applications, including dynamic link prediction, anomaly detection, and diffusion prediction, and we further state some promising research directions in the area.Comment: 41 pages, 10 figure