3 research outputs found

    A Fuzzy-Based Personalized Recommender System for Local Businesses

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    On-line reviewing systems have become prevalent in our society. User-provided reviews of local businesses have provided rich information in terms of users' preferences regarding businesses and their interactions in reviewing systems; however, little is known about how the reviewing behaviors of users can benefit businesses in terms of suggesting potential collaboration opportunities. In the current study, we aim to build a recommendation system for businesses to provide suggestions for business collaboration. Based on historical data from Yelp that shows two businesses being reviewed by the same users within a same season, we were able to identify businesses that might attract the same customers in the future, and hence provide them with a collaboration suggestion. Our results suggest that the evidence - two businesses sharing reviews from same users - can provide recommendations for businesses to pursue future collaborative marketing opportunities

    Leveraging interfaces to improve recommendation diversity

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    Increasing diversity in the output of a recommender system is an active research question for solving a long-tail issue. Most of the current approaches have focused on ranked list optimization to improve recommendation diversity. However, little is known about the e.ect that a visual interface can have on this issue. .is paper shows that a multidimensional visualization promotes diversity of social exploration in the context of an academic conference. Our study shows a significant difference in the exploration pa.ern between ranked list and visual interfaces. .e results show that a visual interface can help the user explore a a more diverse set of recommended items

    Leveraging Predictive Modeling, Machine Learning Personalization, NLP Customer Support, and AI Chatbots to Increase Customer Loyalty

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    AI, ML, and NLP are profoundly altering the way organizations work. With the increasing influx of data and the development of AI systems to understand it in order to solve business challenges, the excitement surrounding AI has grown. Massive datasets, computer capacity, improved algorithms, accessible algorithm libraries, and frameworks have compelled today's organizations to use AI to enhance their operations and profits. These technologies aid every kind of industry, from agriculture to finance. More specifically, AI and ML, and NLP are assisting organizations in areas such as customer service, predictive modeling, customer personalization, picture identification, sentiment analysis, offline and online document processing. The purpose of this study was twofold. We first review the several applications of AI in business and then empirically test whether these applications increase customer loyalty using the datasets of 910 firms around the world.  The datasets include the integration scores of four different AI features, namely, AI-powered customer service, predictive modeling, ML-powered personalization, and natural language processing integration. The target is the customer loyalty measure as binary. All the features are measured on a 5-pint Likert scale. We applied six different supervised machine learning algorithms, namely, Logistic regression, KNN, SVM, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Ada boost Classifiers. the performance of each algorithm was evaluated using confusion matrices and ROC curves. The Ada boost and logistic classifiers performed better with test accuracies of 0.639 and 0.631, respectively. The decision tree and KNN had the performance with accuracies of 0.532 and 0.570, respectively.  The findings of this study highlight that by incorporating AI, ML, and NLP, businesses may analyze data to uncover what's useful, gaining valuable insights that can be used to automate processes and drive business strategies. As a result, firms that wish to remain competitive and increase customer loyalty should adopt them