4 research outputs found

    Image Super-resolution with An Enhanced Group Convolutional Neural Network

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    CNNs with strong learning abilities are widely chosen to resolve super-resolution problem. However, CNNs depend on deeper network architectures to improve performance of image super-resolution, which may increase computational cost in general. In this paper, we present an enhanced super-resolution group CNN (ESRGCNN) with a shallow architecture by fully fusing deep and wide channel features to extract more accurate low-frequency information in terms of correlations of different channels in single image super-resolution (SISR). Also, a signal enhancement operation in the ESRGCNN is useful to inherit more long-distance contextual information for resolving long-term dependency. An adaptive up-sampling operation is gathered into a CNN to obtain an image super-resolution model with low-resolution images of different sizes. Extensive experiments report that our ESRGCNN surpasses the state-of-the-arts in terms of SISR performance, complexity, execution speed, image quality evaluation and visual effect in SISR. Code is found at https://github.com/hellloxiaotian/ESRGCNN

    Piecewise linear regression-based single image super-resolution via Hadamard transform

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    Image super-resolution (SR) has extensive applications in surveillance systems, satellite imaging, medical imaging, and ultra-high definition display devices. The state-ofthe-art methods for SR still incur considerable running time. In this paper, we propose a novel approach based on Hadamard pattern and tree search structure in order to reduce the running time significantly. In this approach, LR (low-resolution)-HR (high-resolution) training patch pairs are classified into different classes based on the Hadamard patterns generated from the LR training patches. The mapping relationship between the LR space and the HR space for each class is then learned and used for SR. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve comparable accuracy as state-of-the-art methods with much faster running speed

    A fuzzy-rule-based approach for single frame super resolution

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    In this paper, a novel fuzzy rule-based prediction framework is developed for high-quality image zooming. In classical interpolation-based image zooming, resolution is increased by inserting pixels using certain interpolation techniques. Here,we propose a patch-based image zooming technique, where each low-resolution (LR) image patch is replaced by an estimated high-resolution (HR) patch. Since an LR patch can be generated from any of the many possible HR patches, it would be natural to develop rules to find different possible HR patches and then to combine them according to rule strength to get the estimated HR patch. Here, we generate a large number of LR–HR patch pairs from a collection of natural images, group them into different clusters, and then generate a fuzzy rule for each of these clusters. The rule parameters are also learned from these LR-HR patch pairs. As a result, an efficient mapping from LR patch space to HR patch space can be formulated. The performance of the proposed method is tested on different images,and is also compared with other representative as well as state-of-the-art image zooming techniques. Experimental results show that the proposed method is better than the competing methods and is capable of reconstructing thin lines, edges, fine details, and textures in the image efficiently.Pulak Purkait, Nikhil Ranjan Pal and Bhabatosh Chand