11 research outputs found

    A GAP package for braid orbit computation, and applications

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    Let G be a finite group. By Riemann's Existence Theorem, braid orbits of generating systems of G with product 1 correspond to irreducible families of covers of the Riemann sphere with monodromy group G. Thus many problems on algebraic curves require the computation of braid orbits. In this paper we describe an implementation of this computation. We discuss several applications, including the classification of irreducible families of indecomposable rational functions with exceptional monodromy group

    Computation of highly ramified coverings

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    An almost Belyi covering is an algebraic covering of the projective line, such that all ramified points except one simple ramified point lie above a set of 3 points of the projective line. In general, there are 1-dimensional families of these coverings with a fixed ramification pattern. (That is, Hurwitz spaces for these coverings are curves.) In this paper, three almost Belyi coverings of degrees 11, 12, and 20 are explicitly constructed. We demonstrate how these coverings can be used for computation of several algebraic solutions of the sixth Painleve equation.Comment: 26 page

    Hurwitz Monodromy and Full Number Fields

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    We give conditions for the monodromy group of a Hurwitz space over the configuration space of branch points to be the full alternating or symmetric group on the degree. Specializing the resulting coverings suggests the existence of many number fields with full Galois group and surprisingly little ramification --- for example, the existence of infinitely many such number fields unramified away from {2,3,5}

    Generating sets of Affine groups of low genus

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    We describe a new algorithm for computing braid orbits on Nielsen classes. As an application we classify all families of affine genus zero systems; that is all families of coverings of the Riemann sphere by itself such that the monodromy group is a primitive affine permutation group

    Alternating groups and moduli space lifting Invariants

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    Main Theorem: Spaces of r-branch point 3-cycle covers, degree n or Galois of degree n!/2 have one (resp. two) component(s) if r=n-1 (resp. r\ge n). Improves Fried-Serre on deciding when sphere covers with odd-order branching lift to unramified Spin covers. We produce Hurwitz-Torelli automorphic functions on Hurwitz spaces, and draw Inverse Galois conclusions. Example: Absolute spaces of 3-cycle covers with +1 (resp. -1) lift invariant carry canonical even (resp. odd) theta functions when r is even (resp. odd). For inner spaces the result is independent of r. Another use appears in, http://www.math.uci.edu/~mfried/paplist-mt/twoorbit.html, "Connectedness of families of sphere covers of A_n-Type." This shows the M(odular) T(ower)s for the prime p=2 lying over Hurwitz spaces first studied by, http://www.math.uci.edu/~mfried/othlist-cov/hurwitzLiu-Oss.pdf, Liu and Osserman have 2-cusps. That is sufficient to establish the Main Conjecture: (*) High tower levels are general-type varieties and have no rational points.For infinitely many of those MTs, the tree of cusps contains a subtree -- a spire -- isomorphic to the tree of cusps on a modular curve tower. This makes plausible a version of Serre's O(pen) I(mage) T(heorem) on such MTs. Establishing these modular curve-like properties opens, to MTs, modular curve-like thinking where modular curves have never gone before. A fuller html description of this paper is at http://www.math.uci.edu/~mfried/paplist-cov/hf-can0611591.html .Comment: To appear in the Israel Journal as of 1/5/09; v4 is corrected from proof sheets, but does include some proof simplification in \S

    A GAP Package for braid orbit computation, and applications

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    Abstract: Let G be a finite group. By Riemann’s Existence Theorem, braid orbits of generating systems of G with product 1 correspond to irreducible families of covers of the Riemann sphere with monodromy group G. Thus many problems on algebraic curves require the computation of braid orbits. In this paper we describe an implementation of this computation. We discuss several applications, including the classification of irreducible families of indecomposable rational functions with exceptional monodromy group.