3 research outputs found

    Terminology Integration in Statistical Machine Translation

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darbs apraksta autora izpētītas metodes un izstrādātus rīkus divvalodu terminoloģijas integrācijai statistiskās mašīntulkošanas sistēmās. Autors darbā piedāvā inovatīvas metodes terminu integrācijai SMT sistēmu trenēšanas fāzē (ar statiskas integrācijas palīdzību) un tulkošanas fāzē (ar dinamiskas integrācijas palīdzību). Darbā uzmanība pievērsta ne tikai metodēm terminu integrācijai SMT, bet arī metodēm valodas resursu, kas nepieciešami dažādu uzdevumu veikšanai terminu integrācijas SMT darbplūsmās, ieguvei. Piedāvātās metodes ir novērtētas automātiskas un manuālas novērtēšanas eksperimentos. Iegūtie rezultāti parāda, ka statiskās un dinamiskās integrācijas metodes ļauj būtiski uzlabot tulkošanas kvalitāti. Darbā aprakstītie rezultāti ir aprobēti vairākos pētniecības projektos un ieviesti praktiskos risinājumos. Atslēgvārdi: statistiskā mašīntulkošana, terminoloģija, starpvalodu informācijas izvilkšanaThe doctoral thesis describes methods and tools researched and developed by the author for bilingual terminology integration into statistical machine translation systems. The author presents novel methods for terminology integration in SMT systems during training (through static integration) and during translation (through dynamic integration). The work focusses not only on the SMT integration techniques, but also on methods for acquisition of linguistic resources that are necessary for different tasks involved in workflows for terminology integration in SMT systems. The proposed methods have been evaluated using automatic and manual evaluation methods. The results show that both static and dynamic integration methods allow increasing translation quality. The thesis describes also areas where the methods have been approbated in practice. Keywords: statistical machine translation, terminology, cross-lingual information extractio

    A general method for creating a bilingual transliteration dictionary

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    Transliteration is the rendering in one language of terms from another language (and, possibly, another writing system), approximating spelling and/or phonetic equivalents between the two languages. A transliteration dictionary is a crucial resource for a variety of natural language applications, most notably machine translation. We describe a general method for creating bilingual transliteration dictionaries from Wikipedia article titles. The method can be applied to any language pair with Wikipedia presence, independently of the writing systems involved, and requires only a single simple resource that can be provided by any literate bilingual speaker. It was successfully applied to extract a Hebrew-English transliteration dictionary which, when incorporated in a machine translation system, indeed improved its performance. 1