233,654 research outputs found

    A novel WebVR-Based lightweight framework for virtual visualization of blood vasculum

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    With the arrival of the Web 2.0 era and the rapid development of virtual reality (VR) technology in recent years, WebVR technology has emerged as the combination of Web 2.0 and VR. Moreover, the concept of “WebVR + medical science”is also proposed to advance medical applications. However, due to the limited storage space and low computing capability of Web browsers, it is difficult to achieve real-time rendering of large-scale medical vascular models on the Web, let alone large-scale vascular animation simulations. The framework proposed in this paper can achieve virtual display of the medical blood vasculum, including lightweight processing of the vasculum and virtual realization of blood flow. This innovative framework presents a simulation algorithm for the virtual blood path based on the Catmull-Rom spline. The mechanisms of progressive compression and online recovery of the lightweight vascular structure are further proposed. The experimental results show that our framework has a shorter browser-side response time than existing methods and achieves efficient real-time simulation

    StarL: Toward a web interface for distributed robotics

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    Most first-time users find it complicated to use the StarL programming framework, especially when they have little experience with Java. The major challenges for programming distributed robotic applications are (1) the learning curve for Java, (2) setting up the StarL development environment, and (3) learning curve for effectively using the Java functions in StarL. We therefore introduce the StarL web interface that provides a more user-friendly access to the StarL programming framework while emphasizing more on the StarL high-level coordination of distributed robots. The StarL web interface enables researchers to implement their applications on distributed robots in the StarL high-level language, run the project and then plot the experiment data for analyzing the robot's traces. The main contribution of this thesis is the user-friendly interface with syntax highlighting and data visualization of the robots' traces obtained through simulation. A Formation example application will illustrate the many aspects of the StarL web interface.Ope

    An intrusion detection system on network security for web application

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    For the last 15 years, significant amount of resources are invested to enhance the security at system and network level, such as firewalls, IDS, anti-virus, etc. IT infrastructure tends to be more and more secure than ever before. As an ever-increasing number of businesses move to take advantage of the Internet, web applications are becoming more prevalent and increasingly more sophisticated, and as such they are critical to almost all major online businesses. The very nature of web applications, their abilities to collect, process and disseminate information over the Internet, exposes thern to rnalicious hackers. However, the traditional security solutions such as firewall, network and host IDS, do not provide comprehensive protection against the attacks common in the web applications. The thesis concentrates on the research of an advanced intrusion detection framework. An intrusion detection framework was designed which works along with any custom web application to collect and analyze HTTP traffic with various advanced algorithms. Two intrusion detection algorithms are tested and adopted in the framework. Pattern Matching is the most popular intrusion detection technology adopted by most of the commercial intrusion detection system. Behavior Modeling is a new technology that can dynamically adapt the detection algorithms in accordance with the application behavior. The combination of the two intrusion technologies has dramatically reduced false positive and false negative alarms. Moreover, a Servlet filter-based Web Agent is used to capture HTTP request. An isolated Response Module is developed to execute pre-defined action according to the analysis result. A database is involved to provide persistence support for the framework. Also, several simulation experiments are developed for evaluating the efficiency of detecting capability.\ud _____________________________________________________________________________

    Empirical Bayesian Approach to Testing Multiple Hypotheses with Separate Priors for Left and Right Alternatives

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    We consider a multiple hypotheses problem with directional alternatives in a decision theoretic framework. We obtain an empirical Bayes rule subject to a constraint on mixed directional false discovery rate (mdFDR≤α) under the semiparametric setting where the distribution of the test statistic is parametric, but the prior distribution is nonparametric. We proposed separate priors for the left tail and right tail alternatives as it may be required for many applications. The proposed Bayes rule is compared through simulation against rules proposed by Benjamini and Yekutieli and Efron. We illustrate the proposed methodology for two sets of data from biological experiments: HIV-transfected cell-line mRNA expression data, and a quantitative trait genome-wide SNP data set. We have developed a user-friendly web-based shiny App for the proposed method which is available through URL https://npseb.shinyapps.io/npseb/. The HIV and SNP data can be directly accessed, and the results presented in this paper can be executed

    Empirical Bayesian Approach to Testing Multiple Hypotheses with Separate Priors for Left and Right Alternatives

