188 research outputs found

    Regular subalgebras and nilpotent orbits of real graded Lie algebras

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    For a semisimple Lie algebra over the complex numbers, Dynkin (1952) developed an algorithm to classify the regular semisimple subalgebras, up to conjugacy by the inner automorphism group. For a graded semisimple Lie algebra over the complex numbers, Vinberg (1979) showed that a classification of a certain type of regular subalgebras (called carrier algebras) yields a classification of the nilpotent orbits in a homogeneous component of that Lie algebra. Here we consider these problems for (graded) semisimple Lie algebras over the real numbers. First, we describe an algorithm to classify the regular semisimple subalgebras of a real semisimple Lie algebra. This also yields an algorithm for listing, up to conjugacy, the carrier algebras in a real graded semisimple real algebra. We then discuss what needs to be done to obtain a classification of the nilpotent orbits from that; such classifications have applications in differential geometry and theoretical physics. Our algorithms are implemented in the language of the computer algebra system GAP, using our package CoReLG; we report on example computations

    The development version of the CHEVIE package of GAP3

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    I describe the current state of the development version of the CHEVIE package, which deals with Coxeter groups, reductive algebraic groups, complex reflection groups, Hecke algebras, braid monoids, etc... Examples are given, showing the code to check some results of Lusztig.Comment: 24 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1003.492

    Exploring Lie theory with GAP

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    We illustrate the Lie theoretic capabilities of the computational algebra system GAP4 by reporting on results on nilpotent orbits of simple Lie algebras that have been obtained using computations in that system. Concerning reachable elements in simple Lie algebras we show by computational means that the simple Lie algebras of exceptional type have the Panyushev property. We computationally prove two propositions on the dimension of the abelianization of the centralizer of a nilpotent element in simple Lie algebras of exceptional type. Finally we obtain the closure ordering of the orbits in the null cone of the spinor representation of the group Spin_{13}(C). All input and output of the relevant GAP sessions is given

    Resolutions for unit groups of orders

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    We present a general algorithm for constructing a free resolution for unit groups of orders in semisimple rational algebras. The approach is based on computing a contractible GG-complex employing the theory of minimal classes of quadratic forms and Opgenorth's theory of dual cones. The information from the complex is then used together with Wall's perturbation lemma to obtain the resolution
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