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    We consider a multiple hypotheses problem with directional alternatives in a decision theoretic framework. We obtain an empirical Bayes rule subject to a constraint on mixed directional false discovery rate (mdFDR≤α) under the semiparametric setting where the distribution of the test statistic is parametric, but the prior distribution is nonparametric. We proposed separate priors for the left tail and right tail alternatives as it may be required for many applications. The proposed Bayes rule is compared through simulation against rules proposed by Benjamini and Yekutieli and Efron. We illustrate the proposed methodology for two sets of data from biological experiments: HIV-transfected cell-line mRNA expression data, and a quantitative trait genome-wide SNP data set. We have developed a user-friendly web-based shiny App for the proposed method which is available through URL https://npseb.shinyapps.io/npseb/. The HIV and SNP data can be directly accessed, and the results presented in this paper can be executed


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    Exploration web is the means used to obtain information on a web page specifically related to security issues. In this research, exploratory simulation tool W3AF danWebGoat.W3AF web use is short for Web Application Attack and Audit Framework. The objective of this application is as a framework to find the weakness of web applications. While Web Goat is a web page that is targeted for exploration on the environment localhost. Simulation gives positive results of various web pages of information targeted exploration. Among the security loopholes that can be used as roads by the cracker to commit an illegal act. Alternative solutions provided in order to close the security gap, so as to minimize the risk r a crime that may occur.Key words : web exploration, W3AF, webgoa

    An Open Framework for Developing Distributed Computing Environments for Multidisciplinary Computational Simulations

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    Multidisciplinary computational simulations involve interactions between distributed applications, datasets, products, resources, and users. Because the very nature of the simulation software emphasizes a single-computer, small-usership and audience, the kinds of applications that have been developed often are unfriendly to incorporation into a distributed model. However, advances in networking infrastructure, and the natural tendency for information to be geographically distributed place strong requirements on integration of single-computer codes with distributed information sources, as well as multiple computer codes that are geographically distributed in their execution. The hypothesis of this dissertation is that it is possible, via novel integration of Internet, Distributed Computing, and Grid technologies, to create a distributed computational simulation systems that satisfies the requirements of modern multidisciplinary computational simulation systems without compromising functionality, performance, or security of existing applications. Furthermore, such a system would integrate disparate applications, resources, and users and would improve the productivity of users by providing new functionality not currently available. The hypothesis is proved constructively by first prototyping the Enterprise Computational Services framework based on a multi-tier architecture using the Java 2 Enterprise Edition platform and Web Services and then two distributed systems, the Distributed Marine Environment Forecast System and Distributed Simulation System for Seismic Performance of Urban Regions, are prototyped using this enabling framework. Several interfaces to the framework are prototyped to illustrate that the same framework can be used to develop multiple front-end clients required to support different types of users within a given computational domain. The two domain specific distributed environments prototyped using the framework illustrate that the framework provides a reusable common infrastructure irrespective of the computational domain. The effectiveness and utility of the distributed system and the framework are demonstrated by using a representative collection of computational simulations. Additional benefits provided by the distributed systems in terms of new functionality provided are evaluated to determine the impact on user productivity. The key contribution of this dissertation is a reusable infrastructure that could evolve to meet the requirements of next-generation hardware and software architectures while supporting interaction between a diverse set of users and distributed computational resources and multidisciplinary applications


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    Data access management in web-based applications that use relational databases must be well thought out because the data continues to grow every day. The Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) has a relatively slow access speed because the data is stored on disk. This causes problems with decreased database server performance and slow response times. One strategy to overcome this is to implement caching at the application level. This paper proposed SIMGD framework that models Application Level Caching (ALC) to speed up relational data access in web applications. The ALC strategy maps each controller and model that has access to the database into a node-data in the in-Memory Database (IMDB). Not all node-data can be included in IMDB due to limited capacity. Therefore, the SIMGD framework uses the Euclidean distance calculation method for each node-data with its top access data as a cache replacement policy. Node-data with Euclidean distance closer to their top access data have a high priority to be maintained in the caching server. Simulation results show at the 25KB cache configuration, the SIMGD framework excels in achieving hit ratios compared to the LRU algorithm of 6.46% and 6.01%, respectively
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